Truly sorry and huggzz for your babies. I am sure both ur two babies love u a lot and know u love them a lot too. There are in good hands and u must keep that hope and flame burning in u that one day, u all will reunit somewhere, somehow. Please stay faithful. Its not easy when others are celebrating birth while moms who miscarriaged must silently mourn with no official death certificate and others expect u to continue with life quite instantly. Thats why this thread is so good and god sent. But u will survive k, take baby steps and u will get there
It does not matter how long but u will get there one
I don't visit this thread frequently now but used to write quite a bit here years ago. When I read what u wrote, it struck a chord in my heart as I have gone thru what u did years back. Also had 2 mcs and the feelings u are experiencing are all so familiar. I am a mom now but I am not complacent. I still remember my lost little ones and think of them fondly. So u can do it one de. Take care of yourself and u who says u cannot spread babydusts. Ur turn will come and when it comes, it will be sweeter than ever.
U definitely can chao1du4 for ur babies for a nominal fee of about $30 (meant have changed as I did mine a few years back) at Ju2 Si4 Lin2. I have attached the contact below. They conduct chao1du4 fa3 hui4 a few times a year. U can call their no to check for the coming one. Need to go to their office to register, tell them ur hubby and ur surname and make payment. During the fahui itself, u can even go to the temple and look for the slip of paper that the temple uses to represent ur baby and pray for ur baby. No fix ritual to say to ur babies, just say ur heartfelt words and tell them how much u love them. Can even buy simple toys (personal choice) and put on the offering table. The temple will burn them ultimately as a symbol of offering.
Another place u can check:
Kong Meng Sau Monastery is:
Homepage at
88 Bright Hill DriveSingapore 574117 Tel : 453 4046/453 1009/458 4454
Ju Si Lin
Tel: 6737 2630
17 Kim Yam Rd (near to robertson quay)
Jia you and u will get there one.
To other mommies who have experienced loss of babies, hang in there and u will all make it one day de