Share your experiences of bad maids

Calvin Chua

New Member
Hello All,

I am not sure if the forum already have a thread on bad maids. However, I think we need to share all these stories so people are aware of what is going on. Personally, I was brought up for the first ten years with maid, so I am pretty pampered in a way. However the next several maids, gave us so bad experiences that I decided to use part time cleaners instead.

1. Stealing Bicycle.

One day, After I reached home, my maid rushed to me and said that some people barge into my house and steal my bicycle (??). Firstly, the lock was not damaged, and why would anyone come in for just for the bicycle ? After questioning by the police, she confessed, and we sent her off.

2. Black face maid.

We wanted to get someone who has a bit of an age, around 30+. My mum choose the maid. I was shocked when I first saw her. She is just black face, as if we owed her a million dollar. This is very bad. Eventually, it created so much uncomfortable feeling, that we send her back.

3. Bangladeshi Boyfriend.

The maid was with us for a few months. Then suddenly, she said she needs to see doctor on some feminine issue (worse nightmare of employers). She got infection down there. Then we confronted her, she said she has a boyfriend. We sent her home too.

Hope to hear more from you :)

Part time is definitely better. We will have our privacy and no commitments. "But we just can't do w/o them" due to work n family needs.

I feel young maids have no sense of responsibility at all. Duno how they are trained before coming SG. Not serious abt working at all. Anything not happy they'll ask for trf. End up waste our time n $ only. Duno where they learnt, can put detergent into drinking water as revenge after we say they make mistake.

Older maids demand gd life. Must eat n use same things as us. Always on phone etc.

Sigh. Just waiting for my kids to grow up n hopefully I can do without maids.
This thread has been dead for awhile. But jus wan to share my recent experience. My indon maid of 4 years recently came back fr her off day with brown hair. Asked her y never ask for permission she say ask we also prob wun allow. We ask her to color back to black she dun wan. Jus say if cannot then nvm, meaning don't work for us Liao. After that she say we everything also cannot. Hallo...after her first 2 years, we have been giving in to her...hp, long hair, off day. Now she wants another off day we told her cannot cos we need her on weekend. Now we are v tempted to replace her but worried what kind of new maid we will get with all the horror stories. My maid does her work pretty well... Takes care of my 2yo in day time, does house work (my house double storey) cook dinner and sleep with my 2yo at night. I am really stressed up thinkin what I shld do. Really hate seeing her vain face now. But if give in to her like lose face again. I think she thinks we cannot do without her that's y she try her luck.
hi sunny_side_up... colored hair should be ok... if you really take issue with that... then i guess in no time at all, you will be banning colored (ex. pink) bras from your maid le... dun go overboard..
If a maid doesn't do what she's told as in the way it should be done when taking care of the baby and cooking, is it considered a bad maid? Mine is like that. Lying about using HP and stole coins too. But housework wise, she is hardworking. Anyway, she wants to go back after 6 mths with us, she's a transfer maid who has been here a few year so we're looking hard for a new one.
Hi @sunny_side_up, actually when i first got my fillipino maid, my agent mentioned that we cannot force her to cut her hair if she insist on keeping.
Fillippinos or Indonesian maids tend to keep their hair long.
Maybe you can request her to tie up her long hair in the day when she is doing the housework chores to look neat and tidy.
Dyeing hair brown is alright with me (perhaps to hide her white hair), but I also cannot accept if it is those loud pink or obiang colors.
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yeah. we should focus on quality of work..
come on... wearing bright-colored bras at home or dyed hair (tied up), seriously, wont affect quality of work, right? for example...

basic human rights.. dun go overboard...
This thread has been dead for awhile. But jus wan to share my recent experience. My indon maid of 4 years recently came back fr her off day with brown hair. Asked her y never ask for permission she say ask we also prob wun allow. We ask her to color back to black she dun wan. Jus say if cannot then nvm, meaning don't work for us Liao. After that she say we everything also cannot. Hallo...after her first 2 years, we have been giving in to her...hp, long hair, off day. Now she wants another off day we told her cannot cos we need her on weekend. Now we are v tempted to replace her but worried what kind of new maid we will get with all the horror stories. My maid does her work pretty well... Takes care of my 2yo in day time, does house work (my house double storey) cook dinner and sleep with my 2yo at night. I am really stressed up thinkin what I shld do. Really hate seeing her vain face now. But if give in to her like lose face again. I think she thinks we cannot do without her that's y she try her luck.
4yrs considered quite a long time. Time for a change too.
Mine is the typical problem: Using my clothes to take pictures with and then posting it on the Facebook page. I found out after I caught her messing in my room. Sometimes these maids are out of control, but it is essential as employers to set the boundaries right. This will limit the risks of them "messing around" i hope
Heard stories from my maid about how all her friends (maids as well) have boyfriends and are sleeping around (without protection!). I'm all for them wanting to have a day off each week (who wouldn't after working thw entire week) but hearing stories like these just make me wonder if it's good to let them have weekly off days...
My current maid has a long term bf. I am ok with it but she has been with us for 2 days only so hopefully no da ji...
Hi mistycloud... you mean your maid told you she's a boyfriend in singapore when she just started working? I guess should be ok then... as long as no preggy
Ya, she's pretty upfront about it. Said long term already, 2 yrs. We were also surprised she just tell us when we asked.
Mine is busy with hp, after off day ahe starts comparing. Then tell to her friends and everyone about why other maid got gift likes perfume and clotches and she is not ( she is new even havent finished her bond yet ), why no bonus, why everyday must cook and eat at home (only weekend we eat outside since busy working day ), she also said every month we deduct her salary $30 ( which is not, we did negotiation with her before she came to sg ). I know all of these from her letter that she wanna send but havent sent yet ). But in front of us looks like all good, at our back she talk bull shit. So cannot confront her also. Just worry if she talk all those lie stories to our friend's maid for example, it will make our name bad, right ?
They are like money trees to agents. My agent told me will send the lousy maid back to indo as she cannot make it, but trf her in the end. Another household gonna suffer.
I sent mine back to 3 months ago because she had a bangladesh boyfriend. She has husband and 3 children in Indonesia.

She met the bangladesh downstairs while bringing the children to playground. She confessed to having s** with him twice at 'God know where'.

I just feel so sad for her.
i used to have an Indonesia maid few years ago she now married.and about 30 years old.
she was a transfer maid and i think the agency lied that she was fresh maid but when she came here she couldnt cook dont know how to do housework and was not patient to kids even she acted innocent but still she was lazy and sleep till 9 or more in morning and sleep early . so beginning i tolerate her bo chap attitude and even renew her contract ...
But things start getting worst when she came back from indonesia , she start using her hp regularly and even take selfies of herself in toilet and leave my child alone when i was at work...terrible and when i tell her off she show black face and things turn nasty ...she cook food and leave it burnt , add many chilli to my instant noodle and cause me gastric purposely already few times out of spite... also whenever i reprimand her over something she will rudely argue back and shouting sometimes when i raise my voice to show she is not afraid how bold and arrogant.Never have i seen a maid like her acting all high and mighty and even use her hp to message regurlarly even during working hours...even i tell her off she ignore me i has no choice but to keep her phone untill her break time or at night when she sneekily spemd hours in toilet just to talk to her friends and and to take a selfie and next day coz of this she always cant wake up early and affect the way she work...floor she just anyhow sweep .. and many dust left over and even break many things like my cup , saucepan etc but we did not punish her . Also sometimes she will just take break and sit down and rest anytime she like even without finishing her work that is so bad and i was payinh her wages like crazy and there she was acting like a princess and show me rude and nasty attitude ...each time i give her orders she will always mess up the orders include food i instruct her to buy and never bother to ask when she is unsure and wasted my money as she bought wrong things from the supermarket terrible bad attitude of this ikeu ...also each time i ask her to buy sonething like macdonald thats near our house she will take round an hr plus to come back ...its like taking the time to meet her friends instead so i tell her off but there no inprovement...she was close to 30 of age but did not think sensibly .sometimes i scolded her coz she did not do the housework propely and neglect my child.once i even see bruise on my child hands i think she abuse it too much...when u confront her she deny it blurntly and even ask one of my family who was not on good terms with me to sides her stupid and bad act.. she was too cunning...many times i was nice to her before give her treats dinner brought her out and trusted her but now she was too over and even my family was disapointed with her but we give her too many chances to stay 4 years here and she show no inprovement. i also think she steal many sanitary pads of mine as i remember only giving her little she a thief .sometimes my cupboard also seem to be unlock even i was back fr work.i inform her agent and they try to consoul her but guess they give up as she too cunning to change her side of story and blame us for bullying her instead ...such a rude and rebellious maid...i bet she was transfer maid coz previously she did something bad at her work place even her agency covered.Her agency was a money eating agency only care for profits.One day i checked her phone and found that she was soliciting in fb and so many guys malay or blangadash photos was found in her hp.wonder what is she seem real bad and my friend advise me to send her back incase she did more harmful things.she was also a great liar and will act innocent so careful of her. i also found a paper drawn in her bag with our family cartoon and seem like a curse for us to obey too scary . Also we fight many times and when i shout at her she will threaten me with an evil smile as if i cant outwit her.finally i send her back and peace so better avoid such maid for your own safety.
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I just want to share my horror story of a maid.

My family situation requires only a part time cleaner. But the part time cleaner keeps changing. They range from Malaysian PR to Chinese PR to Singaporean aunties whose kids are old enough. The PRs are just slackers and show their colours after a while. One told me she always show up for first time then decline because she is not charged by the agency if it’s only a one time job.

Finally, after telling a friend who stays nearby about my predicament, she suggested I ask her Filipino maid to help during her Sun off day. Now this is common practice. I know a lot of Malaysian singles who share their married siblings maid, who are all staying in Singapore.

The maid started off very hardworking. Then two months later, maid took 2 weeks off to go back to Manila. Then when she returned, she started getting sloppy. Toilet had no detergent scent after wash. Carpet still feels dusty. Floor gets dusty within 2 days which means she cleaned very superficially. Instead of chatting whenever she sees me, she didn’t want to talk to me, and asked me why I am always at home or why I came back home so early from my meals / shopping trips.

I started suspecting something is amiss.

My mother who visited commented that floor was not cleaned properly. I finally confronted her. Helper didn’t want to admit anything wrong. I coughed her and asked her why was she using a broomstick to sweep my carpeted bedroom instead of vacuum cleaner. She commented she wanted to sweep the “debris”??

In the end, I let her go. But she returned me the autogate transponder and stole the PCB board inside. And also stole some of my expensive parquet detergent.

This is for someone whom I have given Ang Pao and all the old clothes so she can send back to her home country.

Now I think. Leave the kindness and mercies for the young babies and old folks.

Let everyone earn their keep properly, and don’t trust too easily.
My maid seems okay on the surface and to be very honest, I rather a maid who steal than a hypocrite. Stealing, you can lock or hide your valuable while hypocritical maid creates alot of conflicts. My 6 months old maid has been telling my parents-in-laws that I ask her to spy them, tell them i go to my parent's place with my elder daughter so I can leave my children to the maid and sleep. This forms a negative impression on my in-laws and it's affecting my relationship with them badly. So I'm wondering should i change her or retain her because I told her I will give her one last chance last week, not knowing what she did behind my back.
maid/helper without integrity should be booted. Moreover you didn't compromise on the pay offer for maid/helper who don't have integrity.

that particular maid/helper will not stay for life, family will. once a relation is affected, it's very difficult to mend.

maid/helper who bad-mouthed the employer, normally reflect their impression of the employer.

if you are talking about a working subordinate bad-mouthing you, is already bad enough. Moreover, we are talking about a helper who stays w you...

hence, no matter how good the maid/staff is, if he/she fails to stand w the employer, then you should bite the bullet and say good-bye..
I had this maid (Filipino maid) in the past. She's a very hardworking person, and also friendly. Maybe too friendly I guess... After about 1.5yrs, I came home during lunch time as I forgot my handphone... When I entered the house, I heard noises from inside the maid's room. I was curious and knocked on the door. There came silence, and I started to feel amiss. I took my spare keys and open the door. There I saw a man, and my maid hurriedly wearing their clothes.. The bed is in a mess and I knew they both are upto something.
This was the last of my Filipino maid
For sharing.

Approx. 4 years back, I had a fresh Indo Helper who I would have rely on mainly for the housework.
Only on the weekend, she would have to do a little more to take care of my infant.

It went alright for the first or 2 months. One of the weekend, we asked her to stay at home with my infant while my hub, myself and my elder boys went out for just a short while. At that point of time, my FIL was already on his way to my place. Thanks to my bad memory, I left something at home and we drove back. Coincidentally, I saw the Helper was carrying my infant down. It's just maybe 5 mins after we left the house. We didn't give her any spare key since my FIL was on his way. She went down and left my gate and door unlock.

When I asked the Helper why did she came down, her replied was she wanted to buy bread from the 7-11. I didn't questioned further and asked her to go back home immediately. After we went back home, considering that she was new and not being suspicious, we explained patiently and hoping she could understand and improve.

What had happened next was a nightmare to me. One middle of the night, for no reason, I woke up and when I wanted to sleep back, I had this strong feeling that I should go check out my Children room (My sixth sense is pretty accurate). Btw, the Helper was sharing the same room with my Children. What I found out was, the Helper was not inside the room. Initially, I thought my eyes play a trick on me. I went to take a closer look and noticed just the bolster and blanket. I went to the common toilet to check and have no sign of her. I got worried and woke my Husband up. When we opened the main door and noticed the gate was opened and left unlocked. That was when we guessed she have went out when we are sleeping. We waited for her to come back which was about an hour later.

The following day, we acted normal, brought the Children to my FIL's place and asked her to go back home with us. She was off guarded. We asked her to pack her bag and brought her over to the Agency. The Agency managed to dig out more information when we got there. The Helper has an affair with the HDB Cleaner and managed to convince him to buy her a mobile phone. From their message conversation, they actually had sex at the staircase. Apparently, she went to have fun and put us under risk by leaving the gate unlocked. What if the Cleaner knows the gate would be left unlocked and ganged up with Others to enter into our unit to steal?

I felt disgusted by her. She literally sneaked back home after sex and slept beside my Children. She was totally not respecting herself too.

Currently, I have a Indo Helper and she is still doing good after 2 years.
Hihi, i am looking for advice regarding maid and agency issues.
I gave 2 boys aged 9yo and 5yo. Both me and my husband are working parents. There are no elderly nor pets in our home. I had engaged with Unistarr agency for first helper and a 2nd replacement helper. Both fresh indons to Sg. They were not my first time hiring helpers. I chose this agency because my previous helper was good but only fulfilled 2 yrs contract.
The new helper worked 5 days and self inflicted injury by hurting her gums causing my family and I panicked thinking she has some desease like TB. She was also slightly depressed as she laughed and cried occasionally through out the 5 days in my home. We were scared shitless when sge vomitted blood in the bathroom from day 4th to early day 5th. Returnes her immediately. And after agents way of counselling, we found out it was intentionally. Helper self inflicted injury in the hopes to escape completing contract. Agency sought to charge me $15 a day for lodgings when i returned her. And we negotiated over another payment of $588 for 2nd replacement. There was no such fees stated in the contract and I didn't asked in the first place as I was inexperienced with such incident. I should have just discharged the agency but gave them a chance and chose the 2nd and final replacement option in the contract.
They eventually charged me $488 and additional amount upto total $1.5k for this 2nd replacement. Which I'd waited for another 1 month whereby i coped without maid. Where i found out i am pregnant.
2nd maid was ex Middle East 8yrs experience. She packed her bag and attempted to flee on her 12th day of work. This maid has some fussy and attitude issues. Complaint about Singapore household workloads not suitable and always chanted, prayed, grumbled - which spooked my children as they couldn't understand her. black face, rolled eyes at us and kept looking at my tummy suspiciously as i didn't shared with her my condition. I worked retail hours and found out she attempted to leave and packed her bags when my husband reached home. She intended to leave the children at home by themselves. I returned her the next day. When i found out she's totally prepared and with makeup on. The agency still charged me until today wgich is the 27th day since I had returned this helper to them. They claimed she's not employed by any potential employers. Thus she's still stuck in their agency. And I'm still stuck in this case. Whatever my balance money not refunded. They will continue to charge as long as she's there.
I am once again without helper for 1 month. And these 2 bad experiences with this Unistarr agency caused us more wary in finding next maid. Please kindly share your advice who or which organisation should i reach for help. Yes, indeed there are alot of laws protecting fdw. I can't find any laws which protects us employers from such cases. Thank you
This isn't the country's law issue. It's your contract w the agency. Don't understand why u ended up agreeing to a lopsided contract.

Threaten the agency that you will call MOM to complain about them.

Btw, you will only agree to pay a sky high fee if you choose a PA, not helper.

In future, read your contract carefully especially on exit and termination clauses. You shouldn't sign on open clauses. That means no signing on exit clauses that can only be fulfilled upon the action from the other party in order to benefit you. Understand?
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I recently hired a Myanmar helper in March. She could hardly speak English. When we interviewed her, she claimed she was Muslim and understood what I was saying to her. I had a series of bad experiences with Indonesian maids. Last year, my mom hired a Myanmar maid who became like a family member, which is why I decided to hire a Myanmar maid again.

The maid from hell, named Than Dar Lwin ( M341XXXP), is not able to understand English at all. We have tried every means to help her with English. She is very cunning; she acts innocent, cries, and pleads not to be sent back to Myanmar or transferred. As a widow with two kids to support, I kept giving her chances for five months. She is very smart. Whenever my husband and I said we would give her one month to improve, she would perform well during that month, but then revert to her previous behavior afterward, forgetting the work she had been taught.

She is supposed to do general household chores and help me and my mother-in-law with cooking. She stays silent when questioned and pretends to be scared. I decided I had enough when, after five months, she still couldn’t follow basic instructions. I had already arranged for a new helper to arrive, but she ran away. She fled to her home and made nasty allegations against my family and me. She would be on the phone until late at night and now claims to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) that she sleeps at 1:30 AM and has to wake up at 6:30 AM. In reality, she sleeps by 10:30 PM and wakes up by 7:00 AM, and sometimes she doesn’t wake up at all. I told MOM during Ramadan month she would be in bed by 9 pm. She had her mobile with her. No wifi is given to her. She had been busy making tik tok videos in my mil bedroom, thus why she always forgets to do duties given to her.

She has been choosy about food and now claims she was only given vegetables. However, MOM checked with my mom’s maid, who confirmed there was no food issue. The helper is given 5 kg of rice and is allowed to cook as much as she wants. I wouldn't check if she said the rice was left for five days; I would just buy a new bag. The household chores are completed by 10 AM to 11 AM, and until 8 pm, Than Dar Lwin has no work and spends the rest of the day resting. She claims to MOM that she has no rest.

She also claimed she had not been paid for her off days. She took her off days in June and July, but she had signed the salary plan. She went on her off days with my mom’s helper, who confirmed this with MOM.

Than Dar Lwin is currently at HOME, and they are helping her find another employer. Please avoid Than Dar Lwin ; she will only bring trouble to your family. She would just bring more stress to your lifes.
