thanks for yur compliments on the blog. Well it is not too late for you to start one for yur bb arrival. I only get to start one after the arrival of Hayley. As for the U-tube, you have to download the video you want onto the U-tube, then you paste the HMTL file onto the blog posting. Hope my explaination is clear.
ͯis the name of shifu. Do pm me yur contact so that I can fwd you the nos for you to make enquiry.
Hi Van,
Also looking fwd for my hayley to meet your Louis the next time.
Hi Pooh n BBSG,
I did not sign up for any cord banking..
Hi Pooh,
My friend bought the mat fm Korea during his trip. Actually if you interested, i suggest you get fm smallworld fm BP as the price is about the same. My Hayley like the mat a lot but she keep to outgrown the mat as she often rolls n rolls till out of the mat n bump her head onto the floor. Haiz...
Hi Vineyard, Vivi & Apples & rest of mummies,
Looking fwd to meet you all the next time n with all our bbs. hee
We are now counting down... in just abt 2 more wk we will be going for our trip. But instead of getting excitied.. i suddenly panic and bu she de my hayley. I also worried my hayley will change her sleeping pattern during our absence n under my mum's care. Coz my mum usually will pick her up n cuddle her whenever she makes a tiny noise. Think I got to pray for the best n keep my fingers cross.
My Hayley is going to turn 6 month old this sat. I am planning to start giving her some FM and cereal as I like to slowly wean her off BM. Finally time to regain back my 'freedom' i/o being a cow. Anyway, my supply also dropping and cant meet her demand this week.Her appetite is increasing this wk. She gets hungry very fast n I have to increase her intake too. I feel so stress of my low supply this week as I cant catch up.
Can I check with mummies here? When I try to introduce FM, do i need to mix FM n BM in a bottle for bb to get used?