Subsidy Patient @ KKH

Thanks, BS_S. I am keeping 1st watch while her father catches some Zzzzzs .. she seems better now .. she was playing and smiling earlier .. which was loads better than the last few days .. soooo moody and crying all the time ..

hi cuclainne,

Hope Sofi is much much better now. I could still recall it was never a pleasant experience when Aafreen was warded...

hi naddy,

is huda better now?

hmm... seems alot of babies down with some discomfort or another...

I am thinking of taking a 1-bedded ward coz i might be the one disturbing the other patients coz my family like to stay really long for visits.
thanks, sabrina .. she's drinking her milk but she is also pooping almost immediately after the feed .. haiz .. i just want her to be well again .. the docs mentioned it's most likely the rotavirus and now i am regretting not getting her the vaccination earlier when i could have .. argh!
the doctor mentioned it could be due to hygiene or that she might have come into contact with someone who had it .. she was at my mom's place when my nephew came down with diarhoea but that was weeks ago so the doc said it's unlikely .. anyways, she's not drinking so much now and the consultant mentioned that she is mildly dehydrated .. she's taking the pedialyte now but just a little .. they might put her on iv then .. aiyoh, my heart pain when i think they are going to poke her ..
HI Cuclainne
How is Sofi? Is she discharged yet? How did the doctor diagnose that she's suffering from the rotavirus? Hmm.. Can you immunize her now that she's already exposed to it? It's always painful for us parents to see our kids falling ill but be strong k?
Hope she gets well real soon!
BS_S, I took her to the walk-in clinic at KK on Monday for her runny nose and cough and the doc prescribed medicine for it. She also warned me to watch out for fever .. on tuesday morning, she vomitted twice so i sent her to my mom's place cos my colleague made a fuss when i took the day off to send sofi to the clinic .. then Sofi started her diarrhoea on the same day. On Saturday morning, we took her to the GP and he said it sounds like the rotavirus from the history we gave. Her stomach was also still rumbling, meaning the diarrhoea is most likely to continue on for a few more days. Seeing her age, he advised us to bring her to KK and the doctor at Children's Emergency and later at the ward, confirmed that it most likely is the rotavirus. They took a stool sample yesterday but the results are not out yet.

She seemed to be getting better yesterday - feeding well and cheerful but today she has totally refused all her milk feeds and was sleeping most times. So they had to put her on iv .. my heart is so painful right now when i see her like this ..
hi cuclainne,

Don't blame yourself for not sending Sofi for the Rotavirus jab. There would be 1001 jabs if we want to save our babies from all the infections in the world. I didn't also. At least now you will know that Sofi will built natural immunity against Rotavirus after this. Be strong k. Babies are actually stronger than they look. *Hugz* I know how it feels to see your own small child with an IV in the hand...

Let us know if you need anything yah..
Thanks sabrina, you are right about babies being stronger than they look. Sofi is being quite inquisitive about her iv drip .. she was touching the tubes and licking the plasters ..aiyo yoh .. hahahah .. at least she's being her usual cheery self again which makes me feel better ..
hello mummies~!

im here lah~! hehhe.. so sorry yah.. been really bz.. coz my 2 kids.. got sick lah.. one after another... n d other day i juz brought aqil 2 kkh @ 3am in d morning lah.. he was slping soundly.. den all of a sudden.. he's like gasping for air.. like having diffculties breathing lah.. i got worried coz before he was asleep.. he was fine.. i decide 2 go kkh instead.. coz i noe NUH super slow.. and KKH A&E oso much cheaper den NUH's A&E.. aqil was diagnosed withd "croup" lah.. i dunoe wat d heck is dat.. d doc said alot of medical jargon.. i only remembered dat d doc said aqil had infection in d vocal cords.. thus dat explains d noise which sounds like he's gasping for air.. he did xray for chest n throat.. everything's clear... im juz glad lah.. diz aqil ah. i juz find dat he's abit weak lah.. compared 2 his sis.. every little thing oso he can get sick..

n another thing why i rarely log in is dat. my hb have been hogging d PC lah.. so i got no chance 2 use it.. n when i finally did.. i got tired lah.. so i juz switched it off.. no choice.. sorry for MIAing for so long.. hehehe..

oh ya BSS,
here's d link 2 my blog..

but its in a mixture of eng n malay.. hehe.. hope u dun mind lah.. ;p
wah.. ive been reading d previous post.. majority of ur kids oso sick ah?? tink its coz of d roaming virus lah.. juz remember 2 take good care of ur kids.. most importantly.. be patient.. coz it can get quite frustrating handling dem esp when dey r sick.. :)
ladies, we are finally home! sofi was discharged today - she tested positive for rotavirus and apparently the hospital is seeing a spike in the number of cases. a friend of mine who is a teacher in a child care centre told me that MCYS has sent an email to inform that they are having a rise of HFMD cases too. we also have to practice super super good hygiene cos the rotavirus can pass to adults too!!

btw, i have decided that my family's health is far more important than work - especially since some of my colleagues are so unsympathetic despite sofi being admitted for several days and me not getting enough rest - i still had to go to the office to sort out work!! i am like so pushed to the point of quitting ..
cuclainne! glad to know sofi's home. so, it was rotavirus after all? i think this is the season of sickness. so many sick kids everywhere i go. and my poor hubby is down with the flu now. huda has just recovered from her one week of runny nose.

yeah, HFMD is on the rise and i'm so glad i'm on NPL this year. i cant imagine if my school has a high number of HFMD cases - i'll most probably bathe myself in concentrated dettol before i touch huda.

colleagues can be so uncaring, eh? that's the way it is for some people. absolutely no compassion - much like some people in sabrina's school. it doesnt matter that you've worked like a dog for the past few months - just one episode of CCL/MCs, and they'll start to hound you. it's just so annoying.

anyway, i actually wrote quite a long story just now in the afternoon but the board was under maintenance so my entire greetings/questions/comments couldnt be posted. now, i'll just have a quick one:

watie, you're back!!

bss, got your key already? (for the life of me, i cant remember whether you got the key to your house oredi or not) when will you know the results of your interview?

afcaihow are you coping with your new schedule?must be easier when ting xuan is with you from thursday - sunday, right?

sabrina hope your morning sickness has gone away!
hang in der k~!!! glad dat sofi is fine.. ya lah.. now got alot of kiddos sick lah.. have 2 take extra care of dem..

ya lah~! im back~! kekekekekkekekeekekekee... dun want 2 see me ah?? hahaa.. i noe lah we haven meet each other face to face.. hehhehe

u, where are u???

bss & afcai..
wassup ladies~!!!!


wah finally.. after like 1 day of maintenance.. diz forum is finally up n abt.. tried posting msg from juz now.. cannot lah..
hello mummies,

Hope everything is well with you ladies.

Still trying to cope with my MS la. It's getting much worse. I have resorted to all sort of things to relief this morning sickness. I can't teach standing up for too long anymore. I will feel giddy. I am wearing acupressure bands on my wrists to help relief MS. But these doesn't work in the morning when MS is strongest. Haiz!

Will log in again later....
<font size="+2">Mummies~!!</font>

hmm.. i guess dats y dey call it d morning sickness?? coz like u said.. its d strongest in d morning.. i pity u lah~! i hope by d end of 3mths.. d MS will be gone.. if notat least subside lah.. giddy? isit due 2 low blood? or is dat mrng sickness too?

ya lor.. d site was on maintenance.. dat y cannot post aniting lah.. :)

i have this feeling that i will have morning sickness till the day i deliver.... just like my previous pregnancy... difficult to talk abt it la unless you experience it yourself. I can't describe to you how it feels. A lot of ppl tel me it's ok, it would go away. But they don't experience it throughout the 9 mths. And they don't experience vomitting till they cried coz the chest and the throat hurt so much. And they don't experience vomiting till they collapse on the floor coz it's just so tiring and life draining....

I practically should just have a toilet bowl stuck to my face.

Glad that Sofi is back home. A big relief right??
I think i have to step up hygiene when with aafreen too. Will get me a bottle of dettol later.

As for you colleagues / workplace, maybe it's time for you to look elsewhere? If they have shown that family is last place to them, hmmmm.... maybe its not worthwhile to struggle with them all the time.

For me, i am asking for a transfer to another sch. If the new sch is the same as this current one, i will quit and do something else. Give tuition if i have too.... It's not worth it la. Jobs can always find anywhere. But you can never replace a lost child or family.
im sorry dat ur having it rough.. n yep.. i probably wldnt noe how u feel.. but i hated d feeling of puking.. since ur gut feeling says its gonna last throughout d whole 9mths.. den.. u juz hang in der yah.. take it step by step.. dun force urself if its too much for u too handle.. yep. i oso feel dat its better to stick to pro-family kinda jobs lah.. if not.. it will be very strezful.. have to think btw ur job n ur kids.. u, goin 2 resign?? but i juz saw d new ytd dat dey r going 2 increase teacher's pay lah~!! hehee.. by 5%? if i remembered correctly.. being a teacher really does have very lucrative pay.. :) so envious~!

yes, teachers' pay is lucrative... but... there are "BUTs" to it you know.... As a teacher, you practically work 8 days a week!!!! (oops!! better not scare off BS_S. heheh!!) Nothing to be envious. We are slave to the Go*e*nment and surrogate parents to the students!!!!

*hugs* i'll regale you with occasional stories of my ADS (all-day sicknes - cos mine happened all the time)

there was once, after dinner, i felt my dinner going up again, back to my throat and my hubby wasn't fast enough with the plastic bag and i spewed out my dinner all over my carpet. poor husband had to cleanup all the mess while i lay down on the sofa.

for me, absolutely nothing worked. the anti-vomiting pills worked a bit but sometimes, i'll vomit it out immediately after taking it.

which week are you in now, sabrina?

watie, you've been gone for soooooo long. thought you were helping your husband with anugerah stuff.
ya lor... i remembered last time.. back den in sec skul.. when i was having my "O" level.. i kept pestering my teacher to give me extra class & tips... hahahaaha... my teacher muz be feeling pretty stressed out yar.. :) hahhaa..

how?? after wat sabrina has said.. kekkekekkeke...

no lah.. my hb & bro has been hogging d PC lah.. so d only time avail for me is very early in d morning.. noon & at nite lah.. now very relaxed.. doing nuting for hb.. coz results will only be out on 1st may... :)
HI Naddy
I got my keys last Fri but my house is FULL of problems. Ceilings leak, insert light bulb the whole circuit will trip, hollow tiles in the kitchen/toilets and leaking toilet bowl. Sigh... Was so excited to get my keys and now feel quite deflated cos' reported the defects to HDB and now waiting for them to rectify them. Dunno how long they will take also cos' now they say that cos' mine is the top most floor, leaking ceilings are under the realm of TC. So they will pass the message to them for me. To me, it just means more delay lah. Hope they will repair them soon and I can move in lah.

Hmm... they are supposed to notify me the outcome of the interview by 1 or 2 of May. 15 days from the date of the interview. So right now, just waiting & crossing my fingers.

Glad to hear taht Sofi is discharged already. Although I'm sick of my work, but one good thing is that my boss is quite flexible about letting me take off to take care of Isaac. So at least, my situation is not as bad as you. It's bad when bosses & colleagues dun empathise with you and help you. Esp those who have experienced what you went through before. Hang in there ya?

Hahaha... Let's see whether I get the job first lah. I'll worry later.
hmmmm.. mummies.. wat happened 2 friso comfort?? aqil is having constipation.. drop by ntuc n liberty... dun have leh.. only have friso soy... any idea how 2 solve d constipated issues?
any1 read d latest update for little saby??

i feel so sad.. honestly.. i felt dat.. she shld go... coz.. she has been suffering 2 much.. but i didnt dare post @ dat thread.. dun wan 2 dampen other mummies spirits.. her heart stopped beating so many times.. but each time managed 2 revive her.. its really heartbreaking.. she must be having a hard time.. n feeling confused as in which direction shld she go.. *sigh* but its all in God's hand.. God decides everything..

Were you still teaching when you had MS? How did you cope? I really feel like taking sick leave and just rest at home. Nowadays, i just drag myself to work. Don't even have energy to smile sometimes.

You bought a resale flat? How come the previous owner didn't report of the problems before selling??


maybe you can try prune juice diluted in water or mashed sweet banana. Aqil should be able to take those already. I just give aafreen that is she has the occasional constipation. No more buying of special formulas. In fact, even for her food i am not fussy anymore. She is eating stuff like ice cream, jellies, cereals like cornflakes and honeystars with milk and drinking Ribena. Coz she doesn't seem to like her "baby / toddler food" anymore. As long as she is happy, i am fine with it.

I didn't want to comment abt the thread that you post coz I don't think its nice to talk abt other ppl mishap that is really sensitive.
Hi Sabrina
my flat was bought direct from HDB. It was considered as new! Thats what makes it more frustrating. Or maybe it's cos the flats are in the opposition ward thats why they are so bo chap. But if tat's the kind of attitude that they want to take, then dun sell the flats in the first place lah. Grr... so frustrated.

Ic. But if you think abt it, eventhough you will live in an opposition ward, you still pay taxes wat. So why do they still treat ppl living in the opposition ward differently right? Dont understand la.

Is it easier / better to buy flat directly from HDB rather that thru agents?? Coz my husband say if next time we decide to move, he will not go thru agent. Bad experience.
hi bss,

i dont think it's because you live in an opposition ward. it's just that units like ours are severely neglected for too long. mine has water seepage problems which we only discovered recently. working with the town council people can be soooooo infuriating!!!!

anyway, have fun renovating!!! now, 4 years after moving into our flat, i wished we had renovated it more extensively then. there are soooooooo many areas that i feel we can improve on. but now, it's too late (unless we are crazy enough to tolerate the dust and noise for 1 month plus).


yes, i was working throughout my months of pregnancy and MS. i had to drag myself to school every day and i hated the days when i had to climb up to the 4th floor classes. i rushed to the toilet to puke from time to time. and i was ALWAYS sitting down. not sure about your school but my school had trouble with teachers who are seated in the classroom.

thankfully, early in my pregnancy, i was hospitalised so the school knew that i wasn't having an easy time. it was really fortunate because i'm one of those people who look okay even when i was very sick and almost dying. my P was very nice and she even hugged me when i came back from hospitalisation leave.

it's during that period that i really really wanted an office-bound job where all i do is sit on a chair all day long. so, i totally understand how you feel about wanting to stay home and rest all day.

are you vomiting out everything you eat?

about getting a flat - yeah - think getting from hdb is so much better than going through agent.


i read about sabie and i'm so soooo sad. it's soo tragic. after i read about it, i hugged huda and am so thankful that she's all fine now despite her difficult beginning. i cannot, for the life of me, imagine what the parents are feeling now. and i hope none of us will ever have to go through what they had to go through.

yup, I am vomiting out everything i ate and drank. Even a small glass of water or a piece of bread. Your P is really nice. When i was hospitalised in my first pregnancy due to dehydration, my VP gave me a call when i was in the hospital coz she wanted to know when i will return back to school coz they don't want to rely on relief teachers. I was chatting with my colleagues just now and got to that many teachers will be asking for transfer out of this school end of this year.
my body has been aching greatly nowadays and my skin looks really dull... thinking of going for a spa this weekend...hmmm... any kakis??


i read abt you keen on going for a spa treatment. Wayan Retreat is good
I was a regular customer there before i got married. The body scrub was fantastic... But at that time they just opened, so customer service was tip top... dono abt now where they are so popular already.

did you go for pre / post natal massages or treatment? Got good lobangs?? I didn't do all those things during my first pregnancy. Thought of doing them before i "close shop". I heard must book really, really early for such services.
Hi Sabrina
In a way, they do treat those who live in opposition ward differently. I was supposed to receive a giro form to pay my TC through giro but they said that they are not giving cos they do not want to do them a favour. Walau... cannot believe their logic. AS for resale or new flats, it really depends on you. Whether you want to minimize renovation headache or not. Cos' most resale flat are renovated already as compared to flats bought from HDB. Of cos' if you buy resale, you have your pick of locations while the flats released by HDB may not be to your liking. And the bad thing is that, you cant really view the flats that you buy direct from HDB.

I also tried the Wayan spa last year cos' it's near my hse. Service was not too bad and they are not too pushy. I didn really go for pre/post treatment so cant really share with you.

how 'old' is your flat? I thought all the flats in Woodlands are all new? So shld be better than mine. Is your roof the sloping kind or flat? I just realized that mine is the high sloping kind so must do false ceiling otherwise will waste more energy to cool down the room. How much did you spend on my reno? I'm trying not to rush into any reno now cos' I want to consider properly what I want to do cos' I'll hv to live with it for at least 5 years.
Yup, most of the time you cannot view the actual flat that you want. At most you can view the showflats to get an idea of how it will be. But sometimes the area that they are selling dun even have showflats, so you just look at the maps & drawings of the layout to make your choice lor. Or you can go and try to peep into the hse. What i did was to ask some of the neighbours to see if I can see their house or not to get a better feel of the layout and their comments abt the area etc. I very thick skin hor? hahaha...
ya lah.. its very sad.. but its Fate.. so we can only hope for the best for our family..

i dunoe why pple said dat preggie mummies have diz very beautiful glow during preggie.. im so like.. dats not true~! i looked horrible when i was preggie.. both preggie 2 be in fact.. i looked pale.. n my skin was dull.. i didnt have dat healthy glow.. pple often asked me if im sick.. n i really hate taking photo during both pregnancy.. coz i dun feel pretty.. but i really envy those preggie mummies who looked radiant during their whole 9mths...

for me.. my 1st preggie, i didnt go for any post natal massage lah.. coz back den was a little financially strained.. but for d 2nd one.. i did do dat.. but its juz d typical malay massage lady lah.. only wear d "benkung".. dun have like dos thigh wrap lah.. :)

spa?? never done dat before.. n dun tink i can oso.. unless if im earning my own money.. :)

wah.. all this toking abt HDB.. got me tinking.. when shld i move out~!! coz i need a breathing space on how i can discipline my kids.. coz now got my mum n dad.. u noe lah.. grandparents.. like 2 pamper their grandchilren too much.. as they saying goes.. too much of a good thing is oso not good.. so have 2 start tinking again.. most probably, me n hb will be renting an apt thro HDB..

went for a scan just now. EDD will be on 26 Nov. Just now can see baby's heartbeat and the little legs and arms.. hehehehe!!! 3 weeks ago can't see anything, but today already 2cm long. Feels like a first-time mum all over again!!! My gynae demanded that i take the day off tmr and rest coz i have lost 3 kg and look sickly. She offered me MC for tmr. Well, i can't refuse can't i..? Doctor's order must follow right.... hehehe!


Thanks for the info. Will let my hb know that buying flat directly from HDB not so easy after all. And you are right abt the reno, must think REALLY carefully what need to be done. If not, very troublesome later if things that will make the house better are left out. For my Sembawang home, i wish my hb had paid more attention to reno of the bathroom...


i don't go to spa that often also... once in a rare blue moon. Ex leh!! I was a spa fan last time coz preping myself for my wedding day. But if you have the extra time and money to pamper yourself, should try the body scrub.... skin become super smooth and supple... cannot achieve if we do on our own.
eh u~!!!!

toking abt scrubs rite.. i have blackheads all over my face lah~!!! its very sickening & super obvious.. how 2 get rid of dem??? honestly speaking.. ive never had a facial done before.. does dat really helps in clearing up d pores?? my hb has been telling me 2 get rid of d blackheads lah.. i tried biore pore packs.. but dat only works for d nose area.. i have lotsa blackheads on my T-zone area... *sigh*

ooooooooooohhhh by d way~!!!!!!!!!!!

wah~!!!!!! baby 2 cm already ah~!!! kekkekkekekkeke.. must be very very exciting rite??????????????? hehehehhee.. ya lah.. for me.. 1st trimester lost alot of weight.. i dun seem to be bothered abt it.. coz i noe im going 2 gain alot of it during d 3rd trimester.. hehe.. but den.. since d doc told u to take good care of urself.. u probably shld.. dun be so bo chap like me... hehhehhehe...

one day... when im working.. n finally earning my own money.. we shall all go for a spa~!!!!!!!!!! errr.... but i dunoe when will dat day be.. haha
u can try d jamu shop.. "mandi lulur".. wah dat one superb lah... once u scrub ur body.. wah~! super smooth lah ur skin~! i have dat at home..

you mean they purposely go all out to make things difficult for those who live in the opposition ward?? how childish can that be??! like sabrina says, everyone pays taxes. why must those in the opposition ward suffer? like this, how can we vote for the present-day powers-that-be???!

i think your school is really not people-friendly, hor? the present P in my school is good. she's very focussed and knows what's to be done. unlike my previous P who's damn useless. he's only after media coverage and awards. i pity the teachers in the school he's in now.

and you're only 9 weeks pregnant? oh, what a loooooong way that is from delivery!!! i hope i'm not rubbing salt into your wounds. but, every time i hear of people getting horrible MS, i would immediately recall all that i went through in my pregnancy. and i remember counting the number of weeks and how much closer i am to the end of all these.

by the way, you're planning for 2 only? closing shop after this?

bss again,

last time, i also knocked on the doors of my neighbours to check out what my unit looks like! hahaa! my block is about 20 years, by the way. in woodlands, there's the new part and there are the old, old ooooolllllddddd parts.

anyway, take your time with renovation. it's okay to move in later. you're renting a place or living with parents/ILs now? for me, we got the flat 4 months before we got married and so, we planned to move in immediately after the wedding. so, we didnt spend as much time as we should pondering over our renovation decisions. so, we ended up with a grey and white kitchen. it looks okay, actually but i cant stand the tiles i chose!!! i wished i had thought things out more thoroughly. now, i'm thinking of knocking down a wall to enlarge the master bedroom so that there'll be space for a bigger wardrobe. presently, my husband's wardrobe is in another room and mine is in the MBR. now that we have a kid, we cant hog all the rooms, can we? sigh. in the past, i thought one wardrobe would be enough. sigh again. i really hate the thought of all the dust flying all over the place.

the point is, take your time with the reno! any regrets later may be too late!!

about the roof - the roof is flat. didnt know there are sloping ones.

reno - we spent $18k. most of it was spent on the 2 toilets and kitchen. the rest of the reno work:plastering, electrical rewiring, cornices (which is a huge mistake because it has become a home for the lizards!!!), doors, gate, a few other stuff.

renting? but if you rent, at the end of the rental period, you'll have nothing to show for it. it's money gone down the drain.

besides the disciplining of the kids, are there any other pressing reasons to move out? if i were you, i'll stay with my parents for as long as possible. hahaa! easy mah. if i need anything, i can just go to the shops without bringing the kids along because parents are around to keep an eye on our kids.

just my opinion lah. i suppose, if you've lived with your parents all your married life, you may crave a bit of breathing space (so that you can do noisy things at night????) heheheheeee....

u chikopek ah~!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahhahahha....

r u toking abt urself n hb??? hahahaa..

im juz looking at dos 2 room apt lah.. not d big one.. juz a simple one.. coz i tink probably 2 more years or so.. hb can apply for a flat..

reason becoz of moving out.. we wanna be independent lah.. but its very convenient here.. esp when JP is juz a stone throw away.. kekkekeekeke...
so stress nowsdays bec of new boss. hai...deep sigh. think I'm gg to partial end my bf career (half fm and half bm liao maybe next 2 wk time). this new boss of mine is not family support type. my gar appetite is gg to increase soon. now, I only giving her 4oz where she can even drink more.

my ss supply dripping liao. pump till my nipple red red and managed to squeeze only 140-150ml of ebm in the morning. last time, during ML days, morning supply is the best now no more liao. dunno why sometimes, lunch time (noon supply) have lesser(160ml) and some of the days can pump up to 210ml(which force to squeeze for nearly an hr). sianz...

Hi waite
what is diff between friso comfort and friso soy?

Hi naddy
only brought bb tx back today this wk. so shall see how hubyb cope with her tomolo(fri).
dunno why my gar face got few red dot (dunno what bit her on her cheek,ear and forehead). she also got rashes on her neck and bck to resolve this huh? shall i apply power? my mum applied it.

life nowasday is like a zombie man...sometimes, really pissed of with hubby.tell him to read the classified and go to job agency to look for job but .....hai...he just like to glue to the pc or go for his sports thrice per wk. like now, he is not in, go for the bowling(he last went is one of the days during my confinement mths liao in Dec)OK, gg to pump milk liao..

Hi Sabrina
hmm tot yr VP call to concern abt u one huh...maybe u asked the doc to give u anti-vomit pill.

yup, same thing with regard to hse viewing when I just moved into my estate. my neighbour - an old retire muslim also let us view their hse.

HDB is releasing the west and north zone flat this mth and as usual, they are oversubsribe. luckily, the inconsiderate malay family moved out at my floor liao so there's an empty unit there. now property seems to raise liao cos when I bought my flats 3 yrs ago, it is not so ex.


those pore packs are useless. You should try a facial scrub instead. But it has to be really abrasive. Try the Mustika Ratu "Peeling Mundisari". The jamu shop at JP sells those. They come in packet form. Don't buy the tube one. Pour some of the powder on your palm and massage on your face. YOu need a little bit each time only. Use it before using your regular facial wash. Use everyday. Don't listen to the salesgirl if she says you need to buy another lotion to go with the scrub. No need!

And about that "mandi lulur" that comes in a jar, I have used those but still cannot achieve the same result as that i got from the spa. Those in hte tubs not abrasive enough.
