terrible backache


New Member
Hi All, Im in my 3rd trimester and have terrible backache all the time. Any tried remedy for relief?

Go for massages.
Try to a small pillow on the back when u sit or lie down.

The backache won't go away totally, for at least till your baby can walk on his own. Trust me on that.
Now that the tummy is heavier, its bound to make mummies back ache so bad.

Just maintain good posture. Lie down on your back once a while and stretch your hands up. Just dont overstretched. Do slowly.

Take care, ok!
Tks Nazriah. Was jus wondering if its safe to apply pain relieving creams..

I didn't use any of those tho. Esp modt of those creams have disclaimer on the packaging that its not safe for pregnant mummies. So I opt that out.
I am only 14 weeks along and already having lower backaches everyday, esp if i stand for too long. Is that normal? Will massage help?
You can drink Huiji Wasit Tonic! It works well for my backache. But you cannot drink during pregnancy, only a week after you give birth you can drink :)
Try calling Aunty Yati shes a massage lady. She massaged me for my post natal. I recommended her to a friend who require pre natal massage. My friend said she not bad. Pain reduced a lot especially the shoulder which b4 was very stiff. Her no is 93838749. Not sure how much she charge for pre natal.
Me too drank Huiji after giving birth, no alcohol and its halal. Great for nw mummys who breast feeds.
I used it in confinement recipes! just a few drops and i feel much better. After giving birth so lethargic this really helps. Qoo10 having promotion now ;)
