Support needed for Weight Lost


New Member
I need to lose weight and maintain my figure like previously. I just delivered 4 mths ago. Previously i was always working out. Now i'm so lethargic when i look after my boi. just hope that i can go back the same...

me too but my daughter is now 4yrs old and my I feel sad when looking at the mirro.. not much clothes to wear.. any tips to slim down the body??
I had my boys back-to-back, ie, one after the other with only 6 or 7 months break. I have gone through c-section, and binding the tummy right after delivery is a no-no, and also I don't like the feeling.

I went for Marie France for the tummy trim package, not bad, cause after each session my tummy firm up and I lose water, I a lot of inches around my tummy area after 6 sessions. Was able to wear my pre-natal clothes after 3 months. But felt that I still need to decrease my weight. As I cannot exercise vigorously or do yoga for about 4 to 6 months after c-section, my weight is constantly above 52kg, and i hate it.

So I took slimming pills. I took Reductil (can only be prescribed by GP). Oh boy!!!! I tell you its magic, I lost 5 kg within 6 weeks! The pill keeps you awake and very energetic, cause it speeds up your metabolism and kills your appetite.

But Reductil is now banned in Singapore, what is available now is Duromaine, a close relative of Reductil, same results but a bit slower.

I know there are a lot of ladies here selling the Nuskin TRA and Herbalife slimming packages. But these are sooooo expensive. Some claimed that you will not gain back your weight .... well, frankly, if you are not discipline and go on a eating binge, you will put on weight again! And also, during the course, you have to eat sensibly, so what's the difference?

I am taking the short-cut, cause due to my hectic schedule when I have no time to exercise or sometimes over-eat over the festive seasons, then i will pop duromaine. It's just for a couple of weeks, once I am back to my ideal weight, I will stop and try to maitain it, through sensible diet and exercise.

And visiting the GP to take duromaine cost me a few tens, as compared to few thousand $$$.
Taitai mentioned abt Herbalife...I consumed their Total Control and it was great...took me a abt 2-3weeks and I can actually feel my arms getting 'smaller'!! But Total Ctrl is a bit too exp so I decided stop that and consume their Herbal Tea instead + celluloss......hv a bottle of chocolate shake but yet to consume coz no new blender to make ice blended..!! Hahaha!!

Anyway, saw someone selling the shakes at very low $$.....

Anyone mummies wanna jog in the mrng and staying in Wdls?? Lets go..!!
I tried the shakes, and frankly, I really dislike the taste of the shakes. Very milky, and powdery.

That's one of the reasons why I avoided the TRA and Herbalife slimming pkgs.

I don't mind applying lotion and popping pills, but PLEASE no meal supplements. Yucks!
is there any other methods other than popping pills. i am allergic to a lot of medicine and i am currently breast feeding now. Duno if it'll harm the baby.
Hi Yvonne,

Then u shld take TRA where u will get the result u want within 3 mths. Also, as TRA are make of natural ingredient which u can say that it is food in capsule so there is no issue with regards to ur allergy. Furhtermore, TRA is extremely safe to take during breastfeeding as I have took it when I was still total breastfeeding my 6 mth old gal. Being kiasu, I even bring all the pdt to double check with PD and lactation consultant.

U can email me at [email protected] for more details.
hi Tai Tai

Products eg herbalife shake n TRA r expensive becoz of its quality.

You may wan to b aware that duromaine has side effects.

1question we shld ask ourselves is "Why do we meet?"

We eat so that our Cells r fed.
Our cells makes up our skin, heart, lungs, liver, hair, bones, etc and dictates our nervous system, hormone system, our breathing etc.....

thus, when our cells r Not feed w the correct food it needs.

We always feel hungry.

our cells need Peptides.

our body is able to naturally produce peptide, but due to the low nutrition food we eat, our body is not able to produce sufficient.

i exercise, swim after giving birth, but did not lose fats n water retention.

I accidentally lost weight, without realising.

I start taking High Purity Oligopeptides, to cure my sinus n eczema, as i was introduced n read about it.

my sinus got cured, eczema receded. n i realised that i drop a dress size.

High Purity Oligopeptides comes in powder satchel.
100% dissolve in water within 3-5 mins, No need to stir at all.
I think I'll stick to exercise at fitness centers. Cos my hubby will be able to join in as well. Any recommendations?
Hi Yvonne

wow great good for bonding too.

sometimes, it helps to a certain extent.

I've got to know couple, especialy a lady by the name of Roche who is an instructor a kind of exercise.

No matter how she reduce her food intake and exercise, there was fats that she could never get rid off.
She shared that after taking the High Purity Oligopeptides, she started to see results.

So she says it is not just exercise which is necessary, but also taking something that is helpful.

She does teaches her exercise in our company nowadays, and it's FOC.

drop me an email at [email protected] and I let u know when is the session.

Just to share, stick to exercise is the best as it brings long term benefits to yr health. I don't understand why lots of people are going after the perfect body shape losing fats in specific areas. As long you love yrself and you are in the healthy weight range, I do not find there is a need to take supplements to get the perfect body shape, and it doesn't come cheap. Every time I see a lose weight thread, there would be so many sellers eager to sell different types of slimming products. Eating fresh foods is the best. Eat brown rice, it gives you fibre, lots of minerals and prevent constipation.

The entertainment industry has created unrealistic body shapes, in order to look good on TV, celebrities has to go on special diets plus exercise to look slim and gd, and for women to the extent of plastic surgery to look curvy. It is their occupation to look good. Do note they hv the privilege of professionals guiding them in their diet and exercise, which is something common people do not hv. All these I learnt from watching documentary on KBS channel. I hv learnt a lot of watching KBS channel, and understand more abt how korean celebrities maintain their image. I learnt that being slim comes with a price. The media has a great effect on people that most of them want to look slim and attractive just like celebrities. Thus the birth of TRA, Herbal Life and many other slimming products to satisfy the desire of common people to be slim in a short span of time.
Exercising is D best way to maintain your weight and to stay healthy.

But when comes to losing weight, exercising alone is not enough for me. Furthermore, I binge and love to eat. Especially now that my two boys are older, they follow me everywhere I go on weekends, and sitting down at cafes for cakes, ice cream, waffles and pancakes etc etc ... are our favourite pastimes!

Couple to the fact that I am now maid-less, I have soooo little time to exercise, my waistline is expanding. I am still within the normal BMI range, but sad to say that my waistline is soooo thick.

And, really. Being a working woman, looking good is very important. Especially when you are married and have kids, the more you should look good and presentable. This is a realistic world, people judge you from appearance. Imagine, if you tell others that you are a working mum and maid-less, yet still bother to look presentable, people will look at you differently, they will feel that you are in control of your life. And when they place their business in your hands, their minds are at ease.

That's life! That's fact! That's the cold hard truth about women. Prejudice. But no choice.

Whether or not we are actually in control of our lives, but we have to still put on our best appearance.

I am vain and care a lot about how I look.

I am not into TRA and Herbalife --- tooooo expensive, and I have colleagues here who are part-time sales people. God! The whole package consist of sooo many items that I nearly fainted.

I know the side-effects of duromaine, but I only take them when my weight gets out of control and I have no time to exercise.

Yvonne, you can go to sport complex. I was told you do not have to sign up for membership, all you need to do is pay on entry.

You said it yrself, you love to binge. There is nothing wrong with eating as long you eat healthily and eat when you are hungry. It is taking duromaine that allows you to eat what you want. Doing housework is also a form of exercise, you don't hv to specifically take time out to exercise, although walking long distance or jogging help to boost cardiovascular fitness.

In general, most people do not want to change their diet so they resort to taking supplements to lose weight quickly. They can choose to stick to a healthy diet for a period of time, if they choose to revert to their old diet, they always hv their supplements to depend on. Btw, there is nothing wrong with wanting to look gd as it is human nature. It is resorting to taking supplements without correcting the root cause of weight gain that is the problem, and it gives these companies creating slimming supplements plenty of revenue.
Housework is 劳动不是运动. It doesn't burn that much of calories, like running or brisk walking.

You have to pardon a full-time working mum with no maid or live-in parents/inlaws to look after the kids like me. Cause after work is straight home to them. When I used to have a maid, I will go to the gym after the kids sleep but now ... how to? Who is going to look after them?

On top of that, after all the housework, and handling of the kids, my energy level is low low low.

With age catching up, occasional binging can send my scale heading north. Also, I am not going to deprive my kids with the weekly sweet indulgence because of my diet. They eat, I eat, we eat .... very enjoyful.

I don't take expensive slimming supplements, I take cheap drugs occasionally. LOL!
I know you are not taking supplements now, but drugs. To me, it is still the same. Staying active is better than staying sedentary. Little exercise beats no exercise. Housework is not exercise, well that is yr perception. Why do one need to binge to feel better? Eating a moderate amount of comfort food helps to destress. It is all abt moderation. Btw, not every occupation requires one to look slim and good. Presentable is the key word. A plump person can also look presentable. It is a matter of how one dress to cover their flaws, and also dressing themselves according to their body shape. What you said in yr previous post, if a person is not slim, does it means she is not making effort in being presentable in her job? I admire those who accept their body shapes and still look good.

It is yr own perception that it is important to be slim n presentable and how people judge you by your appearance. I know people who are not slim and still do very well in their careers.
I am not arguing it's good to take drugs/supplements. It's my way, to maintain how I look and perhaps prolong my youth ... ha!

I am just sharing my views here.

岁月不饶人. When a woman reaches her big FOUR, everything sags. Collagen level dips to zero, fats accumulation at just the "right place", where no amount of exercise can rid them before they start to accumulate.

Well, this is a practical world. Maybe, I am not as lucky as you to meet positive people. I am in an industry where people are critical and harsh. In fact, my "outside work" environment is pretty harsh and practical.

I am not saying staying slim will get you to places. If the ladies here are can be accepting the way they are now, why do this forum even exist.

It takes a very confident individual to accept the way they look, and how many are there here?

People are judgemental in nature. And first impression is what people judge on. When you see a fat person and unkempt vs a slim person and tidy. What is your first impression?
Found a duromine forum link

The side effects are bad when you are off the drug for gd. The forumers shared that their weight doubled after they stopped taking it. Forumers, do read the link as it is very informative and true life experiences are shared.


Why not a plump and neat person vs a slim and unkempt person ? A neat person with a smile on his face will attract more attention than an arrogant, slim n beautiful person.

Again, I feel you hv shown some prejudice against plump or fat pple in yr last sentence. For me, I accept the way pple are and would like to know more of a person why he/she is not keeping her appearance neat. I look for personality more than looks. Even if an environment is harsh n critical, the more one shld build up confidence and it could be a test to yr confidence, how do you handle criticism? Do you let it crush you or uplift you? There are 2 ways to see it. When one minds how others see him or her, he/she will find himself/herself to live up to pple's expectations to be accepted. One will not be happy cos others' expectations will change n may become more demanding. In fact, it is already happening in primary school. My gal has already encountered classmates putting her down n she learnt to ignore them. She is still happy going to school. I also encourage her to be strong n speak up.

Maybe you hv never lost yr health in yr lifetime, so you think taking a slimming drug occasionally is ok. I hv lost my health in my twenties not due to drugs though, it hits me hard that health is so precious. It was really tough n I learnt not to take my health for granted. I hope you take good care of yr health n go natural, most of all be confident and not let others affect you. There will always be nasty pple, they are all around but there are gd pple too. Pls don't let the negative pple affect you n become like them. I hv come out of it n n my family can't affect me n put me down anymore. You can change if you want to, when u do, you will realize the pple around u also change. If you read yr postings, do you realize you re self limiting yrself? When u self limit yrself, many possibities become impossible. I learnt so much from my kids, to them nothing is impossible and they can think of solutions.
Hi Tai Tai

Can I encourage U to save the $$ u have for duromaine?

I understamd that Quality products eg TRA, Herbalife & even my Oligopeptides do cost abit.

However, if you would stop taking Duromaine and spend a bit on Essential Nutrition or Supplement.

It would prevent Greater amt of money spent to recuperate your health, paying to surgeons for treatments and letting urself go thru unnecessary pain in the future due to side effects of Duromaine.

Even I may not know you personally, but just like you have said. We are all not young already.

But yet we still want to be able to enjoy many more years.. shopping, travelling and enjoying nice food with our friends & loved ones.

Thus spend $$$ on stuffs that will enable you to enjoy many more good years, and yet still looking good.
Well moorspa ... u have your say.

But still this forum thread will not exist if pple can all think like u. Then this place is call heaven.

I am a very practical person
, I believe that sometimes hard work do not always pay off, u need short cuts n ways to beat the system.

Prejudice against fat people ... nope. Don't judge me, i m merely trying to paint d picture that first impression counts and last. Be realistic. On your first date, don't you wana look your best. When a lady came across someone she fancy she will naturally run her hand down her hair. Same for d guys.

Not everybody can be nice like u to give people a second chance to try to know them better for who they are be them fat or ugly.

Let me be honest with u, my best pal is slightly over weight. My best working partner at work is fat. And the funny thing is that she is sooooo picky on food that i think d two of us should switch figure. I love to hug her n squeeze her arm. Shes nice n warm n make me feel good.

Becuz i know how my two buddies were past on on opportunities due to their appearance n etc ... i learn that this is a very practical world. Its not all sweet, spice n nice.

I am unsure how those people could double their weight after they stop taking duromaine, probably no discipline. But admit not all pple should take the pills.

YES ... I support ladies to lose weight n put effort to look good if they could afford it. One does not need to spend a bomb. Its d effort they wana put in.
世界上,没有丑女人, 只有懶女人.
Biz the starting pkg of TRA tt cost $2k plus can provide me a lifetime supply of duromaine.

I think i have given d wrong impression tt i m a hardcore duromaine user. Sorry abt tt.

A slab of duromaine can last me for months. As explained, i find it hard to lose weight due to d circumstance i m in. So, i pop pills to curb my appetite n lose d few kilos when i nd to. Not d best approach, but tats me.

Ideally maintaing a healthy diet n regular exercise iscd way to go. But being a full time working mum n after work mum, its very hard.

For some pple even wif d right diet n regular exercise they cannot lose weight effectively so they see a licenced doc, get d prescription for d rite pills to get rid of d excess fats. From there they will try to maintain their ideal weight.

yup, ur previous post seem to suggest tat u are hardcore duromaine user tat y we tried to talk u out of it...hahaha...

anyway, like u I am a mother of 2 too....before I was married I nearly tried Slim10 but find it too expensive so nv tried. See tat is how stingy I am.....but why I took TRA is becoz I saw my ex nx door neighbour slim down with it and she is the type tat do all research as her hb is PE teacher...tat is why I trust her and took...heehee Afterall, now a mother of 2 so our health is the most impt as we want to see our precious little ones grow up mah......thus rather spend more for safety lor...

then again, it is up to individual long as u know wat u doing and did nt over take then ok lor....


"On your first date, don't you wana look your best. When a lady came across someone she fancy she will naturally run her hand down her hair. Same for d guys"

Well, that's not me. Not all pple are like that. I know I am the odd one here but there is the way I am. I didn't meet my husband that way, nor did I get to know other guys during my younger days in that way too. Guys didn't really see me in my best condition but just being myself. I only believe in being myself and if that person can't accept me for who I am, I would not meet him.

Btw, it is the way how you wrote abt fat pple that gives me the impression, and the way you give the example that makes me think that way. If you feel I am judging you, I apologize.

I know it is a practical world. Like I said, it has been shaped by media and the entertainment industry but not all companies are like that. I am talking abt health in long term. It doesn't matter whether you take duromine occasionally or frequently. The side effects will catch up with you, it is a matter of when will you stop depending on it. I am sharing my views and people do not necessarily agree with me, but I will not stop sharing my views just cos pple do not agree with me. It is yr life, yr health, whether you agree or not, it is yr call. Anyway, I meant well, if you take it negatively then it's too bad. Btw, it is not just abt fat or not. Even if one is slim but not pretty, they may not be able to get a job if there is a prettier candidate. It all depends what the company is looking for. So shld that person get plastic surgery? I just believe when one fails to get a job cos they are judged by looks or their figure, they would find a better job somewhere else.

My friend is also overweight, but she has no problem looking for jobs and she is happy. Btw, there will always be such threads around cos many are influenced by media including me in the past. It is self realization that made me realize many things and how powerful media is in brainwashing people. I do not advocate a perfect world where everyone will be confident in their own skin. It is cos of human weaknesses such as low self esteem etc. that there are companies which come up with slimming products that help a person to lose weight in short span of time. Supply meets demand. Are you overweight that you need to take duromine? From yr postings, I don't think you are overweight. I only feel that overweight pple need to lose weight for health reasons, but my friend didn't and she is happy which I think is important. Surprisingly, she doesn't hv much health problems and I think hving a positive mindset has maintained her health.

"Thus spend $$$ on stuffs that will enable you to enjoy many more good years, and yet still looking good."

Whoa, are u sure the supplement you re recommending can do what you stated above? Pardon me, but what you said to Taitai seems overrated. It is adequate sleep, stress management, positive mindset and a balance diet of fresh and wholesome foods that bring many good years of health. My good friend is one good example, she is overweight and healthy. She was surprised at her good health screening results, cos she used to hv high blood pressure. The results showed no high blood pressure and she didn't take any medication for it. From what I learnt from her, she didn't worry abt it and took it easy as advised by her father. Positive emotions and mindset helps a lot in maintaining good health. Mental and emotional health is greatly neglected for good health. I learnt that the hard way. No offense to you, I can't help writing abt it when I read what you wrote to Taitai. Best of all, I didn't know that my sharing of duromine side effects will create opportunities to recommend slimming supplements to Taitai.
Hey hey Yvonne , I'm not super slim so my advice may not be the best , but at least I regain my Pre-preg wt when I was breastfeeding ! Like super fast ! Then my stomach flatten after 1 week of the after birth massage n wrap but soft soft lor not toned ..

I'm constantly trying To be slim la not that I'm not happy with my image now , jus Wana make sure I don grow too much cos I enjoy socializing over good food ..
I cannot commit long term exercise , so If I see groupon all this got yoga , Zumba classes I just go lor .. At least only 4 times each purchase hehe .. At home I try do sit ups or yoga stretch before slping.. Jus keep doing random stuff lor follow mood.. Sometimes I climb stairs home

Hope it helps !!!

thks for ur comments.

dun mind scroll up higher n u wld find another duromaine link.

have a good weekend

glad to hear u r not a hardcore duromaine perso.

have fun w life, w lots of fresh fruits, lots of exercise, if supplements n nutritions is not ur choice.
Hi Jane,

Yes, in short term u might see ur weight went down. But in long term, ur health might suffer and u might lose tat radiant look in u.

In fact, I personally know a lady who for the past 10 over years only eat 1 meal. Yes, she is very skinny, but her skin look dull and she still hv a tummy. It is nt until she use the correct method then her trim away her tummy and regain her radiance.
hi mummies, i am cross-posting here (first posted at .. just to share my experience.

i had the same problem too, i found it very hard to slim down after having #2. Despite breastfeeding exclusively for so many months, running and cutting back on my meals... my weight wasn't going down as fast. I tried this home-based slimming for the past 2 months and lost quite a fair bit.. I am still continuing the program for another 2 weeks. Once I reach my ideal weight, I will share the 'stats'. Nonetheless, I am very thankful to have come across this place. You can check out her website/fb page for more details.

I am recommending this place because I am really grateful to have met someone who could help me. She used a mixture of TCM techniques (gua sha, mini cupping) to increase your metabolism and advised you on how to eat (what works, what doesn't work for diet). Before I went, I was pretty skeptical since i didn't know what it was about. Furthermore, I was (and am still) breastfeeding so I actually needed a min # of calories count else my milk supply would dip. I didn't have to starve myself but I had to eat 'clean', aka mostly fruits, no processed food.. but I still have my fair share of tze char, 3-course western meals.. and very occasionally indulge in cakes and desserts (once a week).

The whole treatment only lasts 40min and i've to say it is a really efficient way of losing weight. The best part is you don't have to commit so many sessions at one go... you can try in multiple of 4 sessions. I have extended because it works. It is not the cheapest slimming solution but i think what matters most is, it has to work. It is pointless to spend lesser on something that may not work. Most importantly, it is healthy cos I am still breastfeeding!
Have you heard of this product call Bios Life Slim (URL:
This is not only a slimming product but it also helps to give you a better health by maintaining your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. This product is from USA and had went through many clinical studies and it is now currently listed in the Physician Desk Reference.
Do not risk your life in trying out products which are not clinically proven in the market. Unicity has over 70 years of history in nutritional supplements.
PM me if you need to know more or contact me at 96488559.
Last edited:
Almost everyone in my family who is above 50 has some health issues, and this really is a wake up call for me, to be looking into my diet. Cancer, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart attacks, etc. and the people suffering from these are getting younger and younger.

Little did we realise that the root of these problems is the nutrition we are giving our body. The fact is almost EVERYTHING that goes into our mouth are processed foods, and genetically modified (whether we know or not).

And check this:
Additives in food can cause our body to attack its own cells (autoimmunity), and causes white patches / skin discolouration on your body called vitiligo.
Additives also cause autism to develop in kids.

These are just the effect of additives - the tiny amounts of chemicals added to improve the taste of the food.

If you are interested to join me in a mission to be a food ambassador towards a healthier society, visit: or email [email protected]
Hi hilfe,
what if we have the nutriceutical supplements which you need to help you and your family? Products are clinically proven and recommended by physicians in the USA.

You can drop me email at [email protected] if you would like to know more or call me at 96488559.

TRA is the other most natural way as it is make up of natural ingredients which can be say food in capsule.

Qoo10 is selling Herbalife shake, tea and supplements from Korea. Price is much cheaper than joining the programe or buying from agent.
I have been reading this thread from beginning till end. It is true that we are living in a practical society. I have given birth 7 months ago, I did slim down a fair bit but I cannot get back my pre pregnancy weight or figure. I am disappointed when I look at my tummy and flabby arms. But I will make an effort to keep myself up, especially when going to work or dining out with husband. Many many things change after having a baby.
jennifer, exercise isn't that bad.. some can be fun. Can try figurerobics on youtube.

dioxo, it is possible but it is not easy. I read up on many articles on how to slim down.. n honestly, celebrities either go under the knife or they also work super hard to regain their figures. I read that some work out 6-8hours a DAY, take only salads for 2-3 months. I put on a lot of weight for both pregnancies, so it took a lot of determination to exercise, diet and of course, i cheated a little.. i used tcm to speed up the process. I literally paid for 'acceleration'..
jennifer, exercise isn't that bad.. some can be fun. Can try figurerobics on youtube.

dioxo, it is possible but it is not easy. I read up on many articles on how to slim down.. n honestly, celebrities either go under the knife or they also work super hard to regain their figures. I read that some work out 6-8hours a DAY, take only salads for 2-3 months. I put on a lot of weight for both pregnancies, so it took a lot of determination to exercise, diet and of course, i cheated a little.. i used tcm to speed up the process. I literally paid for 'acceleration'..

All Mummy,
U may consider to try the Nuskin TR90, new lauched in Singapore 9 Sep. Is the upgraded version of TRA. Due to limited stock, once out of stock, the next incoming shipment will be July next year.
NuSkin TR90 was the 3 Months Weight Management and Body Shaping System Program (Supplement).
Introducing ageLOC TRFG, a breakthrough weight management and body shaping system, based on highly innovative gene expression science, that unifies your mind and body—for a leaner, younger looking you. ageLOC TRFG will help you stay motivated as you work toward your goals.

NuSkin TR90 (Per Set) content of :
1) ageLOC TR90 Jumpstart - When beginning a weight management system, getting off
to a good start is key to your success. ageLOC TRFG JumpStart provides you the boost you need by helping promote normal metabolism, support lean muscle mass, and control appetite. It’s the perfect push to get you primed and ready for success. By resetting your body’s balance, you can see the beginnings of a leaner you in just 15 days—and experience all the motivation that comes along with it.
For the first 15 days of the program, take this innovative product in the morning to help you achieve your goals. Mix it in water or your favorite beverage.

2) ageLOC TR90 FIT - ageLOC TRFG Fit is a great way to get your healthy metabolism back on track, while also making sure to maintain that incredibly important lean muscle.

3) ageLOC TR90 CONTROL - Take control of your appetite and improve your mood and mindset with ageLOC TRFG Control. This product is formulated to help control your appetite, reduce food cravings, and support a positive mood for enhanced willpower—making it much easier to stay on the path to success.

4) ageLOC TR90 TRIMSHAKE - An easy and delicious solution that removes the guesswork, ageLOC TRFG TrimShake helps control calories and is a great tasting source of the high-quality protein that your muscles need. Plus, it helps reduce your food cravings while helping you feel fuller longer by producing a feeling of satiety.

5) LIFEPAK Anti-Aging Formula - LifePak is the leader in nutritional supplementation with a complete anti-aging dietary supplement that delivers important vitamin, mineral, phytonutrient, and antioxidant micronutrients for the day-to-day health needs of the human body. LifePak supplies these nutrients in clinically significant amounts, with the most bioavailable formulas and ingredients.

For more details and information that u would like to know more, can PM me or contact me at 96690709

Hi Jane,

Yes, in short term u might see ur weight went down. But in long term, ur health might suffer and u might lose tat radiant look in u.

In fact, I personally know a lady who for the past 10 over years only eat 1 meal. Yes, she is very skinny, but her skin look dull and she still hv a tummy. It is nt until she use the correct method then her trim away her tummy and regain her radiance.

Well . is all about discipline . i stop eating after 7pm . invested in some firming product.
I think i still look great.. Is all about how u maintain it .. Once in awhile do some workout..

I tried doctor grade slimming pills before , it really works great . Those stories about getting fatter after they stop i guess might be they did not discipline themselves.
Is a common thinking that "oh i slimmed down , i can eat whatever i want" .. Yes , im one of them .. lol
But im not encouraging people to start buying pills from doctor , best is work out(u can really get firm and sexy body) , if not , control on what u r eating . Drink water/coke light(no calories!but not too much) not sweet drinks(polka green tea ETC)..

Just my two cents..
