I have 3 kids and i never tot i wld i say this, but having 3 kids are fun! It is definitely tiring and i always wondered why i got myself into this initially. But with the 3 kids growing up now, i really have no regrets.
I am a FTWM with no maid, my kids are 6, 4 and 20mths. I have to admit, the initial period was really tough, breastfeeding, pumping, housework, and 2 pesty, perpertually fighting kids. Now that the youngest is older, she is able to play with the jie jie. There is definitely some form of unfairness. The younger sisters wear mostly hand-me-downs, and they attend less of these baby gyms and what not music classes. But me and hubby see not need for this since they are already well stimulated at home (by their own silblings and child / infant care). So the amt we spend did not rise by 3 times. The sisters grew up together with the 6 yr old big jie jie taking good care of the 2 younger ones. We need not organise play groups, a ball and 3 kids at the void deck was already lots of fun for them. They are not lacking in interaction with other kids since they attend childcare.
Just to share a little story the other day. Dad the disiplinarian was scolding the youngest, S.
Dad: S, are you going to answer me, yes?
S refused to reply and kept mum.
Oldest, A quickly came over and gave dad a massage on the shoulder.
Middle, C and A started cajoling S.
C & A: S, say, "yes". Quick just say "yes"
Dad trying very hard not to laugh.