<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Collection Schedule </font></font>
Buangkok meetup is at my block just beside Buangkok MRT. Please email me at
[email protected] for more details and to arrange for collection.
<font color="ff0000">Please topup outstanding amount before contacting me to arrange for pickup </font>.
Meetup timings are as listed below. There are no morning or afternoon meetups on weekdays. Earlier timings before stated mass meetup timing is not possible.
7 May 2012
<u>Mass Meetup</u>
- Buangkok @ 8.45pm sharp
8 May 2012
<u>Mass Meetup</u>
- Buona Vista
Circle Line MRT Station Control
6.25pm sharp
<u>Mass Meetup</u>
- Serangoon
North East Line MRT (within station ie.do not exit) near north east line station control
6.45pm sharp
<u>Mass Meetup</u>
- Buangkok @ 8.45pm sharp
9 May 2012
<u>Mass Meetup</u>
- Buangkok @ 9.00pm sharp
10 May 2012
<u>Mass Meetup</u>
- Buangkok @ 8.45pm sharp
<font color="0000ff">Please note that meetup at Buona Vista & Serangoon is tentatively only available on Tuesday, 8 May for this coming week. <u>
1 day advance notice required. </u></font>
Collection at Buona Vista Circle Line or Serangoon MRT will be from my hubby. As such, timing depends strictly on his schedule which I have no control over.
There is a limit to the number of available slots for meetups at Buona Vista or Serangoon because my hubby is taking public transport and there is a limit to the number of items he is able to carry.
As indicated in the T&C, <font color="ff0000">
Serangoon & Buona Vista meetup is not available if your items are >1kg or if numerous/bulky</font>. unless otherwise agreed
Please opt for courier or Buangkok if you need your items urgently.
Please email me to arrange for meetups as I have limited free sms