Subsidy Patient @ KKH

Anyone gg for the NDP. I have won the actual day tickets, yippee, dunno gd news or bad news. gd news is first time attend the actual day and this yr parade is special at floating plattform. I have only attended the preview 3 yr ago at the stadium. the bad news is I might need to delay or miss one pumping of bm session. hmm....

hi watie,

working life is like that, will always get scolded left right front and back. Coz those higher ranks dono who to shoot arrow to when something wrong happens. But next time you be careful la coz to private companies, mistakes means money lost.

update abt myself, my tummy is very prominent now. Still vomiting though. But i just go with the flow.

u got the tix ah!!! walau!! i never get leh.. so sad!!! :-( coz hope 2 go wif my family mah.. oh well.. juz my luck.. haiz..

i used to have to take p5 kids to the stadium for ndp preview almost every year of my teaching life. i think i've watched 6 ndp preview. i missed last year's one cos i have to express milk so cannot go lor. this year, it'll be at a brand new location so it''s quite cool that you get to watch it. they've also changed the format, it seems so you'll be watching something quite different from previous years'. i would say that all the ndps i watched were pretty much the same. (i've never been a fan of ndp lah so you cant expect me to give rave reviews..)


yeah lor. kena scolding is part of working life. i remembered once my P scolded me publicly in the general office for a mistake which is not even mine!!! i was so angry but what did i do? i cried. i hated him terribly. actually all of us hated him cos he liked to focus on our mistakes and really have no respect for us when he needed to scold us. whenever a teacher made a major mistake, we'd hear of it for many, many contact time sessions (that's a fancy word for staff-listen-to-the-principal-talk-nonsense-time). his contact times are really useless and pointless. we were so relieved when we had a change of heads. the new p finally took the school off the ground and made it more focussed. i'm really digressing now. hahaa!

the point is, there are bosses who like to scold people. bosses who forgive a genuine mistake and let you move on are rare gems.


is the vomitting much less or the same intensity as before?

Im so so so unhappy rite now.. eversince ive started werking.. my toddler dotter has become such a spoilt brat! she wld give me dat "fake" cry each time i change d channel.. so she can watch her fav cartoon.. every little ting oso very whiny.. i noe my parents dote on her.. i mean... which gparents doesnt rite.. but like a bit too much.. i was disciplining my dotter when my dad cut me thro halfway.. i feel like pulling my hair out.. uurgh!! but however im grateful for dem.. coz dey are willing 2 take care of my kids.. but sumhw.. i juz wished dat i cld discipline my kid in peace.. my dotter has becum such a spoilt whiny brat dat i reali honestly feel like spanking d hell out of her.. her whiny iritating attitude really get 2 me lah.. she wasnt like diz wen i was stil a SAHM.. haiz.. how mummies.. how??!!!!!
wow...u so lucky to go for NDP preview for the continuous past 6 yr.

sometimes, the boss is in bad mood or in their PNS. like my ex boss, she 'siao siao' mood gd will treat u gd and if bad mood, any minor thing u do will kana scolding. eg even she saw a piece of paper beside the printer, she will scold.

with regard to boss matters, ai-yo, not fair if boss made mistake, they dun admit one.

as for yr dotter case, think she wan some attention loh. toddler at this age will tend to behave like that so must constantly guide them the right and wrong thing. kid really trains our patient man...

err... still having ms....oops, that's terrible. do take care. my sil edd is scheduled to be on 17/7.07 but y'day she went for checkup, doc told her she might be induced next wk bec there's limited rm for her baby to grow. she got a big baby. is like 3 wks ahead of the edd.

have send out the 4 pck of brown rice to u y'day evening only.

i wont say i'm lucky lah. must do sooooo much planning to make sure the entire load of p5s go there and come back safely, letters to write to parents, must persuade unwilling teachers to go, briefings for teachers, briefings for students, then must still listen to parents complain if we dont come back on time (always never come back at scheduled time one. either too early or too late.) hahaa! i complain so much, hor? i pity my friend who'll have to do everything on his own now that i'm gone. cos, previous years, i've been doing most of the work. hmmm.. now that i think about it, i'm going to miss doing this. hahaa! xiao.

i think when you watch NDP, it's okay to miss one pumping session. i think, at worse, you'll just feel a bit engorged lor. but, like my friend told me, the breasts can be trained. so, as long as you diligently keep to the schedule the next few days, your milk supply wont be affected.

that's what i used to do if i'm very busy on one day.

i think maybe she misses you. so she's just being dificult? she wants the same kind of attention from you but i'm sure it's difficult cos you are so exhausted when you come back.
naddy / afcai

I don't vomit that much now.. but i will definitely vomit after some food or drinks... haiz!

But the fainting spells are getting worse. Just two days ago i fainted at my sch's learning journey to Toyota. I fainted right in front of my principal. So embarassing! The other teachers got quite panicky coz they said it took me a few seconds to gain consciousness. Sometimes i can also blackout while sitting.... strange.... Ask my gynae, she said coz my body is small.. so as baby grows, it presses on many blood veins, hampering blood flow...


Maybe irza is still not used to you not being around most of the time. yah.. i guess she misses you. Don't be so hard on the girl yah....
On sat, I do some abornormal thing - consuming my own ebm (oops, cos bb tx has been wasting ebm nowsday). ai-yo, when preparing her 4 teaspoons of cereal with 40ml of ebm, she doze off before I manage to feed her on sun. wanted to wake her up but did not or else she will be cranky. she dun like ppls to disturb her when she alsp. the hubby just place the ready made cereal mixed with emb into the fridge. bb tx still has not woke up 1 hr later so I consume myself and then I added into thick brown rice powder(cook liao) in. so 'force' myself to eat. wow, the after taste of ebm is quite strong. yucks...cant stand it even with thick brown rice. dunno why bb like ebm so much. bb tx appetite not gd liao dunno why dun wan to suck fr bottle. over the wkend, got to spoon 'drop' by drop of ebm till she finish. she also got constipation too. y'day, her poo is so hard and smelly. also some poos got suck in her anus, try to dig out a bit but still got some leftover. she also on water strike too.

bb tx also has been doing some push up when placing her on the bed. she used her palm and knee to push herself up. haa her action like a turtle... think she is learning how to crawl soon.

ok, just a quick scan of the posting, so long never check email liao.

yup, these few wkend, my pumping session like a war so bb tx kept sticky to me, dun wan hubby. ai-yo, dunno why. so pumping session delayed 1-2hr loh.then need to readjust bck no choice, early morning at 2am+ got to wake up to pump so to keep my 6hr interval pumping schedule.

hmm maybe low blood pressure also may cause faintign spell. do take care.

you know what? i'll throw away my breastmilk if i were you! hahaaa! i admire you leh. i dont think i can drink it myself. i just licked up the drops that fell on my hands. that's the most i'll do.

my friend is also like you. she cant bear to waste her ebm. so if her daughter doesnt drink it, she'll add it to milo and drink it all up.

how's your first day back at school?

yeah, low blood pressure can also cause fainting spells. at least you fainted in front of your principal. it's good lah so she cannot think that you are trying to fake your condition. heh. (must always see the silver lining behind every dark cloud maaahh...)

i survived my first day!! yay!! still got 45 working days to go for this term...

yah... maybe its a good thing... everybody was so caring and concern towards me today asking if i am feeling better.. Even my notorious VP told me to go home early if i have no other duties (i guess she doesn't want to be responsible if i faint in school again..) hehehe...

hmmm... you mummies drink your own BM...?? When i was BFing aafreen before, i only tasted 1 drop coz curiosity got the best of me... other than that nope, i didn't use the BM for other things.. what more bathing or own drinking.. No guts lah..
i think secret is to walk with small steps
cant tell so obviously ..
Hi Elin,

Have you given birth?

I always tell myself to sashay with small steps... but my job nature ahh... don't allow me to do so... Coz i always need to go from one point to another in less than 5 minutes. Halfway i will automode waddle big steps. Haha!!
Thanks, ladies .. my MS has its ups and down moments .. argh! I was feeling ok over the weekend and BAM! yesterday i could barely get off the bed.. aiyah! Yah, Elias is really happy that we have the 2nd one on the way but I told him, after this, i close shop already .. I'm only about 6 weeks' past but my back is aching already .. plus i think last time pregnancy was not so bad cos i don't have another baby to care for at home .. just hope that Sofi doesn't feel that we don't care for her already - she has been kicking my tummy and scratching her dad's face .. sometimes when we carry her, she will start smacking our shoulders like she's darn unhappy ..
hi cuclainne,

How do you cope with your work? Your workplace ppl understanding?

The elder baby seems to know that she will have a "rival of attention" soon... Same goes for aafreen. Super clingy when i was in the first trimester. She will "accidentally" kick or step on my tummy. Sometimes we will purposely take a soft toy and treat it like another baby, like giving it aafreen's bottle and pillow and pat it. The little tot will come and SNATCH them away!!!!

But we are trying to "prepare" her early for the baby's arrival by addressing her as "kakak" and my tummy as "adik" (hopefully she won't relate that all tummies are called "adik" in future)... When we go out, we point out to her any younger babies we see as "adik". And we always make her "sayang" and kiss her soft toys and my tummy
... Dono if that will help la...
Talking abt back ache..

cuclainne, do you find that the symptoms we experience during a pregnancy show up earlier this time round? Coz for my case, i am already experiencing Braxton's hicks and my milk ducts have started to leak...
yah, the people at the office are cutting me some slack or it seems so on the surface, don't know at next appraisal ah! hehehe .. but it's darn difficult to be on time when i have to bring sofi along with me to work and settle her at child care first .. so now i've been coming in late, and leaving the office late .. some more i am in charge of several 'projects' in the office and it's causing me much stress and distress .. elias was asking me to quit cos he said my health and baby's health is more important than the money but i can't just leave halfway .. boo hoo .. oh well.

ya la, the old folks say that the elder sibling can tell yah .. my colleague's daughter is also super clingy to her (she's pregnant with 2nd child). but sofi is still young, she probably doesn't care about what i'm saying to her cos she doesn't understand yet .. hahaha ..
oh yes, i'm beginning to feel something in my belly already which took me a while in the first pregnancy to realise. my backaches .. adoi! i have to lie on my back whenever i am at home .. elias has been banished from the couch already - it's all mine! oh, re: the milk ducts .. i just realised that i am still having breastmilk leh .. how ah? my mom said that if sofi is clever to suck from it then it will flow back but now when i am pregnant again, it just feels weird!
oh yah, you going back to your previous gynae?

You know what, I am already contemplating to use epidural during birth later (eventhough its just 4+ mth now)... coz it seems like only yday i gave birth to Aafreen and the contraction / labour pain is still fresh in my mind.... sob! sob!
yes, i am seeing my previous gynae cos i'm quite used to him and he was with me during my first pregnancy. i was a bit apprehensive about keeping the baby at first cos it's just like 7 months prior that i went for my c-section and usually the doc will advise to wait for one year so that's why i went back to my old gynae - after checking, he said it should be ok to proceed so phew!

i don't think i am going to try vaginal delivery this time - i still remembered how long i had to wait in the delivery suite and still had to go for c-section in the end. i think it'll probably be a scheduled c-section for me this time so elias can come in the theatre with me. :D
my mom mentioned that mommies are really wonderful because no matter how fresh the labour pains are in their minds, or how bad their morning sickness was, they are still eager to have more children. if that had happened to the guys .. hmm ...
hello mummies!!!

wah seriously...

ive been so busy until i hardly have time for myself.. or find the time to log in..

hope u ladies are getting along fine..

i receive my ELF items! i luv it to bits!! all the items are retail size.. super happy wif my purchase.. i bought 2 makeup brushes, 1 packet of oil film, 1 pair fake eyelashes, 1 makeup remover..

wah i tel u.. d makeup remover damn good!! tink im gonna buy and stock up.. i have been trying 2 remove my waterproof loreal mascara for 3 days oredi.. and 2day i tried d eye makeup remover.. it removes waterproof mascara too!! n d smell is super nice... n yes.. the packaging are superb.. super nice.. now still waiting for my designer oil perfume.. heheheehhee
welcome back!!

better not express the milk. expressing the milk can cause the uterus to contract = premature labour.

you know what? both of you talking about babies make me itch to quickly act on getting #2. but we've planned on trying for #2 end of this year. so far, huda has shown a great liking for her newborn cousin. she gets so excited and genuinely happy whenever she's near her cousin. and she also always tries to pull the fingers of the little girl. (aiyoooohhh..) i hope she'll continue being okay with babies in future.

i'm quite envious of you two also, the gap between your children's age will be so close. they'll be good friends and a few years down the road, you can just sit back and relax and enjoy your children. good luck to people like me!


all your make-up things are for professional use or for yourself? you aiming to be mak andam?
watie, can share with me on the make-up brand that you're trying? i am also using waterproof mascara and most times it's really, really difficult to remove .. i am using bodyshop makeup remover.

naddy, huda sounds like my nephew when sofi was born .. sometimes sayang, and then all of the sudden, want to pull her fingers and legs .. but he's better now .. he plays well with her and he enjoys making her laugh with his silly dances. in fact, sofi is now bullying him - pulling his curly hair, etc.

yes, that is what elias is hoping for .. with the closer gap in age, he's hoping that they'll play with each other instead of bullying one another. he is 6 years older than his brother and still remembers that they've never played together while they were growing up.. he's only bullied his brother. in fact, i remembered that he's told me and my mom that once, while he was pushing his brother home from playschool, he had wanted to see how fast the stroller can go down the slope and had let it go. once it started going fast, he panicked cos he couldn't run after it fast enough to catch hold of the bar and the stroller had crashed when it came to a stop - with his brother still in it. he said he was so terrified about what his mother would say and all that his brother could tell him was, wow! that was cool! can we do it again?! hahahaha .. it was a funny story and we are glad that nothing untoward happened to his brother.

yah la, better for you to go for a scheduled c-sect. Then won't waste time or suffer longer than it's necessary. You also already knew how to care for a c-sect wound. On top of that, you can plan when to take maternity leave. So when's your edd?


Glad you love your purchases!
Coz you know la internet buys sometimes don't perform as well as they are being promoted or look.

You bought fake lashes too? Are they soft? As for eye-makeup remover, the best i have used so far is Loreal's Bi-phase Eye and Lip makeup remover. This one don't even need to rub, you just soak a cotton pad, press it on your eye and makeup comes off. I used to be an avid fan of mascaras but hardly use now coz i've got this "new" habit of rubbing my eyes... darn!

So.. are you aiming to be mak andam? Tell you a tip, one really good base / foundation used by mak andam is Demarcos. But can only be purchased at Cosmoprof. This foundation ahh... use a bit only but make the skin look flawless and smooth.


Phew.. your reminder abt expressing milk comes JIT!! I was abt to express out milk just now. I completely forgot abt expressing milk will cause uterus to contract.

Re: the 2nd child... hmmm... but frankly, the 2nd pregnancy won't be so simple as in you just focus on taking care of yourself and you have all the time to make preparations... The most challenging for me now is having to give that same level of attention to the 1st one as if she is still the one and only child...

My husband is really excited coz he said he can't wait to experience and see again the birth process. To him, it's like an adrenaline rush. Furthermore he said, this might be the last time he would get to see the live birthing process since we have planned to stop at 2. Insane in the brain lah this man!!!

... babydust to you... heheh!!


<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">naddy</font></font>

watie... you want me to shower babydust on you...? BWAH! HAH!HAH! HAH!
my EDD is in Feb 2008. seems like such a long time away .. sigh ..

wah, lucky naddy reminded us .. for me, it's milky white on one side and clear on the other .. elias says it's weird that i'm still having breastmilk when i've stopped pumping several months ago .. the wonders of the human body .. hahahaha
Hi ladies
It seems quite some time since I've posted anything. heheh.. everybody seems to be pregnant this year leh. My sis and my SIL are both PG now plus Sabrina & Cuclainne, wow! But I'm happy for you all.
I feel like Naddy, hearing you all talk abt having the 2nd kid make me feel like trying for one too. But I'm scared abt who's going to take care of them both lah so thats why until now never take any action.

Hmm.. so its really true that we will experience everything earlier for the 2nd pg ah? Haiz... Isaac now is super clingy. He will cry when I just say 'bye' to him. Now cannot let him see me leave the house. Cannot imagine what will happen when I have the 2nd one...hahaha

Mummies, anyone know of a good brand for 2-way cake? Cos' I foresee that I'll be using lots of makeup for my new job lah. So need to ask around for a good brand. The one that I'm using now is dunno how many years old cos' I use it so rarely! Sigh...

Afcai, I received the cereals already. Thank you very much!

Just to check with you ah.. did Huda reject to latch on directly when she's abt 7-8 months? Cos I latch Isaac on directly at night and he's been refusing these few nights. Make me wonder if I shld just wean him off completely or not...
hello BS_S,

you've been bz lately??? Wow, so many good news of PG ard... maybe your sis and SIL will rub some of the PG dust on you soon.... heheheh...

Care to share what's your new job?
For 2-way cake, if on budget, ZA is good. More natural also. For upmarket brand, of course Chanel la. If you want something that can really match your skin colour and tone, then it will have to be MAC.

I just came bk from my monthly appt... Aafreen can expect a little sister to play with her soon...
sabrina, one of my bosses say i am darn clever to time the pregnancy such that i deliver in Feb and then go on maternity leave during budgetting time .. hahaha .. so GREAT that i don't have to complete and submit papers upon papers of this .. hahaha!

wah, congratulations! were you hoping for a girl?
Hi Sabrina
That's good news indeed! Hehehe.. can save quite a bit on the clothes ya? I'm moving to a diff industry and career. Going to do admin cos' I realized that I want to spend more time with Isaac. My current job is taking me away from him cos' I have to travel to M'sia and work weekends when there's events. And of cos' the pay is much better lah...

do you know the price range for MAC? Cos' I think I'll try out ZA first then if really using make-up everyday then buy a better brand. Dun want to spend so much then chuck them one side.

Hehehe.. I dun really want to get PG now cos' I realized that my PIL and my mom are not really prepared to take care of him lah. So now headache, must look ard for infant care for him.
Now thinking of putting him at the same infant care as Sofi.
hmmm like what BS_S mentioned everyone seems to be pregnant this year. my SIL also. ai-yo, hubby mentioning abt no2. scared liao thinking abt having to go thru the confinement and the delivey process (still have not get thru yet) will put me off.maybe will be 2-4 yr later loh. also I'm so dead tired and eyes bag is getting bad man...

Hi BS_S,
u are welcome.
Have Issac grew any teeth?

Hi cuclainne,
agreed. mummies not only wonderful but the best...cos no matter how tired they are, they still can ta han...

Have sofi teething?

Hi naddy,
one of the mummy told me that she did drink her own ebm few times when she went travel. she is pai seh to pour down the toilet sink. she mentioned sometimes it is sweet like condense milk and sometimes it is bland.
BS_S, i used ZA - it's not too bad and it's quite reasonably priced. Are you going to put Isaac at LV at KKH? Have you registered yet cos they have a long waiting list ..

afcai, yes, sofi has two front teeth on bottom gum and apparently another is growing on top (my mom told me cos she's babysitting this week) .. or rather, she kidnapped sofi! well, she did ask beforehand .. hmm, she didn't really ask .. she just said, I'm coming to take sofi on wednesday and only sending her back on sunday .. this was on monday when she was over at my place - then when she went home, she gave a call and told me that she's taking sofi on tuesday, instead of wednesday so i haven't seen sofi for several days .. sad but i also needed the break cos of work and all .. can't wait to see her again ..

how is tx on solids?
Well, this time round i didn't feel that it would matter if boy or girl. Coz being a mother, the baby's health is utmost important. But i think my husband might be a bit disappointed coz he was really hoping for a boy... he told me he is happy that we are having another daughter but i know deep, deep down there's a tinge of disappointment in him..


MAC price range for foundations is between $45-$55.

You are right abt childcare part. It's a big headache. My sis just told me she is pregnant. The rest of the family doesn't know yet. Most likely her EDD is in March 2008. She is feeling a bit confused coz she knows my parents are helping to take care of my kids.... Now i feel really guilty...
Coz i know my parents will have a bit of a "headache" too... Once i finish my confinement... then it's my sister's turn...


That's really GREAT planning!!
Too bad mine always sort of "bad timing". My maternity leave always fall during school holidays... haiyah...
sabrina, agreed .. baby's health is most important .. which reminds me that i need to take my folic acid .. haven't been taken it .. yikes!

never mind .. maybe you might get a boy when you try for a third?

that is why sofi is in infantcare cos my mom was taking care of my nephew .. he's in playschool right now and i know she feels guilty about not being able to care for her like she had for him so that's why she tries to babysit when she can but i also don't want to stress her .. but grandparents will be grandparents, they will also want to care for their grandchild .. congrats to your sister!

A third?????? hahahah! Let me get this 2nd one out first before i even have the slightest thought bubble abt the third one... (shudder!)


wow, your kids grow teeth very fast!! Up till now, Aafreen only has 3.5 teeth. 2 full front teeth at the bottom and 1 1/2 front teeth at the top... sometimes she looks comical, coz when she eats bisuits on her own, she reminds me of a hamster... HEEHHEEHEHHH!
wah wah wah!!!

so many post!!

errr pls mummies...

no baby dust on me.. hopefully for the next 10 years!! hahhahahhahaah..... 2 is enuf... now got terrible headache oredi..or maybe 5 years lah. 10 years seem abit big gap...

ur siz is preggie? wah! tell her i said congrats... yeah i noe.. goin 2 be super tough on ur mum.. taking care of 3 young kids.. wah im sure ur mum didnt expect 2 be a gma of 3 kids soon yah.. hehhee.. abt d dgender of baby.. yeah.. i totally agree wif u.. boy or girl.. doesnt matter as long baby is healthy rite.. mak andam? keekkeke.. no lah.. im using the makeup products for myself.. now i started working.. i dun even have d time 2 wear makeup every mrng.. i juz wear foundation oni..

im using PIXY 2 way cake.. the brand not dat popular.. coz its very cheap.. and when i say cheap.. i meant reali reali damn cheap!! refill oni cost $5.. the whole set wif mirror and casing.. cost abt $10.. pple oways ask me wat brand of 2 way cake im using.. and when i tell dem.. dey were like.. sure anot.. giving me dat unsure look.. but its up 2 each individual preference lah.. ive been using PIXY brand for almost 4 years oredi.. n still a loyal supporter.. haha.. but for liquid foundation.. my feveret is d Revlon colourstay.. last time only $19.90 leh old packaging.. new packaging cost $27.90.. and oso the new n old one carry same amt.. stupid rite...

the makeup products im toking abt is the ELF.. u can find it under the oversea spree.. 1 item oni cost US$1!!! the makeup remover is oredi wet leh.. u no nid 2 soak it in water.. got 18 pieces of pad.. for US$1.. ok lah.. not bad.. im waiting for d next spree.. so i can stock up on makeup remover.. hahahhahaha....

toking abt teeth.. my son oso still haven grow yet lah the teeth!! haiz.... so slow...
wow... seems that ZA is quite good ah. Watie, where do you buy the PIXY brand of 2-way cake? If really that good then i may want to give it a try.

How long is the waiting list for LV? Think i better get around to visit the centres asap. Been procastinating cos' I dun really want to but no choice lah. Check with you ah, does the centre require a doctor certification that the bb is in good health? How do you go about this ah?

I agree that boy or gal it does not really matter lah as long as bb is healthy. Maybe when they grow up your hb will appreciate girls better cos' girls tend to be more filial to parents. hahahaa... I dread the day when Isaac grow up and get married and his wife and I dun get along.. that will really make me sad man.

Isaac still dun have any teeth yet leh. I think he's a slow bloomer. Somehow I think that he will walk first before he talks. Cos' now he's already taking bb steps by holding on to the side of the bed/sofa etc. I am still trying to ignore my mom's request to get a walker for him.. hahaha.. i'm so evil right?
Hello BS_S, cuclainne,

This LV infantcare both of you talking abt is Learning Vision right? How is it? Thought of sending Aafreen to the childcare at one of the branches.


Don't worry la... in fact, i think its better that the teeth take time to grow coz it allows the gums to develop first. If not, may get overcrowding of teeth right?? But he can take baby steps already, that's great development!
The walker is optional la... actually it's more for the adults' convenience than it is for the kid's. Coz the adults can just "park" the kid in the walker and proceed to do their own chores.


will convey to my sis. I don't think it's humanly possible for my mum to take care of the 3 babies alone. So i am already thinking of alternative chidcare for Aafreen and especially for the 2nd one. For her, I may have to "outsource" to an infantcare. I don't really trust babysitters or nannies. Taking care of two young infants at the same time is no joke!!!! Then i decided to "give chance" to my sis coz it's her first child and still got not much experience at taking care of kids yet. I am a good sister right?
watie, next time if you're putting in an order for the make up remover wipes, let me know too ok!

BS_S, i registered on their waiting list when i was about 6 months pregnant with sofi .. it is that long! there is a standing joke amongst my colleagues that as soon as you are planning for a baby, must go and register already. i think it's because there's not so many infant care centres as compared to child care and since a lot more parents are working nowadays as compared to before, they are pretty popular.

yes, we were supposed to provide information on baby's allergies, paediatrician etc but when sofi was enrolled, she hasn't been to the PD yet - not yet three months - so they said it was ok as long as i keep them updated.

sabrina, it's ok .. so far i find their care quite adequate. the LV infant care at KKH has about 6 nannies and the ratio is about 4 babies - 1 nanny. i feel quite lucky because they are matronly and some of the makciks there are really helpful like telling me when they thought sofi was ready for more milk intake, ready for solids, etc .. each kid has a clipboard which the parents can check at the end of the day .. so you can see when they shower your baby, how often they change diapers, when they give milk/ food, and the nap times, etc .. they also have a smiley/ unsmiley face which they will tick to tell you what mood your baby was in .. hahahaha .. there is also a board where you have to write your baby's preferences (likes to be swaddled, carried upright, etc), last diaper change/ milk feed when you leave your baby in the morning.

and if they are not sure about anything, they will definitely give you a call to check.

down side is that at the end of the week, you will have to strip the cot down and take everything: blanket, mattress cover, etc back with you for cleaning and on monday, put everything back .. every day have so many clothes, bibs and towels to clean ..

but the staff at LV really practice hygiene - when they clean your babies, they wear gloves. and if a baby had drooled over a toy, they will clean. but of course, you can't stop another baby from having runny nose and passing it to your child la .. sofi is having a cough and runny nose because two other babies had it .. can't be helped la.

for a moment i tot u ladies were toking abt d LV brand.. LOL.. abit lost here...

u can buy PIXY 2 way cake at jrg point Jamu Shop.. or any other Jamu shop la.. sure have one.. i usually buy mine at Geylang.. much cheaper den Jrg Point.. or if my aunt goes 2 Batam.. i will ask her to buy for me frm der.. even much more cheaper! wah, frm d way u describe.. issaac sounds like very TERROR.. hahahha.. aqil now super clingy.. oways crying.. tink he's more a crybaby den my dotter..

dats really nice of u to help ur siz.. yah.. since nw ur siz preggie.. u shld try 2 consider other alternative.. i rmbr last time u were asking abt maid rite? den how nw? ur option for maid still open? i wonder if getting a maid cheaper or childcare cheaper..

to mummies..

u ladies received my sms diz noon? regarding my new hp no.. juz wondering..
Hi Watie
Yup, I received your sms and updated my HP already! Thanks for the info of the PIXY 2-way cake. Think i'll get the ZA first.. at least easier to find.

Wahh... thats a very long waiting list leh. hmmm... from what you mentioned, they seem pretty good. Must quickly source for one soon then. Otherwise, when I go for the new job, cannot eat snake liao.. hahha

Maybe you want to hire a maid? That way, your maid takes care of your kids but at least your mom supervises her. Then at least its not too bad. Just my 2cents worth lah.
Hi BS_S, watie,

yah.. i am also contemplating to get a maid.. but to put the maid at my mum's place might be a challenge coz it's a 3-rm flat. Where's the maid going to sleep? But anyways, shall discuss with husband first... hmmm.. haven't seen him for a week.. Have been a Reservist-widow.
actually a friend of mine suggested that because i was telling her about the possibility of either me quitting to take care of the kids myself or putting both of them in infantcare so i can continue to work. she said that it was much cheaper to get a maid than putting two kids in infantcare and if i manage to find a place close to my mom's, then perhaps i can register her under my mom's address so everyday i can send the kids to my mom's place and my mom have help yah.. i discussed with elias but he doesn't seem that keen .. aiyah, this man ah!
my husband has also expressed that he is not keen abt getting a maid... but he is also not eager abt the idea that i quit my job... and... he is also don't like the idea of sending the kids to a childcare centre... AIYAH!!!!!!!!!
