Speech Theraphy

Tancrisx3@yahoo.com.sg`from this forum introduced me to a registered occupational therapist who comes to my house some months again. I don't have to travel as I dont have time. I checked him out and he has the licensed to prove it, so he is a bonafide therapist.He isnt a speech therapist by training but he does have experienced in helping children with speech problems. He combines activities with speech and eye contact so I think thats reasonable intervention. My son is already 5 this year but only mumbles a few words and has very little eye contact. but after a few months of therapy , the eye contact has improved and he is interested in making contact with people. at least now he tries to communicate although the vocab is limited and he tries to tell some stories after we return from outing. I dont know about these private speech centres but at least his charges are reasonable and I see concrete improvement. the best thing is my child is always waiting for him and gestures to me when "teacher is coming" He also does "brain games " to increase the child's awareness and problem solving ability. so I get two therapist for the price of one. for me thats important as I am only working part time and my hubby is the main breadwinner try to contact tancrisx3 for his contacts as I don't have permission from the therapist to give out his contact. Good luck to all the mums and dads here.

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4gladmom, thanks for sharing.

Home therapist don't work for me coz I have 2 kids at home at the same time. Not enough manpower to separate them so I guess it may not work for me.
sure you're very welcome
I was just sharing my experiences. it depends on individual's situation. what works for one may not work for others
Hi ,
My son now is 3y2m old. He has some speech difficulty. He can't speak in full sentence. Only can speak 2 to 3 words at a time. And I suspect he got austim.
Anyone can recommend me a therapy centre that can help to identify if he has austim and also help him in speaking up?
Thanks !
HI notti_hamham, you can go through the polyclinic --> referral to KKH --> Child Development Unit. It will be at subsidised rate.
try my home based therapist . he will give you a trial if you want and you can make your decision. he has 15 years experience with children with speech problems. at least my child can carry a simple conversation
try my home based therapist . he will give you a trial if you want and you can make your decision. he has 15 years experience with children with speech problems. at least my child can carry a simple conversation
Hi mummy, im interested. Can you pls pm me his contact?
Hi good try (coping),

As I'm looking for case studies, I'm not charging anything.

Elaboration on Play Therapy:
1) 45mins of therapeutic hour (the child will be exposed to all kind of play, eg. sandplay, storytelling, clay, puppets, arts, music etc)
2) the therapeutic hour is non-directive approach, led by child, the therapist follows
3) 1 case study usually take about 12 sessions depending on SDQ outcome
4) 1 session per week

If you are keen to try, please share your email address via PM to me, I'll send you more details about myself and also the therapy.

Hope to hear from you.
Hi bubbly, I am interested in your study. Are you able to share more?
My daughter has GDD case so the neurologist advised us to see an Occupational Therapist So from her age of 8 mos to 1 year and 8mos, she was seeing an OT. Now she has been recommended for a speech therapy. She can say few words but still having a hard time to talk. I hope that she'll have a big improvement once she starts to see an ST.
Thanks for all yr reply.
Other than speed delay. My son seem to be violent at times when he is unhappy. Temper quite bad. And he hates to sleep. If only see speech therapy will it helps ?
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Hi notti_hamham,
My son has ASD and had sleep issues and meltdowns in the past. Do remove allergens in his diet as these are causing inflammation in his brain. Try GFCF or GAPS diet. Do Google them..
Hi ,
My son now is 3y2m old. He has some speech difficulty. He can't speak in full sentence. Only can speak 2 to 3 words at a time. And I suspect he got austim.
Anyone can recommend me a therapy centre that can help to identify if he has austim and also help him in speaking up?
Thanks !

Hi notti_hamham,

U can check out this private intervention center called HeadStartforLife (www.headstartforlife.com.sg). They have good speech therapist as well as occupational therapist. They also provide social skills training, play therapy and educational programmes. They are located in the East.
However, to identify if the child has autism it is best to see a psychologists where they can administer proper test to determine. But since you have already come across some red flags it is best to seek intervention as early as possible no matter what the condition is.

Do check out their blog as well called Beyond Therapy http://headstartforlife.com.sg/blog/#1
It has got good information and suggestions for parents on managing children especially when they encounter difficulties in their development or learning aspects.

Good Luck!
Hi notti_hamham,

U can check out this private intervention center called HeadStartforLife (www.headstartforlife.com.sg). They have good speech therapist as well as occupational therapist. They also provide social skills training, play therapy and educational programmes. They are located in the East.
However, to identify if the child has autism it is best to see a psychologists where they can administer proper test to determine. But since you have already come across some red flags it is best to seek intervention as early as possible no matter what the condition is.

Do check out their blog as well called Beyond Therapy http://headstartforlife.com.sg/blog/#1
It has got good information and suggestions for parents on managing children especially when they encounter difficulties in their development or learning aspects.

Good Luck!

Hi Maya
Thanks for yr recomm. But The sch is too far from my hse.
try my home based therapist . he will give you a trial if you want and you can make your decision. he has 15 years experience with children with speech problems. at least my child can carry a simple conversation

yup just like you 4gladmom I managed to get a good Occupational therapist who happens to do some speech work for my sun. My son only has mild autism so I don,t think i think to send him to some centre. besides these centres are usually staffed with foreigners who don't understand the singapore culture. ( no offence intended just my personal view)
my therapist does everything for me and he explains everything he does. mat least can see significant improvement in my boy. I recommend all mummies to look or ask around for these home therapist. they are cheaper and give more intensive therapy to the child. sorry if I sound like a cheapskate.
Hi all,
My son has diagnosed as autism when he was abt 3 years old. He is 4y3m now but only has a few words and most of his time he only speak his own language.
He is now attending 3 days (2hrs each day) THK early intervention centre (referred by kk) and another 2 days at kindergarten.
We also got referral to a speech therapist at THK by kk but still under a waiting list... if I am not wrong it will be abt 70sgd 45mins per session, not sure got further subsidies.
I am currently pregnant with my 2nd bb at 22 weeks and I m the only one fetching my son to school and THK centre.
The speech therapist is actually quite far to me but the good thing is got subsidy....
I am considering a home speech therapist to help my boy as I think soon my tummy will grow bigger and will be hard for me to travel so much.
Can anyone recommend a good and trusted speech therapist?
Thanks a lot!!
Hi all,
My son has diagnosed as autism when he was abt 3 years old. He is 4y3m now but only has a few words and most of his time he only speak his own language.
He is now attending 3 days (2hrs each day) THK early intervention centre (referred by kk) and another 2 days at kindergarten.
We also got referral to a speech therapist at THK by kk but still under a waiting list... if I am not wrong it will be abt 70sgd 45mins per session, not sure got further subsidies.
I am currently pregnant with my 2nd bb at 22 weeks and I m the only one fetching my son to school and THK centre.
The speech therapist is actually quite far to me but the good thing is got subsidy....
I am considering a home speech therapist to help my boy as I think soon my tummy will grow bigger and will be hard for me to travel so much.
Can anyone recommend a good and trusted speech therapist?
Thanks a lot!!

My son had speech delay previously and we were recommended a speech therapist by our pd at tmc. Her charges are dearer than kkh. She does home therapy too. my son had improved drastically under her coaching. Now he is a chirpy 5yr old who talks non stop.

Pls PM me if u r keen.
Hi daylesford,

I'm interested to know more about the home based speech therapy. Where can I get more information?


I am not sure how severe is the case for you, but for me, because I couldn't find the time to bring my son, I coached him myself. In his case, he couldn't pronounce the th, s, f, h, ph, etc. It was difficult to find a place, get to the place, and I couldn't take weekly afternoon offs for it. So, I had to do it myself.

I would make him sit on my lap on the sofa, at an arms length. And then I have some goodies. "Look at my mouth and then repeat - HouSE. Farm. Star... and then he gets potato chips, or one piece of lego, etc. So after the session, he has enough snacks, or enough lego blocks to play with.
I use Ai Wei who can travel to your house. Her mobile no: +65 9800 4474
She access my daughter with only 2-3 letter mispronounce due to her tongue position. After a few lessons, she can pronounce properly.
My son had speech delay previously and we were recommended a speech therapist by our pd at tmc. Her charges are dearer than kkh. She does home therapy too. my son had improved drastically under her coaching. Now he is a chirpy 5yr old who talks non stop.

Pls PM me if u r keen.
Can I have a contact for your speech therapist
What is the range of fee normally for home based therapy? Anyone can share? It is really challenging for working mothers like me with 3 kids to manage family, work and frequent therapies sessions at the same time alone
My son had speech delay previously and we were recommended a speech therapist by our pd at tmc. Her charges are dearer than kkh. She does home therapy too. my son had improved drastically under her coaching. Now he is a chirpy 5yr old who talks non stop.

Pls PM me if u r keen.
Can i have your contact? Tks
Hey, as for recommendation - I work closely with http://ashersolomon.sg/ , and their primary focus is SLT and - together with that - occupational therapy. They (not close enough to write "we", though : ) ) are also paired up with a school for kids with special educational needs, so they have this angle - academic and also an insight into specific environments.
try my home based therapist . he will give you a trial if you want and you can make your decision. he has 15 years experience with children with speech problems. at least my child can carry a simple conversation
Hi,can I have ur therapist contact num?thans
My son had speech delay previously and we were recommended a speech therapist by our pd at tmc. Her charges are dearer than kkh. She does home therapy too. my son had improved drastically under her coaching. Now he is a chirpy 5yr old who talks non stop.

Pls PM me if u r keen.
hi,can I have ur speech therapist contact num?thans
Hi,anyone can recommend truth speech therapist who can speak mandarin?because my family member all speak Mandarinto my child.Thanks
Yes, isn't better to consult a dedicated development centre? For me, it seems better. Start looking for places like http://ashersolomon.sg/ pick a recommended one - opinions-seeking seems like an absolute necessity here and also localization - we are in Kallang, but for some it's a long way.

Hope you're find an awesome specialist!
yup just like you 4gladmom I managed to get a good Occupational therapist who happens to do some speech work for my sun. My son only has mild autism so I don,t think i think to send him to some centre. besides these centres are usually staffed with foreigners who don't understand the singapore culture. ( no offence intended just my personal view)
my therapist does everything for me and he explains everything he does. mat least can see significant improvement in my boy. I recommend all mummies to look or ask around for these home therapist. they are cheaper and give more intensive therapy to the child. sorry if I sound like a cheapskate.

Hi There

My Boy is 4yr old n diagnosed with GDD. i am looking for a OT n speech therapist who can come home n teach him. Right now he is in Zee Learning Cove. its very expensive for us to afford. as we are foreigners we dont get any subsidy in NUH or KK. pls help me find a good therapist.
Hi There

My Boy is 4yr old n diagnosed with GDD. i am looking for a OT n speech therapist who can come home n teach him. Right now he is in Zee Learning Cove. its very expensive for us to afford. as we are foreigners we dont get any subsidy in NUH or KK. pls help me find a good therapist.

Hi Gee Abhi,

Yes, private home-based speech therapy and OT in Singapore is very expensive. I used to work at a private clinic in orchard that charges $200-250 per visit depending on location. Recently, I have started my own therapy practice 'Speech Bubbles'. You can check out my website at speechbubbles.com.sg. My rates are much more affordable than the aforementioned prices. Let me know if I can help in any way!:)

you can contact me via the website or at 97482908 as well:)

My son had speech delay previously and we were recommended a speech therapist by our pd at tmc. Her charges are dearer than kkh. She does home therapy too. my son had improved drastically under her coaching. Now he is a chirpy 5yr old who talks non stop.

Pls PM me if u r keen.

Hello Daylesford, appreciate if you can share the contact details of your ST. Thank you.
Hi mommies , its been a long time since i have logged on and posted anything on this forum ( since mid 2017). I have been fortunate that I have a very good educational therapist and speech articulation therapist to help my child. surprisingly i am still getting a lot of requests for my educational therapist and speech therapist contact. I have made friends through this forums and many of those i recommended have come back to me with some pleasant success stories.
for example in December last year, i introduced my speech therapist to a lady with a little 6 year old with speech impediments. she only speaks in 2 or 3 word phrases. to cut a long story short, after a few months, her teachers and the family feedback to me that she has shown great improvement in her language and more importantly her behaviour has improved she used to be very disruptive and non compliant but now willing to give everything a try. it is nice to hear such success stories.
similarly , my educational therapist cum tutor therapist has also worked wonders with my friends son who has severely dyslexia. the poor boy has poor organisational and visual perceptual problems that he is always scoring less then 20 % in all his subjects but after about three months my friend reported to me that he has scored 37 out of 80 for his common test. that is still a failure but at least a remarkable jump in grades. at least he is near the 50 % mark. whats more he was also very negative towards all his previous tutors but at least now he is willing to give it a try.
i am just sharing all this to let parents know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and please don,t contact me or my therapists tutors if you are suspicious, some parents have asked me for their contact and emailed them calling them scammers. If you are not serious please dont contact me. I am just sharing this to help others. so dont email me if you are not open and willing to give it a try. look at the girls results


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My son had speech delay previously and we were recommended a speech therapist by our pd at tmc. Her charges are dearer than kkh. She does home therapy too. my son had improved drastically under her coaching. Now he is a chirpy 5yr old who talks non stop.

Pls PM me if u r keen.
Hello Daylesford, ple share the therapist contact. thank you.
I'm sorry, 4gladmom, but your account and tancrisx3 have been promoting the same speech therapist for a long time. And you both created new accounts on the very day of your first posts to discuss this therapist within 2 days of each other. I can't help but express my doubts about the coincidental timing and nature of your posts. Tancrisx3 stopped posting after a few posts about this therapist and you have posted little other than to recommend this therapist. Your forum history speaks volumes.

I would have very much preferred this therapist to come out honestly rather than go on a roundabout to advertise himself. Parents here have every right to be suspicious as your post history and sign-up date dictate one should be careful.
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My son had speech delay previously and we were recommended a speech therapist by our pd at tmc. Her charges are dearer than kkh. She does home therapy too. my son had improved drastically under her coaching. Now he is a chirpy 5yr old who talks non stop.

Pls PM me if u r keen.
Hi Daylesford, appreciate if you can share the Home base ST contact. Thank you.
