Anyway did kkh give you appointment for follow up? They told me they will give me appointment but till now no news from them yetthats good to hear they gave you longer HL. Please rest well n do a mini confinement if possible. Take care and be positive!
Anyway did kkh give you appointment for follow up? They told me they will give me appointment but till now no news from them yet
They did told me they gonna give me appointment 3 weeks later, but I login to health hub still nothing yet. Maybe by next week still don't have I gonna call and check.they did, at clinic C like 3 weeks after. Perhaps you can call them or login and check?
1 termination and 1 miscarriage, here I am hugging my darling boy who is turning 16 weeks this Sunday. Do not give up ladies.. our journey is just longer and challenging than others, but doesn’t mean we can’t achieve what we want.Hello all
i just joined the forum.
about 3 weeks ago, i terminated my first baby at mid term due to trisomy21 via d&c. The baby was conceived naturally. It was like a dream come true until the nightmare came. My whole world came clashing down following the phone call and the next few days
it was the hardest and most painful decision i have to make. Been crying non stop for almost 2 weeks.
I wasnt considered high risk because of my age but i opt to to NIPT because i wanted to have a peace of mind since oscar tests gives many false positives. But we are really glad we done the NIPT rather than finding out at a much later week of the pregnancy. The diagnostic came as shocking to my doctor too. As i know my gyane for years since my teens for ladies issues and pap smear.
Doctor says it is a random error of chromosomes. There was nothing we could have done to change it.
Did a mini confinement of 2 weeks, had confinement food, herbal bath and miscarriage massages. Now seeing TCM to hopefully get my body back in shape for next pregnancy.
I just wanted to say, for those that is going thru the same. Dont give up hopes and dont put the blame on you. U have done your best. Focus on recovery and u will have your rainbow baby soon
Hi ftmc,Hi everyone, it's been a while since my mtmp. We are thinking about TTC again but just wanted to ask everyone if you went back to the same doctor if you conceived again? My husband and I feel like there's a tinge of uncertainty with going back to our doctor because if there was only 10% more concern with our usual ultrasounds, maybe he would have seen the abnormality in a scan and we would not have carried my baby for a longer time without knowing. Also if you have any advice for what sort of things you are looking for in a future doctor, please let me know.
How do I approach KKH on MTPT? Any specific doc in this area? Wondering if I shld do it in TMC or KKH though my current Gynae is not in KKH but I did IVF at KKH previously. How do we decide which termination method? Appreciate your advice many thanks.
Hi, hoping to create a support group. This is by far the hardest and most painful thing that someone might ever have to go through. For us, everything was ok...all the scans (nasal bone, NT fluid), we did not suspect that something like this would happen. We did the NIPT test and it showed high risk for DS (T21) and a week later we did the amnio test. We are waiting for the amnio results but we don't have much hope. It has been a week of agony. I've cried so much, it is also my first pregnancy and I'm 40 (fell pregnant naturally). I'm at 15wks/4d. And here we are waiting for that phone call...mentally I'm exhausted. I'm also scared of the procedure. Was hoping we could form a group and support each other to 'overcome' this? I don't know if the pain will ever go away. But I'm also scared of getting pregnant, in case the same thing happens.
Hi, hoping to create a support group. This is by far the hardest and most painful thing that someone might ever have to go through. For us, everything was ok...all the scans (nasal bone, NT fluid), we did not suspect that something like this would happen. We did the NIPT test and it showed high risk for DS (T21) and a week later we did the amnio test. We are waiting for the amnio results but we don't have much hope. It has been a week of agony. I've cried so much, it is also my first pregnancy and I'm 40 (fell pregnant naturally). I'm at 15wks/4d. And here we are waiting for that phone call...mentally I'm exhausted. I'm also scared of the procedure. Was hoping we could form a group and support each other to 'overcome' this? I don't know if the pain will ever go away. But I'm also scared of getting pregnant, in case the same thing happens.
Hi, sending u lots of love and hugs. Its really a very tough period. I rem crying every single day after I had high risk for nipt for t21. I did cvs and needed to wait 3d. After confirmed results, the waiting to terminate was another heart wrenching period. I'm 40 this year too. Pm me if you want to chat. I felt so alone that period too cos don't know who to talk to. It isn't something you chat casually with people and I feel people who nvr went through it will never understand.
Thank you, much appreciated.Hi, sending u lots of love and hugs. Its really a very tough period. I rem crying every single day after I had high risk for nipt for t21. I did cvs and needed to wait 3d. After confirmed results, the waiting to terminate was another heart wrenching period. I'm 40 this year too. Pm me if you want to chat. I felt so alone that period too cos don't know who to talk to. It isn't something you chat casually with people and I feel people who nvr went through it will never understand.
Thanks everyone, we finally got the call today, unfortunately the amnio confirmed the NIPT results. I'll be admitted tomorrow. I hope the procedure isn't too painful? I'm scared.
Thanks everyone, we finally got the call today, unfortunately the amnio confirmed the NIPT results. I'll be admitted tomorrow. I hope the procedure isn't too painful? I'm scared.
Hello everyone. I chance upon this thread and is desperately looking for help. I'm in the midst of my 19week induced abortion now. My baby was confirmed to have a chromosome 16 deletion aka KBG syndrome.
I am in so much pain right now. This is my 5th dose already and it doesn't seem to have much things happening. Pls advise me. I'm really really scared right now.
Hi, it has a been a week since I had my termination and it still feels very raw. I'm so emotional about it, it was my first pregnancy too and I don't think I've cried that much in my entire adult life compared to these past few weeks. I hope one day, I'll have my rainbow baby. Until then...I'm here to talk to and sending you a big hug. I'm so grateful for this group. I'm dreading going back to work, but I guess at some point I'll have to pull myself together.Hello, I managed to pass out the baby after 18 gruelling hours. This was my first born and I am so terrified. My husband and I are perfectly healthy. Even the doctors are confused why this happened. Probably I got covid and took alot of medicine during my first week being pregnant
I'm so relieved the nightmare is finally over but I feel so guilty towards my bby. Have I done anything wrong? I don't think I can ever get over this
Hi in the end, I had to do a surgical termination and that was much 'better'. My water broke at 4am but the baby didn't want to come out. Then they told me that I might need to do another course of the tablets which would have been a nightmare.Hi, I'm so so sorry you are going through all theseI was given oral med (4 tabs of cytotec) to induce the night before and then I went in for surgical termination so I didn't go through labour though my waterway burst at home and experienced massive bleeding at home. Is surgical termination an option for you?
Hi, i have just decided to go for termination. My harmony blood test and scan results r v bad. Have decided not to go for amniocentesis as my case is super high risk (single digit ratio for all 3 trisomy and my cell count is insufficient to give a conclusive result prob due to chromosomal issue).
I have a few qns that i hope to seek help here:
(A) How many days down time is expected? I
(B) How do you tell ur colleagues/boss about ur absence?
I am not too keen to reveal too much personal details so i am really struggling on both qns above. Thinking if i can just take 2 days mc (plus a long wkend) and appear in office without anyone suspicious.
Hi Lin,Hi all, I am 40yo and have just went through a MTPT 2 days ago at 19 weeks gestation (my first pregnancy) and would like to share my experience in case you find yourself here looking for answers.
During my 14 weeks routine scan, my dear baby girl was seen with a hyperextended neck. My gynae (Gleneagles) explained that babies are flexible and it can sometimes happen although unusual. I went back for a subsequent scan during my 15week and she was still in the same position. My gynae asked me not to worry and she will probably grow out of it over time.
By the 18 week, I went back for another routine scan and her position looks really off and I started getting really concerned and I ask for a more detailed scan. I was referred to a private clinic located at MAH for a detailed scan 2 days later. To my horror, the gynae at MAH diagnosed my baby with Amniotic band syndrome as well as clubbed feet after a 30mins scan - the prognosis was really bad and the MAH Gynae advised that I should terminate my pregnancy.
I went back to see my regular gynae (Gleneagles) the following day and she too advised termination of pregnancy. I didn’t give up just then and decided to seek a second opinion at KKH.
We managed to get a slot at KKH 3 days later. On Friday morning, we had a very detailed scan at KKH Antenatal Diagnostic Centre and the scan was performed by a very dedicated lady name Ms Vasanthy. She spent more than two hours screening my baby, requesting that I flip in different positions so she can have a closer look from different angles - I’m really grateful and hugely impressed with their service (I’ve never been given this much attention during my scans at MAH, twice). After the scan, we had a review with another gynae at KKH and my baby has been diagnosed with Iniencephaly (a lethal rare birth defect) as well as clubbed feet, she doesn’t have amniotic band syndrome as mentioned by MAH. Although the Prognosis is equally bad, I am slightly relieved that my baby isn’t hurting at least. It was also then that we knew we had to let her go.
As my regular gynae (Gleneagles) will be away the following week, we decided that we will just go with KKH for the termination which was scheduled for the following Tuesday. Upon reflection, I regretted my decision as:
1. KKH doesn’t guarantee single wards and I most certainly do no want to go through this process alone (KKH has visitation hours for shared wards) in case I can’t be assigned to single wards.
2. KKH only offers oral/anal medication or injections for pain management - epidural is not a choice.
I frantically rang up a few clinics at Mount E Novena (this hospital only offers single ward) the following day and I managed to find a gynae who was willing to slot me in for an urgent consultation at 10am the same morning. We rushed over to his clinic and he has very kindly scheduled the procedure for me on the following Monday, which happened to be a PH, the only day where wards/OT are available. He also offered oral medication/ injections for pain management but added that I could request for epidural if the pain is really unmanageable - I felt much more relieved knowing that I have better pain management options.
On the day of procedure, they inserted pills into my vagina at 13:20, 17:30, 21:40, 01:40. I started having chills and fever at around 16:00 but I never felt any pain until about 03:00. It started with very mild contraction with a little cramp in the lower abdomen and the pain slowly increases/lengthens with pain extended to the lower back. It probably got intense (but it’s not unbearable) for another hour or so and that’s when I requested for oral painkiller at about 04:30. By the time I took the medication, it was about 04:40 (the medication hasn’t even taken effect) and I felt a strong urge to poop but it was actually my water bag that burst and my baby girl arrived at 04:45. I burst into tears immediately, not because it’s painful but because I know my baby is gone. In fact, the pain was gone the moment my water bag burst. The nurses cleaned up my baby and we were given a chance to hold her in our arms to bid her goodbye. I was subsequently wheeled into the OT for washing of womb under GA.
2 days have since passed and there isn’t a moment where my baby girl wasn’t on my mind. The loss is devastating, it felt like a horrible nightmare - one moment I have my baby girl in me and she’s gone the next minute. No mummies in the world deserves to go through such an ordeal. I can only pray that my baby girl is now getting a better life in heaven and I’ll see her again when my time is up. In the meantime, I am focused on nursing my health back so I can hopefully look forward to my next pregnancy.
And to the mummies who unfortunately find yourself here in this forum, please be brave, induction of labour isn’t as scary as some might say although bodies do react differently. I am 40, terrified of pains and needles, never had menstrual cramps ever. I even tear when I had to draw blood during health screening. If I can do it, you can too.
Finally, I would like to give credits to my dearest husband (in case you see my post) - thank you for being here with me and every step along the way. I might have gone borderline insane in fear of the the birthing process but I am really grateful that you have been showering me with TLC, being supportive and tolerant with me during the worst week of my life.
Hi Lin,
I'm so sorry that you had to go through this. I know the feeling and it's a pain you can't explain. It was my first pregnancy too and even though it has been a few months, I still tear up when I think of my baby. All I can say, it'll get better and I keep telling myself it was not meant to be and we will be blessed with our rainbow baby soon. Pls msg me if you would like to talk. I'll share my no. My husband was my rock even though he was in pain too.
Hello, may I ask how’s Dr Pamela Tan when it comes to mid term termination? ThanksHi all, it’s been a week since my mtmp... it was my first pregnancy and we found out at the week 20 structural scan that he had a fatal abnormality - his bones were not developing so he had short limbs and a small rib cage so his lungs could not develop and he wouldn’t be able to breathe.
I was with Dr Paul Tseng and he advised that he did not do terminations so we were referred to dr Pamela Tan. The whole day was a blur for us, we were so excited to see our baby boy during the scan but instead were given the news.
We checked into TMC a day later, and they started me on cytotec at 930am. One full cycle later, I still didn’t dilate enough to go into labour so they told me to sleep and we would restart the process at 8am. The next day, after the 2nd pill at 11am, I finally started feeling the pain at about 12.30pm. I never felt this amount of pain in my life and my threshold is so low. It escalated so quickly that I didn’t even have enough time to ask for the painkiller injection. At 12.50pm, my boy came out and I was given time to rest before the evacuation.
I’m still crying everytime I think about my angel, and I’m terrified that there is something wrong with me or my husbands genes, but I really want to have kids and I can’t stop thinking about what could have been... I tried to google the % of normal vs abnormal pregnancies, but it didn’t console me since the number is so high. I’m turning 31 next month so I’m not getting any younger too so I don’t know how long I can wait before trying![]()
Hi can i ask if Dr Jen performed the mid trimester termination in his clinic itself or we have to be admitted to the hospital to perform the procedure? Thanks!I've also had the experience of going through an MTPT a couple of months ago, and it's sad because me and my hubby really wanted to have a baby. We've been trying so long and was overjoyed to learn we were pregnant. You can imagine how devastated we were when we were given the bad news. My gynae was Dr Jen Shek Wei (private) and he was sympathetic to my situation. It was a difficult decision to make but he assured us that it was not our fault, and also explained why such things could happen.
I'm thankful that I had the support of family and friends during the healing process. We're hopeful that we'll have another baby in the future.
Hi can i check if this MTPT was done in his clinic itself or have to be done in the hospital?I've also had the harrowing experience of having to end my pregnancy a couple years ago (the baby had a neural defect), and it was a really tough decision to make since me and my hubby really wanted a baby then. We were referred to Dr Jen Shek Wei for the procedure, and I was asleep the whole time. The procedure went well though it still took a lot of time for me to recover emotionally. It was a very very tough decision, but looking back it was the right thing to do.
@itsmelissa Hi unfortunately i am also going through this phase and would like to ask at which week of pregnancy did you terminate it with Dr Jen? ThanksI've also had the harrowing experience of having to end my pregnancy a couple years ago (the baby had a neural defect), and it was a really tough decision to make since me and my hubby really wanted a baby then. We were referred to Dr Jen Shek Wei for the procedure, and I was asleep the whole time. The procedure went well though it still took a lot of time for me to recover emotionally. It was a very very tough decision, but looking back it was the right thing to do.