you mean they purposely go all out to make things difficult for those who live in the opposition ward?? how childish can that be??! like sabrina says, everyone pays taxes. why must those in the opposition ward suffer? like this, how can we vote for the present-day powers-that-be???!
i think your school is really not people-friendly, hor? the present P in my school is good. she's very focussed and knows what's to be done. unlike my previous P who's damn useless. he's only after media coverage and awards. i pity the teachers in the school he's in now.
and you're only 9 weeks pregnant? oh, what a loooooong way that is from delivery!!! i hope i'm not rubbing salt into your wounds. but, every time i hear of people getting horrible MS, i would immediately recall all that i went through in my pregnancy. and i remember counting the number of weeks and how much closer i am to the end of all these.
by the way, you're planning for 2 only? closing shop after this?
bss again,
last time, i also knocked on the doors of my neighbours to check out what my unit looks like! hahaa! my block is about 20 years, by the way. in woodlands, there's the new part and there are the old, old ooooolllllddddd parts.
anyway, take your time with renovation. it's okay to move in later. you're renting a place or living with parents/ILs now? for me, we got the flat 4 months before we got married and so, we planned to move in immediately after the wedding. so, we didnt spend as much time as we should pondering over our renovation decisions. so, we ended up with a grey and white kitchen. it looks okay, actually but i cant stand the tiles i chose!!! i wished i had thought things out more thoroughly. now, i'm thinking of knocking down a wall to enlarge the master bedroom so that there'll be space for a bigger wardrobe. presently, my husband's wardrobe is in another room and mine is in the MBR. now that we have a kid, we cant hog all the rooms, can we? sigh. in the past, i thought one wardrobe would be enough. sigh again. i really hate the thought of all the dust flying all over the place.
the point is, take your time with the reno! any regrets later may be too late!!
about the roof - the roof is flat. didnt know there are sloping ones.
reno - we spent $18k. most of it was spent on the 2 toilets and kitchen. the rest of the reno work

lastering, electrical rewiring, cornices (which is a huge mistake because it has become a home for the lizards!!!), doors, gate, a few other stuff.
renting? but if you rent, at the end of the rental period, you'll have nothing to show for it. it's money gone down the drain.
besides the disciplining of the kids, are there any other pressing reasons to move out? if i were you, i'll stay with my parents for as long as possible. hahaa! easy mah. if i need anything, i can just go to the shops without bringing the kids along because parents are around to keep an eye on our kids.
just my opinion lah. i suppose, if you've lived with your parents all your married life, you may crave a bit of breathing space (so that you can do noisy things at night????) heheheheeee....