jennifer, exercise isn't that bad.. some can be fun. Can try figurerobics on youtube.
dioxo, it is possible but it is not easy. I read up on many articles on how to slim down.. n honestly, celebrities either go under the knife or they also work super hard to regain their figures. I read that some work out 6-8hours a DAY, take only salads for 2-3 months. I put on a lot of weight for both pregnancies, so it took a lot of determination to exercise, diet and of course, i cheated a little.. i used tcm to speed up the process. I literally paid for 'acceleration'..
All Mummy,
U may consider to try the Nuskin TR90, new lauched in Singapore 9 Sep. Is the upgraded version of TRA. Due to limited stock, once out of stock, the next incoming shipment will be July next year.
NuSkin TR90 was the 3 Months Weight Management and Body Shaping System Program (Supplement).
Introducing ageLOC TRFG, a breakthrough weight management and body shaping system, based on highly innovative gene expression science, that unifies your mind and body—for a leaner, younger looking you. ageLOC TRFG will help you stay motivated as you work toward your goals.
NuSkin TR90 (Per Set) content of :
1) ageLOC TR90 Jumpstart - When beginning a weight management system, getting off
to a good start is key to your success. ageLOC TRFG JumpStart provides you the boost you need by helping promote normal metabolism, support lean muscle mass, and control appetite. It’s the perfect push to get you primed and ready for success. By resetting your body’s balance, you can see the beginnings of a leaner you in just 15 days—and experience all the motivation that comes along with it.
For the first 15 days of the program, take this innovative product in the morning to help you achieve your goals. Mix it in water or your favorite beverage.
2) ageLOC TR90 FIT - ageLOC TRFG Fit is a great way to get your healthy metabolism back on track, while also making sure to maintain that incredibly important lean muscle.
3) ageLOC TR90 CONTROL - Take control of your appetite and improve your mood and mindset with ageLOC TRFG Control. This product is formulated to help control your appetite, reduce food cravings, and support a positive mood for enhanced willpower—making it much easier to stay on the path to success.
4) ageLOC TR90 TRIMSHAKE - An easy and delicious solution that removes the guesswork, ageLOC TRFG TrimShake helps control calories and is a great tasting source of the high-quality protein that your muscles need. Plus, it helps reduce your food cravings while helping you feel fuller longer by producing a feeling of satiety.
5) LIFEPAK Anti-Aging Formula - LifePak is the leader in nutritional supplementation with a complete anti-aging dietary supplement that delivers important vitamin, mineral, phytonutrient, and antioxidant micronutrients for the day-to-day health needs of the human body. LifePak supplies these nutrients in clinically significant amounts, with the most bioavailable formulas and ingredients.
For more details and information that u would like to know more, can PM me or contact me at 96690709