Dragon_dilema: thank u for the blessing. Tryig hard to pull thru this first trimester withnno worries. Yes im very young but cos my hub is 11 yrs older. N yes i tot im young i will not face such a thing but who knows qhen u took it for granted, god will take away a little something to make u regret.
Actually cant blame ur hub. He isnt a woman. He didnt go thru preggy before. And your #1 did experience the same thing n was given birth as a healthy child. So he tot it like wise. N with the lack of communicating, as u didnt intend to have another, and he is afraid u might be implusive n really dont want the child.
If he is worried he should visit the gynae with u. A little life in our body is like a miracle. U dont know how it will become until you hold them in your arms.
U may feel the stress from your mil. Which i agree ur mil is too nasty. She said too much to hurt u n create huge stress on you n that may had caused your mc.
I am not in good terms with my mil too but for the sake of my father in law who is sick. I give in to what my mil says. i have yet to go for a scan n yet my mil ask me to go back on friday to help her clean up her house, cos my sil in getting married this sunday. But i insist on going back on sat night instead.
Dont wish to take any risk of hitting or banging into things.
So far some more. Hougang to jurong west. Seriously, with our generations, our body condition is no longer as strong as the older generations so the more u have to take very good care of yourself. This loss, maybe lesson to learn.
Ur hub will also know, "if i know this bleed isnt normal, i would have allow my wife to visit the gynae asap. Maybe my bb will be saved." maybe your hub is blamin himself so badly. But he didnt say it cos men will always have their pride held high.
Same goes to my hub. Until now he still havent open his mouth to tell his parents that we go a bto at hougang. He is afraid of hurting them.
But overall to say they are still our parents. No matter how much we hate them, we cant change the fact that we are married to their son. And for the sake of your #1 is still so young, really have to hold on tight to your husband. Im sure your husband still loves u no matter what. It all takes time.
U have to take good care of your health first. Since u said u are worried About your recovery, the more u have to keep yourself stress free. Communication is important n often being neglect once a new member is added into the family. Or once both of u are so used to mArried life n feel that its not a need to talk so much since we are married, husband n wife shpuld know each other well by now. Which is a very wrong way of thinking.
Put down the hatred for now. If u think spending money can let u feel happier for awhile, go ahead! Like me! Although i know i dont have much money n those money are meant for my child in future, but i limit myself to just a one time spree.. Buy new clothes n makes me really happy for a while.