Sembawang MTB or SAHM

Welcome to the thread. We're really neighbours! If your unit is facing block B, we could literally "see" each other. Hee...

I've updated the chart:

<table border=1><tr><td>Username</TD><TD>Area of Residence</TD><TD>Status</TD><TD>BB Profile </TD></TR><TR><TD>apple (greenapple) </TD><TD>Sembawang Crescent</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>1 girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBSG (bbsg_gal)</TD><TD>466C Sembawang Drive</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>Baby boy arriving end July'07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carol (gemgal79) </TD><TD>466B Sembawang Drive</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>1 girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Gan (muffingan) </TD><TD>503B Canberra Link</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>1 girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Liu Shuhui (missy83)</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>1 boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>LYMing (momoming)</TD><TD>353B Admiralty Drive</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>Arriving Apr'07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>paperball (paperball)</TD><TD>*moving soon*</TD><TD>Daddy</TD><TD>1 girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>pooh (winniethepooh) </TD><TD>482 Admiralty Link</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>Arriving end July'07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>sabrina (eliza_hairi) </TD><TD>355A Sembawang Way</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>1 girl + 2nd baby arriving Nov'07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon (sha_sha)</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>. </TD></TR><TR><TD>sylvia (il_feet)</TD><TD>468A Admiralty Drive </TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>1 boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sylvia Lin (bluepixie~mtb)</TD><TD>403 Admiralty Link</TD><TD>.</TD><TD>. </TD></TR><TR><TD>Taro (taro) </TD><TD>508C Wellington Circle</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>Baby boy arriving May'07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>twins_mommy (dorayaki)</TD><TD>466B Sembawang Drive</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>2 girls </TD></TR><TR><TD>Van (nicol)</TD><TD>486 Admiralty Link</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>1 boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vineyard (vine)</TD><TD>424 Canberra Road</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>1 girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vivi C (2kidzmum)</TD><TD>357A Admiralty Drive</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>2 boys </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Hi twins
If I choose epi c-section will I able to feel the pain(half body anesthesia)?

Does the 5-tier toyogo drawers come with wheels?I think of buying it from toyogo but don't know how to bring it home?

Thanks for your photo and advise.

To update my baby's profile:girl status: FTWM

Actually,I am suppose to go to work next tue but my colleague tells me that my mc & hl have 30 days only.And now my mc & hl are only left 4 to 5 days. I am thinking of going to work tomorrow.:-(
Hi twins
If I choose epi c-section will I able to feel the pain(half body anesthesia)?

Does the 5-tier toyogo drawers come with wheels?I think of buying it from toyogo but don't know how to bring it home?

Thanks for your photo and advise.

To update my baby's profile:girl status: FTWM
Next tue,I am going back to work.Because mc until next mon.
Vineyard - I was a SAHM for clsoe to 15months, so my maid was under my supervision and training. It was tough decision to have her alone handling my gal but we both have comfy level of this. She is capable to handle my gal's daily that's how I stepped back to workforce.
Hmm..I'm glad she is a good maid to our household and she doted my gal a lot. To be frank, with all these comfy level, we still install monitoring system at home.

Are you going to have a maid looking after your kid? Well, you must have confident and comfy level upon leaving your kid to the maid, otherwise please don't..u will be very miserable thinking of how's your kid and how's your maid handling and so on..
hi apple, my girl is currently being looked after by my maid and my mil monitoring the maid. so far haben let my bb together with the maid for long. most is about 3-4 hours i think. i also thinking of installing a monitoring system at home lei. Can i know what is yours like? CCTV? how much?

Hi Everybody,
I want to buy a thermometer, can anyone recommend a good and reliable one?
Congrats to Taro
She gave birth to a Prince Charming on Tuesday!! Congrats!!!
pooh, I went thru epi c-sec as well. No pain at all and the process is very FAST!
I hug my bb within 10min after the epi administration and another 10min, my gynae was done with the rest of procedure like clear the placenta and sewing up. The next 5min on observation and there I back to the ward.
The process is quick to feel the pain
and I was able to get up fr bed and walk the next early morning. My c-sec was done around 12noon.
Vineyard - do monitor and train your maid further if u intend to leave her alone with bb. Especially on preparing milk and puree and porridge. For me, I went thru all these phases with her during my SAHM she is well and up to my standard on all these.
And partly i'm TBF for 13+ heating up of EBM is not easy. Must keep an eye on the temp. so that the nutrient is well kept.

I have cable monitoring system that allows recording and 1 web cam that allows me to access from work also can record via portable harddisk.
Total costs around $2k+

For thermometer, I'm using Braun digital which alot of PD clinics used. Can get from Kiddy Palace/Pharmacy/Courts. It costs around $120 bah..bought it long time back
Hi twins,

thanks for updating the list.
yah, u are right. we can 'see' each other. hehe.
i am always wondering how does the JB fireworks views like from your block. i can see lot of people standing by the windows whenever there's fireworks. i can only see little bit from my bedroom windows.

hi pooh,
thanks for your info on the JL sales. i have also bought the pigeon steriliser package from John little. think should be quite worth it hor? my gf told me pigeon nose pump and baby nail cutter are very useful. think i will get them from JL too before the sales end
Congrats on the arrival of your prince!!!

I think you're doing the right thing. No matter how good our maids are, as parents, it is still our duty to carefully monitor our children. It is not that we do not trust them. But better do your part than to point fingers later on when things go wrong. My maid is really very good to my gals, does her job really well and we have a lot of faith/trust in her. But I still discreetly "spot check" on her and check my gals regularly even though I'm SAHM. :p

You can come over to my place to watch fire works next time. I have a friend staying in block C too and she's always invited to my place during Hari Raya, Msia National Day, Christmas, New Year Day, CNY, etc. Hee...


Toyogo drawers
Based on the measurement I gave you, you may want to check the trunk of your car first and see if it fits in? Else, I think normal taxi trunk also cannot accommodate it. Anyway, you and hb decide after you come over to my place on Sat, okie?

Like apple, I had a very good experience with my c-sect even though it was an emergency one. No pain at all (all thanks to the genius who discovered epidural!!!) It was also very fast. I was wheeled in at 9pm for epidural. Before I had a chance to even feel emotional (like those new mommies on TV who cry the moment they see their baby), my babies just popped at 9:30pm. When my 1st twin was taken out from my womb, my first words were "So fast!!!???". My gynae said "Oh, next one even faster." Then while my hb and I were still "in shock" looking at the first one being carried away, we heard the 2nd one cried. And I was just too amazed. No tears at all. Still wondering why I didn't cry then. Probably no time to even think about it. Hee... And I was able to walk around by 12noon the following day.

Taking MC
I think your gynae has his/her reasons for giving you MC till next week. You should really take the advise and rest at home. I was very, very thankful my gynae "forced" me to rest from 30th week onwards to prevent preterm delivery. My gals were born perfectly healthy at 37weeks/1day. I witness preterm babies suffering in NICU and recently 2 close friends had premature babies. It was emotionally draining, physically tiring and financially straining on them. Premature babies are not just costly (bcos of NICU charges), they are not very well developed at birth and you'll have a lot of catching up to do in future. So its better to be safe than sorry.

In fact, its good that your company still recognise your MC. When I was working, I had to take 6 weeks no-pay leave bcos my company doesn't accept MC arising from pregnancy related issues. But thank God they compensated me with 2 months maternity benefits even though they knew I won't be back to work after my kids arrived.

So much for all my long posting. I'm finally over and done with the surprised birthday party for my hb today. Here's a pix of my gals with the birthday cake.

Gracia (left) and Chloe (right)

P/S : Sorry, had to cut off daddy from the pix cos I don't think he want to appear in this female dominated forum. Hee...
twins mom - Wow such a lovely surprise to your hb ah! so sweet of you
He must be so touched rite??

Off course we must have faith/trust to our comfort level then we will leave our maid to take care of our precious kids rite? I struggle hard when we wanted to install the monitoring system. We did inform my maid about that. Infact, I'll play the day's recording when I'm she is on the scene.
First I can know my gal's routine, 2ndly she knows that we are watching it so at least she dares not anyhow do anything to harm the family.
My main intention is she feeds my gal right, do not open door and talk to strangers.

During my SAHM days, I also "spot check" once a blue moon. I'll wake up as early as 630am to watch over the laundry process and so on like how she prepares food/porridge.
hi apple, thanks for sharing. ok will buy braun digital thermometer. woah 2k is really not a small sum, wonder if there is any other cheaper alternative...

hi twins, your gals is twins ah? oh no wonder ur nick, how come i didn't think of it. btw my girl name is also gracia. haha
i also feel like spot check on my maid. but how should i go about it? care to share?
Vineyard - there are some cheaper alternative. Dlink or Linksys cam that allow u to view your maid activities online. I think the cheapest range around $200.

Spot check, depends on what u would like to check. Personal belongings, your household routine or...
For personal belongings, u can check with she is out.
apple - ok will find out more on the Dlink and Linksys which you suggest.

spot check her on her personal belongings abit difficuit cos we didn't let her off yet. so i only try to peep alittle when she go bath. i was thinking of doing a surprise check on her like how she handle my baby when nobody around.
Vineyard - to check fr personal belongings, u can always get your hb to bring her along to NTUC or market to do some marketing. During her absent, u must quickly go and check her things.
For me, I gave her open shelving, so is easy for me to check on her stuffs.

Surprise check on how she handle your gal, easy
my hb always did that. He will pop by during lunch hr or come home a lil early..his office is near my home, so he can do this :p
Hi twins
Thanks for your advise.I am feeling ok that I go back to work.I will be very careful when I am at work.And try to walk less and dont carry heavy things(ask my colleague to help me).

Have u receive the Sembawang town council hearttalk (april 07).On page 3,are yr hubby & u carrying yr twins girls?I just guessing only.The twins baby look like yr twins girls.

c u on sat :)
Hi Twins,
Sorry for the late reply. well, my company has internet filter so i can't access the forum in the day time. i can only reply after i reach home.
Thanks for your invitation ;-)

btw just to share with you ladies, i happened to see this ad in carrefour website for toyogo cabinets. not sure if it is consider a good buy? i think carrefour provides free delivery if the total amount exceeds $150.

btw can anyone tells me how do i calculate if i have gained too much weight? i am now in week 26 and i gained about 7+kg. baby is only 700+ grams.
Yes, when we reached home last night, I was shocked when my neighbour told me about the newletter with our pix in it. We were "caught unaware" during the carnival. My family was waiting for me, so that we could go home together. Then all of a sudden, the MPs and photographers just round them up and starting asking questions about the babies. When I returned, they asked me to join in for group photo. Didn't know its going to be put up in the newsletter!!! Anyway, I think my parents-in-law will be very happy to have this article for keepsake.

You may wish to refer to the webpage below. It teaches you how to calculate your weight gain during pregnancy.

But then again, weight gain is also very individual. As long as your baby is of healthy weight and your gynae does not fuss over your weight gain, then you shouldn't worry too much, okie?
Hi mummies
Does anyone use pigeon 2 in 1 wash,shower,shampoo for baby bathing?It is good?Any comment?

It is necessary to buy nursing bra?Which type is better?

Any idea where to buy front opening sleep wear(have to use it during 3 days stay in hospital)?
Hi Twins,

thanks for the link. i will check it out.
okok. i will check out the weight with the gynae next checkup.

now that pooh has mentioned about the hearttalk, i saw your family photo also
Hi Pooh,

They sell front opening slp wear in that lingerie shop in Sun Plaza.(The one next to the kids shop..Cheri or something)But Designs abit flowery n "aunty".If u dun mind then its ok la..Price is abt $25 n abv.I didnt buy that cos i couldnt bring myself to buy so ugly..Hehe.My aunty bought me those plain n comfy ones with buttons all the way down from Toa Payoh Central.Costs ard $8.Might wanna chk those out.

Its necessary to use nursing bra if you are gonna bf.Some say not to use the underwire types cos it might block milk ducts but some say do use underwire if not breasts will sag
Hi Jay's mom
Would u mind please help me to check with yr aunty the shop is where or near to which shop?Because Toa Payoh Central is very big and I dont want to search high and low for it.
May I know does it come with long or short pant?
Thanks :)

We manage to bring the 5 tier drawers home from Toyogo warehouse by taxi.Luckily,the height of the 5 tier drawers can manage to go inside the taxi.The 5 tier drawers is on my hubby's lap.I like the 5 tier drawers and worth to buy.It is big and deep.Can put alot of things inside.I buy it at $65.
Wow so many postings... wait for me

twins - got gathering mah?? Got to sms me. I'm very bored facing Louis the whole day...

BBSG - congrats on your pregnancy.... keep us update. Don't emphasis on the weight issue rather enjoy your pregnancy.

jay's mom - underwired bra will block milk duct. With it, you will not feel comfortable like lump like feeling...

pooh - Finally got your 5 tier drawers. Update your collection here leh...

apple - How's work? Happy to be back to workforce isn't it. Long time haven't seen your gal liao.... how is she now?

vivi - Your work must be terribly biz coz seldom see you online nowadays...

taro - How are you doing now? Update your Prince photos...

vineyard - make sure you manage to buy the home camera that suits your lifestyle otherwise waste hard-earned $$

LYMing - delivered yet?
Hi Van
I havent buy baby shampoo,shower,front opening sleep wear,play pen matteress,braun thermometer,baby sling carry,baby lotion,baby oil,rashes cream & nursing bra. I will wait for the Kiddy Palace 20% sale.
Front opening PJ - can get it from JL or shops along Chinatown if u prefer those silk type of material. I got mine from JL, around $15..quite comfy.

Nursing bra - for the beginning, please wear non-wired bra. Soft underwired bra is recommended when your milk flow has established and stable already. Triump has a few type of nursing bra. Cheap one will be the brand of Eternity, I think $9.90 each.
Van - good to return to workforce. And I realised I'm a bit "out tuned" fr the society :p Hopefully I can stay in tune soon..haha
For my gal, she is doing fine..gained more weight after the sicky episode and now she is even more goodness!!! And she is really ROUGH like a boy
Hi Van,

Thanks. i will try to relax and enjoy my pregnancy

Hi Pooh,
I saw nursing bra selling at $4.90 at Chong Pang CK. the brand is Lina. only one design available.

I bought the non-wired cotton bra at $3.90. i think cheap bra is good enough though they look 'ugly'. hehe. but better than spending too much $ and later might not wear again after pregnant.

however Apple has also mentioned about the Eternity bra. maybe the support is better since it costs a bit more?

hi apple,
is there any difference in support for those expensive nursing bra?
Glad you managed to buy that Toyogo drawer. Take your time to slowly pack your babies' stuff in. : Oh, I also bought the Eternity nursing bras from OG. Got it for $7.90 each during the sale. Didn't want to invest too much at that time bcos I wasn't sure if I can successfully bf my twins. :p

I'll be going to Causeway Point tomorrow afternoon with my neighbour. You need me to check/buy anything for you? SMS me, okie?

That's my concern too --- being "out tuned" when I get to work again. Am trying very hard to stay in touch with working friends and ex-colleagues. Cannot hang out with my tai-tai sister and friends too often. Kekekeke...

Van, BBSG,
No gathering planned yet cos I've had too many parties/gathering lately at my place. Hee... My maid and I took a few days to slowly "tear down" the party decor. My house is finally back in shape this morning. Kekeke...

I'm thinking of organising a <font size="+2">Lunch Gathering</font> at <font color="ff0000">Country Mana (Sun Plaza)</font> on one of the <font color="ff0000">Saturdays</font>. Anyone keen? Well see the response first before we fix a date, okie?
apple - thanks for the tips.

van - ya, actually am contemplating to install the camera. just the other day when i went out leaving the maid and my girl for a few hours, my maid actually tell me to be careful. like very concern hor. hmmm
BBSG - if you plan for long term bf or tbf, good support nursing bra makes lot of different. Especially when you wanna go shopping with your bb

So far I tried many many of the best is from Perfect Mum, the soft underwired nursing bra fr Japan. Quite costly, but I simply love it. It gives good support and at least it doesn't look sag like those cotton nursing bra when you are wearing plain color tops.
hi sporty, welcome!!!

hi ALL moms,
can anyone advise me is a bumper mat good? where can i have a look at it? i saw on the thread ppl selling but all cannot view one lei.
twins mom - I really feel "out tuned" when I stepped into working society the very first week! Imagine like we are living fr 2 different worlds and speak different languages..haha..funny rite?
The daily routine also a big changes. I guess like you said, stay tune with your ex-colleagues or working pals will still manage to keep you in the loop. Well, also enjoy your tai-tai life now before it ends

Lunch at Country Manna? Do it in mid May will be good. my this few weekends schedule like very tight!
Vineyard - I got one double sided Pooh design purchased from babejoy. The quality is good compared to the Worldmap design sold by small small world.
If you looking for a bigger and thicker bumper mat, get the LG prime bumper mat.
Hi Pooh,
So sorry for the late response.Aunty said she bought it from the rows near the library.Near Bata.They also sell cheap clothes ard $3 onwards.She bought it abt 8mths ago.Not sure if there are other patterns with shorts but the one i have does not come with shorts or pants as its a long dress (abt calf length)

I used Eternity bra too.Those soft cottony ones frm OG.Find that not much support.

Hi mommies,
My boy's 8mths and recently he just screams his head off with tears pouring out whenever we put him back into his playpen.When we carry him, he's all smiles. Very tiring to keep carrying him.He doesnt sit very long in the rocker/bouncer as well. Any moms experience that?
jay's mom, 8 mths old is exploring phase. U gotta let him sit/crawl around and shower him with some toys. At this stage, they don't like to be confined.
I normally will lay bumper mat and place all the toys on the mat spread out for my gal to mess around with the toys.

Hmm..u can play some children DVD/VCD programme too. In the evening, put him in the stroller and bring him for a stroll at the park will helps too.
$4.90 for the bra is good value for money. even buying from malaysia will be about $6 singapore dollars after conversion. with respects to not much support, i totally agree but then for breastfeeding and whilst being preg between 6-9 months, nurses advise wearing non wired bras (this type dont give super support) so as not to ruin or block the milk ducts
Jay's mon
Thanks for your info.During lunch time,I will go there to have a look.

Thanks for comments.

Thanks.At the moment nothing to buy.Waiting for sale.For the lunch gathering,I wouldn't be joining.Because I need to pack my baby things before I start my parentcraft lesson in May.Thanks for organise a lunch gathering for us.
hi mummies,
haven really log into forum lately due to my work n by then i reach home, got to handle my increasing noti hayley.Now we manage to train my ger to sleep early but she been wakey early too. Today she woke at 0445 n after finally manage to put her to zzz when i carry her in sling while i dressed for work. According to my mom, she slept all the way to 10am without any morn feed. Haiyo, naughty girl .. maybe she just want to wake up to see us off to work. But we very tired leh.. pray hard tomor she wont be wakey so early.

hmm..I been wearing those bra without wire/support to prevent blocking duct as I still expressing milk for my hayley who is on totally ebm. My noti hayley dun want to latch on since the day she discharged fm hospital and i consider quite lucky to 'tong' so long for her. Planning to reduced pumping fm next month onwards as getting very tired esp during work. Lucky so far manage to pump twice at workplace.

Hi pooh,
I got my sleep dress fm the lingerie shop in Sun Plaza .. think abt $16.90 depends on the design. I like one design i got fm them, not that aunty.. in fact girlie with puppy allover print. I hv their member card, n if u need to get discount, just pm me for my actual name or else i can loan u the card.

Btw, I have some brand new babygap/old navy ger clothing (outdoor and sleepwear) which my hayley got too many clothes and din get all the chance to wear. Very wasted to chuck aside and I too lazy to take pic to post on forum for sales. If you interested, can come over to my place to see as I like to sell those at low price.

** clothing range fm 0-3 month to 6-12 months as I overbought too many fm Gap spree and overseas.

Hi twins,
pls keep me updated of lunch gathering as I would like to meet up all mummies n their adorable bbs. thanks
Hi apple,
hope you able to adjust to yur new job soon. Not so easy juggling bet work n looking after bb. I feel so tired and siong after a busy day at work and taking care of my demanding bb every night.

btw, just want to check if any of yur bb makes a din whenever he/she sit in the stroller while u having a meal at food court. Mine does and she scream super loud if we ignore her. Can someone teach me on ways to handle her besides carrying up and enjoying our meal. Most of the times, I feel like i swallowing meal. Nowsaday she getting veri very noti. Haiz
oh hi Taro,
Congrats.. and rem to post yur charming bb prince pic here when u free.

Enjoy yur confinment and take care!!

Apple & Elin,
thanks for your advise

lunch gathering should be fine for me in mid May bah

Anyone can advise me what is the difference between receiving blankets and blankets?
i saw it in Kiddy palace but it looks the same to me.. is it necessary to buy receiving blanket?
Gan, nice to see you back in posting

To make your bb sit in the pram while you enjoying your meal, give your bb some biscuits to munch then. Hmm..possible just grab a bb chair and let her take the meal together with some munchy biscuits, bread, fruits. It helps..
Hi Gan,
How old is your baby? Old enough to sit in a high chair? I had the same problem as u and realised after we put him in a high chair..he actually kept quiet.He did try to bend over n bite the table n grab our food. Fed him some snacks n he was fine
U can try.

Receiving blanket usually used to wrap baby when u bring him/her home from hospital.Or u can wrap baby when he/her is cold or after bath. TMC give a free thomson baby one. Which hospital u delivering? Might wanna chk if u get it free.I find babies outgrow it pretty fast tho

jay's mom is right. I have 2 receiving from TMC which I'm now using it as normal blanket to cover my gals when they fall asleep in the pram on shopping trips. Other than that, I only remember using it to wrap them when we go to TMC for PD review and to the clinic for their vaccination. The material is comfy and I find it light and easy to bring out.

Otherwise, we don't need to use the blankets at all. The 2 sweet, pinky princess blankets I bought from Aussino is still good as new. I don't think I'll get to use it for now. Maybe when they are bigger and when the weather turns cold this year end, we can use it for bedtime.

So you may want to think twice about buying the blankets. I don't find it a necessity. Just have one comfy one will do, and if you're going to deliver at TMC, then save the $ and use the one given by them. I run into other mommies at shopping malls using the same TMC blankets in the pram, and we'll smile at each another. Looks like we all "think alike". Hee...
