Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Ladies

Those receovering from miscarriage with uncertain spotting I would like to recommend Red Raspberry Tea Leaves to you.

CoQ10 is also one of the top recommended vitamins to free our cells of free radical that might promote unhealthy eggs or sperm. The CoQ10 available from babydustship is also infused with selenium which have been observed to slow antibodies activities in our body that might reject the fetus as a foreign object.

Do Visit the following URL for information and purchase of the tea leaves and the CoQ10

want to check with those who had a natural miscarriage and not D&C..

i had some cramps on sat nite (din really have cramps even though i had been bleeding over few days), then i passed out a small jelly like seed. but very small like barley. my gynae said sac is 20 mm..

then last night i was awakened by cramps on centre and left side. it lasted a while, dunno how long exactly cuz i eventually drifted off to sleep. this morning woke up pad all soaked.

then jus now i was in the toilet, i saw one big gooey stuff hanging out of me. i tried to shake it off, but couldn't so in the end used toilet paper and gave it a light tug and it came out.

it was about the size of 4 fingers making a clench!! is it supposed to be like that?>??

re: selenium

it seems we do eat the foods in the high selenium list everyday, alternating between different ones. and everyday there is definitely tomatos cuz i am tomato lover..
I passed out 2 jelly-like tissue, I suspect they were the linings coz they were after my sac had expelled out. I didn't get to see/noticed the sac.

Most days I had spotting after the m/c and some days the spotting were really heavy (pad-soaked) esp when something was expelling out.

4-fingers size is very big piece leh, ur sac is only 20mm. Maybe plus the linings as well? If in doubt call the clinic and check ok.
Hi Precious (myprecious)

I am having similar experience as you.
Done my D&C on 2 April, the 1st cycle came on 2 May, 2nd cycle came on 29 May, but i missed my 3rd cycle, am about 36 days already.
Did a PG test last Sat but came out negative as well.
So has your period came already?
Hi hi la_mer, u don't accept private message
la mer >> Yup, that should be it. Remember it's not just the egg sac coming out but the placenta and the bit of the lining. Mine was about palm size.
i was like a bit paranoid like is it my uterus?!! i know it sounds v dumb.. and then i dun have time to examine cuz i was alone with my 19 month old..

coyote, PM enabled
by the way i got this book from the library, very informative. but since i took some time to try for my #1, I am also quite informed about how my body works... until breastfeeding totally messed it up. havign said that, bbt is very reliable for me..
Hi la mer: i'm from feb12 thread too. Just did d&c today! I thought i will be ok since was debating with my hb to keep this preg or not, ended up i became so emotional
really can't accept the fact that i'm not preg anymore. The feeling is terrible though i lost it at 8weeks, cannot see any form of bb.. My thoughts for some others who have had early miscarriage previously was, not really a big deal BUT today i felt it, my world came crashing down on me
it was even worse then knowing i'm preg but not ready with #2, the hurt was 100000000 times worse.. Nurses at tmc were dying hard to chase me home after the procedure. No one understand that in my body there is a dead baby, a DEAD baby and a very hurt mother, it's very very hard to accept that i'm not pregnant anymore
i came to terms with it sicne the time we couldnt find bb's hb, since i practise natural fertility awareness, i knew exactly when we conceived.

did u get to see the sac? what i know is early miscarriage like us, we have a good chance of our bodies being able to take care of itself...

when i passed out the sac, i was mroe freaked out than sad. cuz i was alone with my toddler and he was waiting for me to bathe him. i had to quickly settle my business if not he would come and touch the toilet bowl already!

try to give your body and mind rest, we have the right to grieve over our dead baby as long as we want. but on the other hand, need to realise how lucky we are in many other ways. when i see my toddler, i feel the pain because i know my #2 is his blood baby brother/sister, but i also feel consoled that my #1 survived a 38 weeks pregnancy all beautiful and perfect, because it made me realise jus how precious life is.

i used to lose my temper a lot at him early in the pregnancy, cuz angry his tantrums make my life harder. now i try to take it in my stride.
La mer: doc said better not wait for natural cuz it might cause infection. So i chose d&c.. Yup i'm trying to accept it but it just hurts and my #1 is making me irritated, as in he falls sick so often, cries so much, wakes up for milk at night and he's already 10months old! How? Suddenly feel so irritated about everything! Managed to see bb faint heartbeat then it stopped 3 days later. Felt like a failure cuz cannot keep a proper pregnancy. My mil did not want this child from the start, she commented that #2 age gap too close to #1's so go abort. What aches me the most is this preg came right after my fil passed on and it's edd is dated feb, my fil is borned in feb too. This made my mil not wanting the child even more, as my fil gave her alot of troubles.. I hate her! Really feel like taking a knife to kill her!!!
Dragob_dilema - we share your pain, now is the most difficult period. Talk to supportive frds/hubby to let out your frustration/saddness. As for your mil, just don't bother about her. Otherwise it will make you feel worse.

It is just not meant to be, do not blame yourself for this. The fetus was unhealthy since day one, body will remove it naturally. Grieve when u need to, remember to take very good care of your health now. And let go when it's time to.
ur MIL is downright ridiculous.. unless she really does everything for your #1, she has no right to be telling u to go for abortion.

so many people have birthdays in feb.. she's really nuts. is it worthwhile to do something so drastic for this kind of person?

my mum worse still, told me "nevermind ur #1 is very cute and intelligent, age gap too close very hard one." so am i supposed to take it as a blessing in disguise?! hell no!! all my pregnancies are planned, simply we r not the kind of people who can get pregnant easily.

try to find the happiness we have in our lives, may they be friends, a wonderful spouse, or even our child (tho i know how they test our patience, we also must acknowledge no one can make our hearts melt like they do!).

who is ur doc who said might cause infection? my doc said since alr started bleeding, can discharge everything myself without procedure.

what is over is over. u can google for something called 'child bereavement support". though our baby is just an embryo, not even a fetus, but we will always remember what it is like to be pregnant with the child. early miscarriages are usually due to chromosomal problems in the baby, at least our baby won't have to suffer ill health when born or die soon after birth?

there's always a silver lining. look for it.. life will be better.
Thanks coyote and lamer!

Was quarrelling with hb, he asked me to let him know what problems i faced after seeing me tearing badly in the afternoon, yet after hearing me whine about his mum, the preg, he flared up and said i'm looking for a quarrel with him. Haiz.. Everything seemed to be on the downturn recently... My mil even said we will not last long in marriage. She's damn evil right?!
But i realised ever since after marriage, hb and i have been quarrelling without putting a "sorry" to stop the argument.. We always stopped talking to each other, or carry on arguing on the next day, things have never reached a conclusion after our quarrel..
It really makes me think hard whether to give up this marriage anot.. So stressed.
La mer: i'm seeing doc woo from tiong bahru, 1st time seeing him so just took his advice.. I'm having abit if sharp pain ay womb area not sure if d&c has hurt my uterus anot? Feels like turning back the clock, still have not recovered from the loss
my mil is a real actress, sian.. Hate her lah, she just said "i know this will happen! Since doc already say faint heartbeat!", she does not care for my #1 at all, all words but no actions one.. At times really bth her when she act clever/god/predictor when she says "i know he wants to sleep le" when she sees my boy rubbing his eyes. Everything she knows lah, can't stand staying under same roof with her, acting skills is superb.. Always bad mouth to others about me but when my hb questions her, she always say don't have!
Dragon dilema: i can see that u are under alot of stress. But u have to change your point of view.. Ur #1 is still young and u have to cherish that prgnancy dont come easy. I tot it was too. I happily eat n drink all i want. My hub n i didnt bother much. Happy to be preggy just before our wedding. Totwas doubt happiness. But it was a nightmAre when it was just two days before our honeymoon trip with my parents i bleed.

And i was just night at the 12th week. Bbb no hb at week nine. I was so shocked n heartbroken. But doc says its not well developed i eventually let it go.

After pulling thru 6 months of recovery with good food n exercises, im currently headin to week six. Going to temple pray really hard to h my bb blessed.

Your mil is qrong in a way she shouldnt be so negative towards u. I hae got a more supportive hub who went thru this whole thing with me but both side families are not really that sensitive towards me. Esp. My sil n my very own elder sis. Both really is poison tongue.

But i dont give damn. I did complain to my hub buthe dont wosh to speak up. My mil also keep saying she not pantang and all but when it comes to her own kids wedding n all she pantang towards me keep finding excuses say i talk nonsense. Therefore i chose to stay with my parents.

Plus getting my own flat in four yrs time. Really cantwait fo this bb to come to this world n i can move out have my own family in four yrs time.

U have to stay strong. It not an easy pth to go. U hato lst ur hub know. This loss he has to be responsible too. Its eiter a bad egg or sperm that cause this mc. We neef know whose problem is it unless we put it to a test.

He should be understanding enough of what u are going thru rather than quarreling with u. Both of u really need a good talk. Maybe he is upset bu he didnt show it n ur cries stressed him out sometimes. My hub did feel the same too. Therefore he told me face to face n i admit it i was too dependent on him.

So for this miracle happen 6 months after my last mc. I tend to relax myself not to think so mich n really keep good diet. I did alot to come this far today.

So u too... U have to be positive n recover soon. The sharp pain is due to the scrapping on the uterus wall lining. Dontworry. Its recovering. U will feel it sometime. So do i. Just relax. Do a mini confinement n really rest qhen u feel the need. Try not to bring tnis matter up as it might be the trigger to the arguements.

Sorry for the long post. I hope my words can mAke u feel better. Try go for a small date with ur hub. Bring back the feelings gain. Let ur hub know. U love him n everything will be fine if he stay by your side. It all about. Support love n care.

U can try writing a diary. U will feel better.
or even just vent it out here.
we are here for u.
Dragon - I can understand how u feel. I did my d&c last week and my gal is abt 11 mths old. When I first had this pregnancy, I was also not sure if I'm really happy cos I was going for job interviews, n was hoping i could really get those jobs. But in the end, didn't get the job. I felt guilty when I learnt tt bb hb has stopped, and wondered is it I did not treasure tis pregnancy that much. I also feel very devastated. Cos it wasnt easy for me to get preggy the first time.

dragon - your mil really sound quite nasty. Is there any way u n yr hubby can move out to stay on your own? Not sure if u working. I find working is already stressful enuf, cant imagine going home to face another sort of stress.

Since I d&c last week, had been pondering over if I shld quit my job. I'm very scared of history repeating itself - my job can be quite stressful at times and usu need to work long hours during certain periods. Then again, I'm also concerned it may not be easy to find another job and if I wana get preggy again, not sure if getting a new job would be even more detrimental than staying on my current job. Really in a dilemma.

I always treasure my career and earning ability. Somehow, after last week incident, I wonder if my priorities in life had been wrong. I think maybe I'm in a mid life crisis

Sorry for the long post, just feel like letting it out.
Dragon > i agree with Christine that hubbies can also be stressed out with the turn of events and at the same time has to manage our feelings and their work load. i believe the hubbies will also feel sad over the loss of the bb, who wouldn't be, afterall it's also theirs. go for short dates, movies or the usual activities during your courtship to revive the romance, show your mil that you both are still much in love, that'll probably anger her more if she's really so evil hearted.

Bluewaterz > like you, i've always been very proud of my career, earning ability and independence, but after my mc early this year, i can't help but ponder if i had spent too much time chasing the corporate ladder. i'm now starting to enjoy simpler pleasures in life. giving up my career wasn't easy but no amount of money nor branded goods can fulfil me and keep me happy anymore. i really pray for the day that i can hold a healthy bb in my arms. that gift from god will be better than any money or position that a job can offer.
bluewaterz >> I suspect that my m/c was due to work stress... I felt very sharp cramps before I even realised I was preg when something went wrong with the project I was handling and I was feeling very stressed. Sure enough, I lost my bb within the week. After that I decided that work is just work... in the end at your deathbed, it won't be your clients, bosses or colleagues who will cry for you or love you when you are old and disabled. Family is the important thing - everything that's superfluous just let go.
Christine: thanks! Wish u a safe preg
u are very young from ur profile? Yah people always tell me i'm young can have another one in future but this is a loss, having another in future will never replace it.. I sort of blamed of my hb cuz i was bleeding every day after 6th weeks, he told me it's normal.. For my 1st preg, it was also like that, bb also came out fine, hence he assumed for every preg will be the same. To say the truth, i really hate him now. Although all along i was the one who don't want, but when i told him i want to see a gynae(sensing something is not right), he assumed that i will still choose to abort.. He thinks i'm so heartless to take away a life, if i am so heartless, i would have proceeded with the procedure(abortion), as i've made an appointment with doc already!
I'm feeling sore again
just went out with an urge to spend $$, spend lots and lots but don know what to buy. In the end, bought alot of baby foods for my #1.. My heart was being splashed with salt upon seeing new borns in shopping malls.
Bluewaterz: i'm cursing my mil every single day, i really wished she will die before i shift into my new house, don't want to stay with her under something i'm paying for. Part of my decision to keep the bb was because my mum agreed for me to shift back to her place and i thought it might be a better choice since she can help out with my confinement, but ever since my mil knows our intention to shift to my mum's place, she has been "attracting" my hb's attention, saying she wants to rent out the flat, wants to sell the flat, etc. Times after fil passed on, she threw tantrum regularly, after this incident, she treat us super good, scared that we shift out, now, she's back to her "crazy" self again. My hopes were dashed man, haiz. I am deciding whether to put iud or try again since my mum offered her place, putting iud is to prevent until i shift to my own place then get preg.
Job is important, actually i wanted to abort from the start becuz of job too, the situation was tricky, if i were to work, i need to carry goods, if i don't work, we will barely make ends meet. If ur hb can afford to support u, u can quit ur job. Cuz i nearly lost my 1st bb too, my ex colleagues were very very mean towards me, my ex boss even tried to drive me away. Very stressed to handle..
Must rest how long then can try for another bb?
May: am trying hard but hb is working late every night.. I need to take care of my #1 myself..

Haiz all!!!! My mil is nagging cuz my hb asked her whether can help to bring my #1 back from infantcare, she refused to! So evil! Hate her man. Can i carry my bb? Am actually experiencing some cramps now.. Haiz don feel like troubling her but scared if i go then damage my womb how? Crazy woman, nagging non stop now..
Dragon_dilema: thank u for the blessing. Tryig hard to pull thru this first trimester withnno worries. Yes im very young but cos my hub is 11 yrs older. N yes i tot im young i will not face such a thing but who knows qhen u took it for granted, god will take away a little something to make u regret.

Actually cant blame ur hub. He isnt a woman. He didnt go thru preggy before. And your #1 did experience the same thing n was given birth as a healthy child. So he tot it like wise. N with the lack of communicating, as u didnt intend to have another, and he is afraid u might be implusive n really dont want the child.

If he is worried he should visit the gynae with u. A little life in our body is like a miracle. U dont know how it will become until you hold them in your arms.

U may feel the stress from your mil. Which i agree ur mil is too nasty. She said too much to hurt u n create huge stress on you n that may had caused your mc.

I am not in good terms with my mil too but for the sake of my father in law who is sick. I give in to what my mil says. i have yet to go for a scan n yet my mil ask me to go back on friday to help her clean up her house, cos my sil in getting married this sunday. But i insist on going back on sat night instead.
Dont wish to take any risk of hitting or banging into things.

So far some more. Hougang to jurong west. Seriously, with our generations, our body condition is no longer as strong as the older generations so the more u have to take very good care of yourself. This loss, maybe lesson to learn.

Ur hub will also know, "if i know this bleed isnt normal, i would have allow my wife to visit the gynae asap. Maybe my bb will be saved." maybe your hub is blamin himself so badly. But he didnt say it cos men will always have their pride held high.

Same goes to my hub. Until now he still havent open his mouth to tell his parents that we go a bto at hougang. He is afraid of hurting them.

But overall to say they are still our parents. No matter how much we hate them, we cant change the fact that we are married to their son. And for the sake of your #1 is still so young, really have to hold on tight to your husband. Im sure your husband still loves u no matter what. It all takes time.

U have to take good care of your health first. Since u said u are worried About your recovery, the more u have to keep yourself stress free. Communication is important n often being neglect once a new member is added into the family. Or once both of u are so used to mArried life n feel that its not a need to talk so much since we are married, husband n wife shpuld know each other well by now. Which is a very wrong way of thinking.

Put down the hatred for now. If u think spending money can let u feel happier for awhile, go ahead! Like me! Although i know i dont have much money n those money are meant for my child in future, but i limit myself to just a one time spree.. Buy new clothes n makes me really happy for a while.
May - hope u and all mummies here will get to hav a healthy bb soon. So u not workg now? It's not an easy move I believe but definitely having yr own kid is more rewarding than anything. Will still continue w my job first n see how things go.

Tethysea- i agree w u. Work is just work.

Dragon, hope u dun mind me sayg. No matter how evil yr mil is, I feel it's not Gd to wish her to die. I believe in karma. Just try to ignore her okie
Hi Dragon, i was also with Dr Woo, i have now switched to a female gyne bcos i know for the next one, i will be super gan cheong and i would prefer a female gyne who is reassuring.

if u ask Dr Woo when to try again, his answer to me is a few mths...
Christine: thanks! U were right about it.. I took it for granted bcuz i strike 1 time for 1st preg then this 2nd one also so heng strike after 1 time so i thought since so easy preg wont so easy lose one.. I was so wrong about it

Still crying at night and not feeling better! My colleague was not understanding enough, say i mc so many days.. I also need time to get over all this trauma yet what she told me was, just treat it like a dream.. Really speechless loh..

Today i had really bad striking pains on both side of lower abdomen, but more on left side, suffered chills last night, was looking out for signs of fever, cause fever means infection (really hope will not be!). Read online that minoriy ppl has complications that caused them to become infertile after d&c.. Hope not, have not been looking on the bright side recently.. Work problems.. Spell stress!! Really hope to take a break from there but seemed so impossible..

Bluewaterz: thanks for your advice but i've come to realise that towards people whom i took effort to treat them good yet not reciprocated nor appreciated, i wish them every bad luck and curse them badly. Life is cruel, when cruel things happened to me, my mil simply ignored and don't wished to help, to me, i wished this kind of species would disappear into thin air. Bad as i may be, u didnt witness how she treated me, how she treated her own daughter and son. So to her, i can be very very mean..

Linggie: how u think of him? Erm i tink i won't go back to him for next preg, though his assistant nurse was ok, was seeing dr ang for 1st preg.. Will go back to him most probably..
Dragon_dilema: hmmm.. I also took it for granted the first time i got preggy n i loss it. Yes it takes times to recover. Many will not understand cos they had not been thru our situation. My own elder sister too. She was so sarcastic. And i ignored her n till now still cold war. I dont talk to her.

I did say before, god must bless them not to mc. If they do, they dont regret or cry about it or even fall into depression. No one will pity them. So its ok, let it go. If u think that work stress u up, quit, really money isnt everything. Ur health is more important.

I dont think will be so pain de leh. Maye u should really go back to your gynae n take a look rather than just wIt for aigs of infections. It maybe too late. Yes serious case of infection can cause infertility. Even a doc who does a lousy job on dnc may cause you to have infertility too.

U take good care. HAve a good talk withur hub abt your stress levels. U can take a short break n start a new job after u feel better.

Had d&c 1 mth ago. These two days I'm having watery clear odourless discharge. I keep running to toilet coz can feel leaking, thought it's my AF. still waiting for my 1st cycle ....

I'm having bad backaches n slight cramps too so thought it's my AF coming. Should I be worried?
Bunnymuffin. Yes u should having clear odorless discharge maybe a sign of preggy. Did u do safety precaution during intercourse? If u did thn u shldnt be preggy. Check ur bbt. I had the same symptoms n i was tested positive.
Gosh! Really? I only had 1 unprotected intercourse 5 days ago. I dun think it's that fast?! I hasn't had my gynae check yet, another 2 weeks more. Sure to be "scolded" by him, Gynae told us to try after 2 mths. But I keep having tis backaches & menstrual-like cramps, so keep telling my Hubby I think my AF is coming.

My bbt was Abit high for the past few days... Thought I was "warm" coz of the headaches. Think it's too early to buy test kit to test rt?
I think he is good in his professional capacity...but since experiencing first MC, i think i would prefer a kinder doc. i m seeing Dr Caroline Khi for some post MC checks now, she is really nice.
Hi gals

I tested faint positive few days ago but my breast not sore then now gt a bit of brown discharge. Am I pregnant? I just have a mc few mths ago. I very scared history will repeat
Bunnymuffin: headache is a sign of preggy too. I too got it. I was having real headaches n really got me very tired. I had cramps too but af didnt came. I got from little brown discharge for two days before my af should come and changes to transparent odorless discharge after that n even till now i still hVe it.

So far i think u R just in te earlystage of preggy not more than 5 weeks. We are tend to be very fertile after dnc. N most of the ladies do ovulate 2 weeks after dnc.

So u may have hit the jackpot by a good luck! Go check with your gynae, for ur preggy at this stage u have to be very very careful cos ur wall lining its so thin that it may not hold the embryo. Try more bed rest n look out for spotting or brown discharge.

My gynae gave me hormone pills to prevent the same history from happening. Dont think so much if it really happens, relax n rest well, drink lots of water. Talk ur folic acid or pre natal pills from now. Its very important n take very healthy meals. Especially oatmeals.
good luck to you!

Qin: i too did not get sore breast when i tested positive on my kit n was having mild brown discharge for day or two. That is normal. U have to be positive. I was so scared too. And i went to my doc n he gave me hormone pills to avoid any mc again. My sore breast only came in like one week later after i see my gynae.

And yes u are preggy, go to your gynae, see if he can give u any hormone pills to help u hold the baby. N be happy although yes i know its hard not to worry, i too get worried al ost everyday but once i see i dont bleed n my hcg is still going up i feel good n i dot get funny cramps in the abdomen.

As i mention to bunny, eat healthy take ur pre natal pills which i think is great! I bought it from gnc. Everything is in it!

If u are afraid like me, i do a test on my test kit every few days n see if the lines got darker. I just tested yesterday n its so obvious n dark n i am just nice in my week six today! But i suffer from gastric flu though. So keeping myself reAlly bed rested n really drink as much fluid as possible. I think our diet are important cos at thi rate we should not gain any weight until week eight. From week four to six, we should not gain moee than a pound.

For me i am losing weight, cos this preggy im a total no appetite person n now gastric flu some more, i already loss three pounds since about two weeks ago.

Hope my bb is all fine, i still have five mord days efore visiting the gynae, praying super hard bb is healthy n still growing.

So hope same goes to all of u who are preggy or those who are trying n to those who are on recovery road! Bbdust to all! Very sticky ones!!
qin- go for a checkup then, will ease u from wondering what is happening. Brown discharge during pregnancy sometimes cld be normal and sometimes cld be a warning sign. Best to seek medical advice.

Otherwise test on your own few days later and see whether u get a solid positive.
Thanks Christine and coyote

Christine: my Gynae has given mi Duphaston for mi to consume when I go for her mc checkup. That pill is it hormones pill?

Later I will go buy the preg kit to test again see I can get obvious line? Which brand better? Previously I am using guardian brand. I tried 2 and both came out faint positive on 2 days
Qin: yup that is Hormone pill to prevent any bleed n help to bring up the progesterone level to create healthy uterus wall lining.

I bought my test kit from 7-11. Its an orange box. $16 each. Pretty sensitive to hcg. I think best is try it at least five days later. Meantime keep track of your discharge. If it changes to transparent odorless discharge then u are fine. If brown discharg getting more, u have to see your gynae immediately.
Christine, I have no spotting so far. I'll freak out if I have, coz the mc I had has spotting the moment I discovered Im pregnant... My 1st pregnancy with my #1 has spotting all thru' the pregnancy. Think going to buy myself test kit!

I have jus bought the clearblue one and it showed positive
I booked an appt with Gynae. Thinking of going back to Gynae doing scan I also feel scared. The bad memory jus keep flowing back to my mind
I will think positively. Praying hard
qin- congratulations!!! I guess the fear will bother all ladies here after the unhappy incident but let's all look at the bright side. Is a new start for you so face it positively and enjoy your pregnancy journey
Qin: congrats! Another preggy mummies to be again! Hope to hear more soon!

I am going for another gynae check up today. Suppose to be five days later... But my gastric flu is killing me. My diarrhea is so active that my mum say i must go back to my gynae n have a look n get my doc to prescribe me the safest medi.

My hub is on his way rushing home from work.. Feeling very gulity cos this will affect his job alot!

Anyone got gastric flu during preggy before? Any home remedies? I dont wish to depend so much on medi.. No matter what is never a 100% that medi are safe for preggy!
Hais... Hope everything goes well later... Im so worried now...
Coyote, linggie and Christine

Thank you.

I don know abt home remedies for gastric. Heard that if u drink milk on empty stomach it will hurt gastric more. Better see Gynae and get med to eat. Rem eat more smaller and more meals
btw u stay hougang which part? Mi also staying there
qin - congrats. I think we can all understand how u feel, the fear. But don't think too much, there's always "bad" stories, but also many "miracle stories". So what you can do is to think of the positive side, at least it will help your bb more.

Maybe can try eating more egg whites too (but no half boiled type). I read somewhere that egg white help the embryo to stick better.
Congrat to u... It is how many of ur cycle before u strike again? Am sure ur this pregnancy will be a smooth one..;)
Btw, did u take raspberry tea to tiao too? So happy for u...any tips to share?

Hi gals
Sigh.. I hope to try soon but since my dnc on 20th may, my first af still not here yet..;( just finish my duphaston few days ago, hope my af will come in these few days time soon.. Really getting on my nerve...

Mommytq - I didn't went back for HSG leh... Hehe!

Joanne - dun worry.. Ur af coming soon! My af came 65days later after dnc.

It has been 3months since my dnc. I dunno whether can I start TTC or wait for my 2nd AF to come first....
