Actually everyone is the same. Life is very routine in Singapore.
It is pretty much the same for everyone.
Agreed., every one “operating “the same way
Its better to be rountine then can plan what to do during these break time
Go out for a coffee or two, do some people watching. Do some emotional healing. =)
I go retail therapy
Hb complain pocket burn
U stay at home daddy?
Nope. My mum was a nanny for 20 over years so I have experience. So what did u buy today?
wah.. you a robot? I'm a working mum also. Love my little girl, she is going to be 4 months old. But the process of taking care of her, night feeds etc is really tiring.I am a working mum, don't have a maid at home, basically I am the maid, everyday only get to sleep 4- 5 hours, morning do house work and prepare my 10 months old bb and 3 year old boy to my in law house. By 9.45am got to reach their house then by 11am got to reach my work place. End work at 9.30pm and got to rush back to in law place to fetch them by 11pm. Reach home at 11.30pm. After settle them down then I get to settle myself, then start house work again til 2am. Sometimes my dinner is at 1am, But I never complain to my hubby or anyone cos is my duty to do it.
I have got nanny to help me to look after her. housework wise she helps with washing of clothes n hanging.Lucky for me, my baby sleep thru the night after last feeding around 12 plus or 1 am til next morning 8plus, she dun disturb me, but too bad I got to do housework so no rest.
I am a working mum, don't have a maid at home, basically I am the maid, everyday only get to sleep 4- 5 hours, morning do house work and prepare my 10 months old bb and 3 year old boy to my in law house. By 9.45am got to reach their house then by 11am got to reach my work place. End work at 9.30pm and got to rush back to in law place to fetch them by 11pm. Reach home at 11.30pm. After settle them down then I get to settle myself, then start house work again til 2am. Sometimes my dinner is at 1am, But I never complain to my hubby or anyone cos is my duty to do it.
I am a working mum, don't have a maid at home, basically I am the maid, everyday only get to sleep 4- 5 hours, morning do house work and prepare my 10 months old bb and 3 year old boy to my in law house. By 9.45am got to reach their house then by 11am got to reach my work place. End work at 9.30pm and got to rush back to in law place to fetch them by 11pm. Reach home at 11.30pm. After settle them down then I get to settle myself, then start house work again til 2am. Sometimes my dinner is at 1am, But I never complain to my hubby or anyone cos is my duty to do it.
Seem like mama does most of the things and no grumbling allowed![]()
Cannot say so ba....
Mummy also need to rest one le..
Want to do it then don't complaint
Mama need some sanity and me time .. everyday just kids and housework can go crazy![]()
I can mop 3 times a day, I enjoyed mopping.
Yes.. take one day leave from work n rest!![]()
Wa!! Your husband never share any housework or help to take care kids so that you can do some housework?? Or help to bring kids to you in law place??
I’m lucky as most of the housework are done by husband, when i reach home, is 7plus where he already fetched kids from childcare and settled them (shower and dinner).. he then continue to do housework..
Then I will shower, take my dinner, fold shirts and keep kids’ bag at the same time accompany kids till they go to bed.. then I continue to do office work or side biz.. or accompany hub to watch tv..
Not I don wan to help but every time after I sweep the floor, he will do it again cox i can’t meet his standard (sweat).. laundry and ironing, he said I’m too slow (sweat).. he rather do housework than take care kids.. so.. I don do anymore![]()
No, I can't stand even a strand of hair on the floor. Especially with little children at home, I just want it to be clean.
One day leave come back 2x housework chores..double the laundry, dishes and rubbish
Then just throw all shirts into washing machine
Dishes ur hub can wash and rubbish he can throw ba
Mm.. ironing one week once.. still ok.. try to buy those no need to iron one
Cannot imagine if I have to do all these plus work... how u get the energy to all these huh..
Hb work clothes all need iron le.. those business shirt
Hb only throw rubbish that he can “see “ , sometimes after I make kids sleep , I go check . Still got leftover in the pot he nvr “see”![]()
It’s Monday mad rush again. N me n my kids are sick