<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Collection Schedule </font></font>
Buangkok meetup is
at my block just beside Buangkok MRT.
<font color="0000ff">Please email me at [email protected] for more details and to arrange for collection. </font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+0"><u>Please topup outstanding amount <u>before</u> contacting me to arrange for pickup or courier arrangements</u></font></font>
Mummies opting for courier, please add additional $0.10 for courier materials to topup amount. Courier charge is directly payable to courier guy when he delivers.
Meetup timings are as listed below.
There are no morning or afternoon meetups on weekdays. Earlier timings before stated mass meetup timing is not possible.
29 Aug 2012
<u>Mass Meetup</u>
- Buangkok @ 8.45pm sharp
30 Aug 2012 (tentative)
<u>Mass Meetup</u>
- Buangkok @ 8.45pm sharp
30 Aug 2012
- no meetups available
<font color="0000ff">Please note that meetup at Buona Vista & Serangoon is available on Wednesday, 29 August 2012 for this week.
1 day advance notice required. </font>
- not available for Batch 43 except for my regular spreeist: gan1972 (pls refer to email) as 1 day advance notice is required for me to pass the loots to my hubby.
Collection at Buona Vista Circle Line or Serangoon MRT will be from my hubby. As such, timing depends strictly on his schedule which I have no control over.
There is a limit to the number of available slots for meetups at Buona Vista or Serangoon because my hubby is taking public transport and there is a limit to the number of items he is able to carry.
As indicated in the T&C, <font color="ff0000">
Serangoon & Buona Vista meetup is not available if your items are >1kg or if numerous/bulky</font>. unless otherwise agreed
As indicated in the T&C, normal mail is possible only if your items can fit into the normal post box for mailing. No registered mail option as I am unable to make trips to the Post Office.
Please opt for courier or Buangkok if you need your items urgently or if unable to self-collect.
Please email me to arrange for meetups as I have limited free sms
Mummies who opting for courier, please email me directly at
[email protected]