<font size="+1">Shipping Charges for batch 16 & 17</font>
<font color="0000ff">Please take not that shipping is slightly higher than usual coz even with the repacking service given for both batch.
Vpost does not repack compactly. (pls refere to screenshot above).
Total weight of items without boxes 4450gm
Shipping charged $113.99
per gram $0.025</font>
<font color="ff0000">Trapa84: For item #1 merchant has sent me a size 12-18mos instead of 9-12mos / it is the next size bigger is it ok with you?
Soxfoxls take note that Both the snow/ski pants is quite heavy/bulky so shipping is higher.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Collection
Next Monday 5th Nov 2pm or 7.30 pm CCK MRT or 7.45pm Yew tee MRT
Self Collect my place CCK Ave 5
weekends before 12 noon
weekdays almost anytime but please arrange in advance.
Courier Taqbin $4.70
Normal postage.
Up to 100gm $0.80
Up to 250gm $1.00
Up to 500gm $1.50
Up to 1kg $2.55
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