Peanut butter
New Member
Hi all,
Im hoping to get some advice or support here as I have experienced recurrent miscarriage (twice).
For my first loss, it was a blighted ovum and I lost it at 6 weeks. I started bleeding fairly early in the pregnancy, about 3 weeks into it, started spotting then turned to heavy bleed and eventual loss in the next 3 weeks.
About 4 months later , I was pregnant again. This time, I didn't dare expect much and kept worrying if I would experience a miscarriage again. I delayed seeing a doctor until what I thought was about 8 weeks. Barely few days before my first scheduled appointment with the doctor, I started spotting. Went to A&E and the scan showed nothing except a yolk sac and a gestational sac dating 5 weeks only. I was left disappointed with the expectation to miscarry again. At my second scan 2 weeks later , still no fetus found. At the 3rd scan, they finally found the fetus but it was too small for the gestation date and had no heartbeat, which ended in miscarriage.
I know everybody is different and what works for some may not work for others. But I would at least like to find out as much as possible how to have a successful pregnancy if I ever am lucky enough.
For my first and second pregnancy, the doctors only prescribe me duphaston. Nothing else. I read some forums that the doctors prescribe jabs for some that experience bleeding during pregnancy. Does this jabs actually help ? Am wondering why wasn't I prescribed jabs both time.
I also insisted on carrying out karyotyping test as this is my 2nd time miscarrying. The doctor actually said they don't normally do this unless is 3rd or more miscarriage. I don't understand this, why would anyone want to go through another miscarriage before finding out what is wrong. Im also going for blood tests. The doctor did say that all these tests , which are not cheap, may yield inconclusive results. but for me , is more of an assurance.
At the same time , I'm seeing TCM after 2nd miscarriage. The first time around , I didn't bother going and went back to work as per usual, didn't do any tcm or rest at home. Since it happened a second time , I decided to rest 1 week at home and also do tcm.
Just wondering what else can be done for others that experienced the same thing and if they had successful pregnancy after 2 miscarriages.
Suffering recurrent miscarriages take a toll on the mind , body and wallet. Im sick of going to repeat scanning, A&E only to know in the back of my mind that miscarriage is inevitable. Each visit cost money and time..spend so much money and end up with nothing. I also personally feel that repeated miscarriage is not good for the body, it's so scary going through each day , knowing the the bleeding will eventually be heavier day by day and having to keep guessing when is the day it will happen. It's not a good feeling but that other hand , once it finally happens and is over , I actually feel relief. I'm lucky that both times ,the tissue passed out naturally, although for the second one I had to take abortion pill as there was still a little.bit left inside.
I don't feel as sad as other people to the point I can't concentrate on work all these. I just revert back to normal life the day after. But i do admit ,I feel jealous at others announcing their first, second or third pregnancy and seeing pregnant mothers. I know is not their fault and try to feel happy for them. Happy that they never have to experience what I experienced.
But i really wish to avoid having another miscarriage became there is only so much one can take. I'm just afraid that I will never be a mother.
If anyone has experienced same issue as me or any advice , it will be much appreciated
. Thank you!
Im hoping to get some advice or support here as I have experienced recurrent miscarriage (twice).
For my first loss, it was a blighted ovum and I lost it at 6 weeks. I started bleeding fairly early in the pregnancy, about 3 weeks into it, started spotting then turned to heavy bleed and eventual loss in the next 3 weeks.
About 4 months later , I was pregnant again. This time, I didn't dare expect much and kept worrying if I would experience a miscarriage again. I delayed seeing a doctor until what I thought was about 8 weeks. Barely few days before my first scheduled appointment with the doctor, I started spotting. Went to A&E and the scan showed nothing except a yolk sac and a gestational sac dating 5 weeks only. I was left disappointed with the expectation to miscarry again. At my second scan 2 weeks later , still no fetus found. At the 3rd scan, they finally found the fetus but it was too small for the gestation date and had no heartbeat, which ended in miscarriage.
I know everybody is different and what works for some may not work for others. But I would at least like to find out as much as possible how to have a successful pregnancy if I ever am lucky enough.
For my first and second pregnancy, the doctors only prescribe me duphaston. Nothing else. I read some forums that the doctors prescribe jabs for some that experience bleeding during pregnancy. Does this jabs actually help ? Am wondering why wasn't I prescribed jabs both time.
I also insisted on carrying out karyotyping test as this is my 2nd time miscarrying. The doctor actually said they don't normally do this unless is 3rd or more miscarriage. I don't understand this, why would anyone want to go through another miscarriage before finding out what is wrong. Im also going for blood tests. The doctor did say that all these tests , which are not cheap, may yield inconclusive results. but for me , is more of an assurance.
At the same time , I'm seeing TCM after 2nd miscarriage. The first time around , I didn't bother going and went back to work as per usual, didn't do any tcm or rest at home. Since it happened a second time , I decided to rest 1 week at home and also do tcm.
Just wondering what else can be done for others that experienced the same thing and if they had successful pregnancy after 2 miscarriages.
Suffering recurrent miscarriages take a toll on the mind , body and wallet. Im sick of going to repeat scanning, A&E only to know in the back of my mind that miscarriage is inevitable. Each visit cost money and time..spend so much money and end up with nothing. I also personally feel that repeated miscarriage is not good for the body, it's so scary going through each day , knowing the the bleeding will eventually be heavier day by day and having to keep guessing when is the day it will happen. It's not a good feeling but that other hand , once it finally happens and is over , I actually feel relief. I'm lucky that both times ,the tissue passed out naturally, although for the second one I had to take abortion pill as there was still a little.bit left inside.
I don't feel as sad as other people to the point I can't concentrate on work all these. I just revert back to normal life the day after. But i do admit ,I feel jealous at others announcing their first, second or third pregnancy and seeing pregnant mothers. I know is not their fault and try to feel happy for them. Happy that they never have to experience what I experienced.
But i really wish to avoid having another miscarriage became there is only so much one can take. I'm just afraid that I will never be a mother.
If anyone has experienced same issue as me or any advice , it will be much appreciated