After d&c seems like no much of bleeding is it normal
hi I did, but I didn't remove the entire tube. My gynae managed to save the tube for me. But we wont know if that tube is still functioning. Don't worry, I got pregnant twice after that surgery. One was chemical and one I finally have my baby.Anybody experienced ectopic pregnancy before?
I just underwent keyhole surgery to remove the pregnancy on my left fallopian tube. It was scary.
Yes it' normal. My Gynea says Because D&C already sucked everything out.After d&c seems like no much of bleeding is it normal
Tot must rest for 3mth b4 we can get pregnant
This morning i thought my bleeding have stopped. I started with the longan red date tea and now continue with the bleeding.
Hi gal,Actually, for my first miscarriage, the tcm I consulted in Bao Zhong Tang said that I could only try again after 6 months.
My current tcm said at least 3 months; but as I am also the recurrent miscarriages Professor Choolani in his private clinic, he will follow Professor's advice to me, as to when I can ttc again.
Thanks for the reply n hugs. I proceeded with dnc and now at home. Ya drinking longan red dates tea n resting at home. Just wondering any good TCM to recommend? Someone really experienced and caring?Hi jeu, warm hugzzz for you...
I had a similar mc earlier on in sept. Fetus is small with hb and no hb by 8 weeks.
I waited for a natural mc which happened 1 week plus later. After bleeding, i went for a scan at my gynea to check if all cleared. According to doc, the lining was not entirely cleared yet. I was told to wait and vist her a week or 2 later to check again.
Concurrently, i visited my tcm who prescribed me some healing herbs for the mc and clearing too.
So my last visit and scan at the gynea, doc says its all cleared and okie.
I think its good and more impt to follow up with 'recovery procedures'
Visit tcm or those malay massage perhaps to clear and heal the womb.
If not, do have a mini confinement, drink longan and red dates tea or ginger tea after mc to recover.
Avoid cold drinks, cooling food and vege/fruits and windy places.
Jiayou and lets move forward! =)
There are several tcm in the forum mentioned, like raffles hospital one, thomson medical, the tcm at amk and clementi. Do a quick search and u ll find them. I go to Tongji at Chin swee road, the doc is a lady of few words, and u have to brew yr own herbs. Quite troublesome tho.Thanks for the reply n hugs. I proceeded with dnc and now at home. Ya drinking longan red dates tea n resting at home. Just wondering any good TCM to recommend? Someone really experienced and caring?
Hi Jinise,Hi, am new here. Also got to know that baby stop growing, suppose to be at 8 weeks. Tue private gynae told me to remove the fetus immediately, but kkh told me to wait 2 weeks for natural mc..any body has any idea which one shld be the right one? appreciated much.
It has been 6 weeks since my DC and no period yet. My gynae said usually it takes 5 to 6 weeks but some people longer. I will probably check again with her if I don't get my period in 2 weeks timeHi Jeu hugss for you.
You are not alone, pls try not to be too upset though it's easier to say
I just had my induced abortion last month and now try to "bu" my body and heal the emotional pain
NoBody will want this to happen but if we have been choosen to face this, we have to stay strong and get ourself back on track soon.
I myself is still worrying about my first period as it has been 40 days and it yet to come
Hi gal,
how are u? hows the report? I rem you were supposed to review some results.
hope all are well.
Just got a second opinion today and confirmed that my baby has no heartbeat (7wks along). Been crying since last Thursday and I just can't stop, it's so difficult to move on...
Doc advised to go for dnc as my baby measures 12.6mm which he says is pretty big. Going through medication or natural would likely only clear up 60%.
I have yet to book my appointment, it's just so tough..
And another thing is: when I saw Dr Sheila, who works hand in hand with Prof Choolani on this past Tue morning, she said that even if m/c is natural, do not throw the fetal tissue material away; instead, should send it straight for fetal anatomy to find out the real cause of miscarriage; for example: whether it is immune system issues etc. According to her, this is really important.
I saw my fetal tissue when I M/C and kept in a container with normal saline 0.9%. Prof John Tee was my obstetrician and all he told me it was just conception product. He didn't explained why it happened.
Hi Cleona,
I see. That is good.
For me, I would never know the real reason of my miscarriage in mid-June this year.
Just got a second opinion today and confirmed that my baby has no heartbeat (7wks along). Been crying since last Thursday and I just can't stop, it's so difficult to move on...
Doc advised to go for dnc as my baby measures 12.6mm which he says is pretty big. Going through medication or natural would likely only clear up 60%.
I have yet to book my appointment, it's just so tough..
so sorry for your loss..recommended time to rest in between is 3mths..or some tries after a few months or so, as we need to heal emotionally too..hmm not necessary same/higher risk next time. Cos no one knows how and why a miscarriage happens..unless you do some testings to find out. Some of us here did recurrent miscarriage tests to find out and hopefully can at least 'pinpoint' what happened and for the next time how to avoid. But then again, some ppl tried tests and the results came out all normal so they say it's a matter of wife mc mid-week, and immediately the next day, she went for d&c.
anyone can advise on the recovery period?
we went through IVF and was successful after the 2nd FET and now mc. Any suggestion how long to wait for the next FET?
meanwhile, if mc for the first time, is there the same/higher risk the next time?
I am so sorry to hear about your loss, olatini......
Have you tried going for professional counselling? If you are looking for a hotline to call, you may try to call the AWARE hotline as they handles women issues. (Aware Helpline - Women with problems Mon - Fri 4pm – 10pm 1800 - 7745935)
Have you talked to your DH about wat you are going through? I mean, for some couple, they choose not to talk about it....
I did a D&C last week. I was crying uncontrollably at the clinic when doc told me dat BB has no heartbeat. N DH was not able to be with me at the clinic. So the nurse was there to comfort me. She told me I could write down my thots, dreams and feelings to my unborn child, as a form of closure. Shortly after we talked, DH came n hugged me. I told him about wat the nurse told me, and he said I could do that if I want.
Not sure if it's just someone that you are looking to talk to...... But I truly hope that you would be able to overcome your ordeal.
Hi mummies who suffered miscarriages but successfully had babies later, how do you all deal with the worries/fear/anxiety that you had during your successful pregnancy? I miscarried in March but am pregnant again. So far we have seen a HB. But I have a fear at every check up. I will imagine doc telling me my baby's HB is gone (again), which was what happened the last time. I don't dare hope or even plan for anything for fear that history will repeat itself. It's a rather nerve wrecking feeling at every prenatal check. I just keep thinking my precious baby will slip away from me so quietly, just like that time.
Hi mummies who suffered miscarriages but successfully had babies later, how do you all deal with the worries/fear/anxiety that you had during your successful pregnancy? I miscarried in March but am pregnant again. So far we have seen a HB. But I have a fear at every check up. I will imagine doc telling me my baby's HB is gone (again), which was what happened the last time. I don't dare hope or even plan for anything for fear that history will repeat itself. It's a rather nerve wrecking feeling at every prenatal check. I just keep thinking my precious baby will slip away from me so quietly, just like that time.
Hey LostAngel,
Have faith in HIM and trust that it will be alright.i wish you all the best in this pregnancy. My prayers out to you. Huuuggsss
Anybody can advise the cost for d&c done in tmc? Its a day surgery right? Do I have to be warded in hospital?
Thank you tiggerpooh for the reply and I'm sorry to hear about your loss as well. Tried talking to DH but he can only say just not our time yet... thanks for the contact. Probably will give them a call.
The cost is not fix in TMC. It will be different price with different gynaecologist.
Wh Kee about $2k (after Medisave $800)
Adrian W about $2.5k(after Medisave $1300)
If you are Sg citizen and SPR you can deduct $1.2k with your Medisave.
My gf did with WH Kee according to her that her womb got scar after D&C maybe just her luck.
I choose to do it with Adrian since he is my Gynaecologist. I asked him about scar in womb after D&C and he mentioned that unlikely to have scar so he give me some assurance, Adrian gave me some medicine to induce at night he said I need to take it at 10pm and put sanitary pad in case it will have some blood come out, no food and drink after 12 midnight and he asked me to go to TMC at 6.30am following day, about 1 pm I can go home already. It will be day surgery with him.
I checked in KKH, it will be inpatient and the cost is slightly expensive.all prices below before Medisave
A1 about $3.5
B1 about $2.9k
B2+ about $2.4k
B2 about $1.7k
C about $1.2k
D&C for A1 and B1 class will be done by specialists
D&C for B2 and C will be done by any gynaecologist on duty.
I am not sure for B2+ the Kkh admission did not brief me on that.
I Hope it will help you to decide. I choose Adrian Woodworth since he assured me that it just simple procedure by putting tube inside my vagina and suck out the foetus which he said that it will leave no scar on my womb.
At first I have no heart to do D&C whose Mother got heart to do it straight away but he said that if I want to wait to have natural miscarriage it may have complications like infection on the womb but he leave it up to me whether I want to do it.
But I warned you first ya, Adrian W is a gynaecologist with little word (despite he is very good with his stitches according to some Mommy in the SMH) and chop chop doctor kind, whenever I saw him waiting time about 1 hr but saw him only 2 min in his consultation room. If you have smooth pregnancy you will be happy to see him but if you don't you won't be happy to see him, you need to ask him a lot of questions to get his explanation.
When He found out my baby does not hb with his In house ultrasound, he asked me to do transvaginal scan in TMC the result foetus in right size but no heartbeat look like the baby was not growing since 6w 2d(that day was my 6w 5d). he said we need to do D&C soonest But I was still in the denial stage when he told me that,as I still thought maybe the day calculation is off. I told him I want to do HCG test and he did it for me but the result was falling so look like it no hope already then I seek second opinion from Kkh 24 hr O&G, an Indian lady doctor kindly explained to me that it is nobody fault look like there was some problem with your baby hence naturally aborted itself, it's not uncommon some woman just got it, it's not because your cyst or fibroids as you can conceive by itself and 8 years old Son without any ivf.
I was waiting to have this assurance word before I come out from denial stage which I think my gynaecologist should give me some comfort feeling rather than chop chop gynaecologist. I know he had so many patients outside but does not meant he can have "no heart" toward his patients.
I am planning to change my gynaecologist when I conceive again in future. Finger cross for me. I would rather to wait for 3 hours but at least I can speak with some comfortable feeling with my gynaecologist and share my discomfort. Pregnancy is a sensitive period which need some mental support from family and gynaecologist.
Hi, may i know why baby no hb? My doc said it may be some chromosomes issues that the baby stop growing..afraid it ll happen again. Any prevention? Thx.
me too have had a miscarriage but due to bleeding, i consulted 3 different doctors in one day,all of them were telling me that having some spotting is very normal during pregnacy, after i left home rested for 4 hours tummy pain rushed to hospital, it's too late my twin are gone forever. How could bleeding is normal? till now i still don't understand.
anyone knows miscarriage due to monosomy x isses?
Hi eruyps,
Yes, bleeding during pregnancy is not normal; spotting can be though. Really sorry that the doctors seem to be unprofessional, causing you to lose your twins. Do you know their gender yet?
How far along are you?
If after first trimester, then you will need a month of full confinement; otherwise you only need to do 2 weeks mini-confinement.
During this period, don't touch cold water; don't blow fan as if you catch cold, you can end up with cold sweat, and can lead to further complications. I developed bacterial folliculitis on my buttocks this mid-June, after my m/c; now still not healed up fully yet, though are much better, to be honest. My Dr hubby said can take at least 6 months to heal completely.