To Share Good Children Websites

Hi Moms!

So many links to great sites! Thanks!

If I may, I'd like to share my site here too. I share the ups and downs of motherhood, arts and crafts ideas, activities ideas for kids, parenting tips and other inspirational thoughts on my blog.

Most welcome to drop by and even leave a comment and share your own experience and thoughts on a particular topic too.


Our Everyday Things
- Loving life with children, everyday
wah let's keep this site alive! Thanks mommies for the useful links!
Here's another website on children chinese books and learning materials. For each chinese storybook, there is a short description in English. Meant for parents who has lost touch with Chinese but would like to find good chinese books for their children. There are also physical flashcards, Sing along DVDs and flashcards DVDs.

Read With Me Mommy
