Tethysea: sorry to hear abt your loss. Hope you r recovering well. Be sure to go on mini confinement. Its very important. Dont take any cold foos n drinks. No over night left over food or water.
Keep yourself warm at all times. Try not to bath in the evening. Bath once a day. Best is in the morning where u can blow dry your hair n keep yourself warm.
Lots of rest. Its fine to eat now. Weight loss comes in later.
Usually our confinement last for two weeks. But u can do it longer if u think u are not recovered.
Try to avoid drinking water. Drink tea. The ingredients fo the tea is ginger, red n black dates, dangshen n dry longans.
Cook it in boiling water for an hour or two. N drink it down like water everyday. Eat spinach, its good for replenish your blood. N try using rice wine to make chicken soup.
Just adc rice wine n ginger n some mushrooms n vinegar n cook it in soup base, add some chocken meat. Drink the soup. Its good to keep your body warm n keep your blood circulation running.
Eat more fish.can go wet market buy, ask for the time of fish to heal wounds. I only know the name in hokkien its call "nor hee".
Keep positive.
recover well n soon u can try again!
Remember to keep a look out on your bleeding now. If ur bleed is heavy n u feel very bad cramp. Do look for your gynae asap. It can ne infection.
Try to drink dom. 10ml to 20ml every night before bed time.
After u feel that u are well again. Try exercisingn take some supplements. Like folic acid, fish oil, royal jelly n pre natal pills,
Dont over take vitamin c cos it will make ur mucus dry up. When u want to intercourse u will feel very painful.
Yes avoid intercourse. I avoid it until my first af came. Im more cautious but usually after two to three weeks u can start intercourse again.
Do take care.
If u feel that u need someone to talk to, cn just tell us here.