Recurrent miscarriage (2023)

Peanut butter

New Member
Hi all,

Im hoping to get some advice or support here as I have experienced recurrent miscarriage (twice).

For my first loss, it was a blighted ovum and I lost it at 6 weeks. I started bleeding fairly early in the pregnancy, about 3 weeks into it, started spotting then turned to heavy bleed and eventual loss in the next 3 weeks.

About 4 months later , I was pregnant again. This time, I didn't dare expect much and kept worrying if I would experience a miscarriage again. I delayed seeing a doctor until what I thought was about 8 weeks. Barely few days before my first scheduled appointment with the doctor, I started spotting. Went to A&E and the scan showed nothing except a yolk sac and a gestational sac dating 5 weeks only. I was left disappointed with the expectation to miscarry again. At my second scan 2 weeks later , still no fetus found. At the 3rd scan, they finally found the fetus but it was too small for the gestation date and had no heartbeat, which ended in miscarriage.

I know everybody is different and what works for some may not work for others. But I would at least like to find out as much as possible how to have a successful pregnancy if I ever am lucky enough.

For my first and second pregnancy, the doctors only prescribe me duphaston. Nothing else. I read some forums that the doctors prescribe jabs for some that experience bleeding during pregnancy. Does this jabs actually help ? Am wondering why wasn't I prescribed jabs both time.

I also insisted on carrying out karyotyping test as this is my 2nd time miscarrying. The doctor actually said they don't normally do this unless is 3rd or more miscarriage. I don't understand this, why would anyone want to go through another miscarriage before finding out what is wrong. Im also going for blood tests. The doctor did say that all these tests , which are not cheap, may yield inconclusive results. but for me , is more of an assurance.

At the same time , I'm seeing TCM after 2nd miscarriage. The first time around , I didn't bother going and went back to work as per usual, didn't do any tcm or rest at home. Since it happened a second time , I decided to rest 1 week at home and also do tcm.

Just wondering what else can be done for others that experienced the same thing and if they had successful pregnancy after 2 miscarriages.

Suffering recurrent miscarriages take a toll on the mind , body and wallet. Im sick of going to repeat scanning, A&E only to know in the back of my mind that miscarriage is inevitable. Each visit cost money and time..spend so much money and end up with nothing. I also personally feel that repeated miscarriage is not good for the body, it's so scary going through each day , knowing the the bleeding will eventually be heavier day by day and having to keep guessing when is the day it will happen. It's not a good feeling but that other hand , once it finally happens and is over , I actually feel relief. I'm lucky that both times ,the tissue passed out naturally, although for the second one I had to take abortion pill as there was still a little.bit left inside.

I don't feel as sad as other people to the point I can't concentrate on work all these. I just revert back to normal life the day after. But i do admit ,I feel jealous at others announcing their first, second or third pregnancy and seeing pregnant mothers. I know is not their fault and try to feel happy for them. Happy that they never have to experience what I experienced.

But i really wish to avoid having another miscarriage became there is only so much one can take. I'm just afraid that I will never be a mother.

If anyone has experienced same issue as me or any advice , it will be much appreciated :). Thank you!

Hi all,

Im hoping to get some advice or support here as I have experienced recurrent miscarriage (twice).

For my first loss, it was a blighted ovum and I lost it at 6 weeks. I started bleeding fairly early in the pregnancy, about 3 weeks into it, started spotting then turned to heavy bleed and eventual loss in the next 3 weeks.

About 4 months later , I was pregnant again. This time, I didn't dare expect much and kept worrying if I would experience a miscarriage again. I delayed seeing a doctor until what I thought was about 8 weeks. Barely few days before my first scheduled appointment with the doctor, I started spotting. Went to A&E and the scan showed nothing except a yolk sac and a gestational sac dating 5 weeks only. I was left disappointed with the expectation to miscarry again. At my second scan 2 weeks later , still no fetus found. At the 3rd scan, they finally found the fetus but it was too small for the gestation date and had no heartbeat, which ended in miscarriage.

I know everybody is different and what works for some may not work for others. But I would at least like to find out as much as possible how to have a successful pregnancy if I ever am lucky enough.

For my first and second pregnancy, the doctors only prescribe me duphaston. Nothing else. I read some forums that the doctors prescribe jabs for some that experience bleeding during pregnancy. Does this jabs actually help ? Am wondering why wasn't I prescribed jabs both time.

I also insisted on carrying out karyotyping test as this is my 2nd time miscarrying. The doctor actually said they don't normally do this unless is 3rd or more miscarriage. I don't understand this, why would anyone want to go through another miscarriage before finding out what is wrong. Im also going for blood tests. The doctor did say that all these tests , which are not cheap, may yield inconclusive results. but for me , is more of an assurance.

At the same time , I'm seeing TCM after 2nd miscarriage. The first time around , I didn't bother going and went back to work as per usual, didn't do any tcm or rest at home. Since it happened a second time , I decided to rest 1 week at home and also do tcm.

Just wondering what else can be done for others that experienced the same thing and if they had successful pregnancy after 2 miscarriages.

Suffering recurrent miscarriages take a toll on the mind , body and wallet. Im sick of going to repeat scanning, A&E only to know in the back of my mind that miscarriage is inevitable. Each visit cost money and time..spend so much money and end up with nothing. I also personally feel that repeated miscarriage is not good for the body, it's so scary going through each day , knowing the the bleeding will eventually be heavier day by day and having to keep guessing when is the day it will happen. It's not a good feeling but that other hand , once it finally happens and is over , I actually feel relief. I'm lucky that both times ,the tissue passed out naturally, although for the second one I had to take abortion pill as there was still a little.bit left inside.

I don't feel as sad as other people to the point I can't concentrate on work all these. I just revert back to normal life the day after. But i do admit ,I feel jealous at others announcing their first, second or third pregnancy and seeing pregnant mothers. I know is not their fault and try to feel happy for them. Happy that they never have to experience what I experienced.

But i really wish to avoid having another miscarriage became there is only so much one can take. I'm just afraid that I will never be a mother.

If anyone has experienced same issue as me or any advice , it will be much appreciated :). Thank you!

Hi peanut butter,

i saw your post & would like to tell you that you are not alone. I am also still in the midst of hoping to get my firstborn someday.
Every single word you typed here, i have been through the exact same situation & felt the same way. Me and my husband came a long way healing our emotions through the years. I have experience 3 recurrent loses shortly after i got married, all happened within a span of 2 years. I do agree with what the doctors have told you. Me and husband did countless of blood test, at one point even drawing 16 bottles of blood from me, spend many thousands of dollars, changing gynae, seeking different opinions because I wanted closure & that is not wrong, we just wanted to find out what went wrong & what can we do to prevent the next miscarriage from happening . But it is true enough, all our blood test were normal & it was inconclusive. Even up till date, doctors can only say it is highly likely due to chromosomes issues as it in the first trimester. Maybe you can seek private gynae, they shld be able to do the blood test for you if you request for it.

i was given duphaston and also had done the injection before. The injection is just progesterone in oil form to stabilise the pregnancy a little. Which in my case, it didn’t help, because with or without, due to chromosomal issues, i will still lose the baby eventually, especially with no heartbeat detected.

And i also would like to let you know feeling jealous about people posting & celebrating pregnancy is completely normal. At one point, i was even afraid to look at pregnant woman on the streets, always thinking whether i will be able to carry a child like them. It is tough.

After many gynae later, private + government, doctors have recommended me to try IVF with PGS due to my losses. Pre-genetic testing helps to test the embryo whether they have the correct set of chromosomes, before implanting back to the mother’s womb. It helps to lower the chances of miscarriage. But of course, the result sometimes can be inaccurate too (false positive etc) but i’m still willing to give it a try.

hope this message can comfort you & do know that you are not alone! Hugs!
Hi peanut butter,

i saw your post & would like to tell you that you are not alone. I am also still in the midst of hoping to get my firstborn someday.
Every single word you typed here, i have been through the exact same situation & felt the same way. Me and my husband came a long way healing our emotions through the years. I have experience 3 recurrent loses shortly after i got married, all happened within a span of 2 years. I do agree with what the doctors have told you. Me and husband did countless of blood test, at one point even drawing 16 bottles of blood from me, spend many thousands of dollars, changing gynae, seeking different opinions because I wanted closure & that is not wrong, we just wanted to find out what went wrong & what can we do to prevent the next miscarriage from happening . But it is true enough, all our blood test were normal & it was inconclusive. Even up till date, doctors can only say it is highly likely due to chromosomes issues as it in the first trimester. Maybe you can seek private gynae, they shld be able to do the blood test for you if you request for it.

i was given duphaston and also had done the injection before. The injection is just progesterone in oil form to stabilise the pregnancy a little. Which in my case, it didn’t help, because with or without, due to chromosomal issues, i will still lose the baby eventually, especially with no heartbeat detected.

And i also would like to let you know feeling jealous about people posting & celebrating pregnancy is completely normal. At one point, i was even afraid to look at pregnant woman on the streets, always thinking whether i will be able to carry a child like them. It is tough.

After many gynae later, private + government, doctors have recommended me to try IVF with PGS due to my losses. Pre-genetic testing helps to test the embryo whether they have the correct set of chromosomes, before implanting back to the mother’s womb. It helps to lower the chances of miscarriage. But of course, the result sometimes can be inaccurate too (false positive etc) but i’m still willing to give it a try.

hope this message can comfort you & do know that you are not alone! Hugs!

Hi Cl,

Thank you so much for your kind words of support! I thought no one was going to care to reply me at all, given it has been discussed quite a number of times in other threads. You are that one kind soul! It just makes me feel less "alone". You are very brave as well to be willing to give IVF a try after recurrent miscarriage.

For me , I feel a fear when I think that I may have to go through the same nightmare again and also less willing to go thru Ivf. But shall learn to be like you and be willing to go through anything just to have a shot.

Thank you and wishing both of us a successful pregnancy soon!
Hi Cl,

Thank you so much for your kind words of support! I thought no one was going to care to reply me at all, given it has been discussed quite a number of times in other threads. You are that one kind soul! It just makes me feel less "alone". You are very brave as well to be willing to give IVF a try after recurrent miscarriage.

For me , I feel a fear when I think that I may have to go through the same nightmare again and also less willing to go thru Ivf. But shall learn to be like you and be willing to go through anything just to have a shot.

Thank you and wishing both of us a successful pregnancy soon!

Hi Peanut butter,

No worries! Yeah i totally understand. Previously i also told myself i wouldn’t want to go through ivf & what if another miscarriage happens again. To be honest, the fear still lingers till now. But i guess the dream of wanting to be a mother & give a child to my husband is greater than the fear. So i decided to step forward and take one step at a time.

yes! Wish both of us a successful pregnancy soon ! remember to give yourself time to grieve and recover, do things that makes you happy!

Have a good evening !

thought i could share my experiences with you. I was like you, i had 2 miscarriages in a span of 4 months: the first one was a chemical pregnancy where I had heavy bleeding and went to A&E to check it out. Low HCG detected so the onsite gynae deduced it to be a miscarriage, the second one was a missed miscarriage where the heartbeat stopped at Week 10 so did D&C to remove it. I did a mini confinement (ordered confinement food for 2 weeks) and went to TCM to tiao my body for the 2nd miscarriage.

i wanted to go for additional tests after the 2nd miscarriage but my gynae said that no need for it as it is most likely to be a chromosomal issue so the only way is to move forward and try again

Hence, i didnt proceed with the testing and focus on healing my body for the next pregnancy. I visited the TCM every fortnightly, took the med religiously and ate my supplements (Swisse preconception) while my husband ate the supplements (from LAC men supplement) to help improve the sperm quality. We did this for 3 months and the TCM doc finally gave us the green light to try and we conceived successfully on our first try.

We went back to the gynae and he prescribed duphaston and aspirin for me and i ate these till Week 30. Coupled with the fortnightly visit to the TCM (a lot of rules like no drinking of cold drinks/herbal tea, no fruits, no salad, must eat rice and meat), i gave birth to my double rainbow baby last Oct. :)

So please persevere on and dont give up! Would require lots of discipline but it is all worth it once the little one is out.

Baby dust to you and Clksy! ❤️❤️❤️

thought i could share my experiences with you. I was like you, i had 2 miscarriages in a span of 4 months: the first one was a chemical pregnancy where I had heavy bleeding and went to A&E to check it out. Low HCG detected so the onsite gynae deduced it to be a miscarriage, the second one was a missed miscarriage where the heartbeat stopped at Week 10 so did D&C to remove it. I did a mini confinement (ordered confinement food for 2 weeks) and went to TCM to tiao my body for the 2nd miscarriage.

i wanted to go for additional tests after the 2nd miscarriage but my gynae said that no need for it as it is most likely to be a chromosomal issue so the only way is to move forward and try again

Hence, i didnt proceed with the testing and focus on healing my body for the next pregnancy. I visited the TCM every fortnightly, took the med religiously and ate my supplements (Swisse preconception) while my husband ate the supplements (from LAC men supplement) to help improve the sperm quality. We did this for 3 months and the TCM doc finally gave us the green light to try and we conceived successfully on our first try.

We went back to the gynae and he prescribed duphaston and aspirin for me and i ate these till Week 30. Coupled with the fortnightly visit to the TCM (a lot of rules like no drinking of cold drinks/herbal tea, no fruits, no salad, must eat rice and meat), i gave birth to my double rainbow baby last Oct. :)

So please persevere on and dont give up! Would require lots of discipline but it is all worth it once the little one is out.

Baby dust to you and Clksy! ❤❤❤

Hi Lovelyloves!

Congratulations to you!! So happy for you.
thank you for the encouragement & baby dust.
was wondering which TCM u went to? I used to go TCM but i am not as disciplined as you haha. I stopped halfway & never go anymore. But supplements wise i have been constantly taking.

thought i could share my experiences with you. I was like you, i had 2 miscarriages in a span of 4 months: the first one was a chemical pregnancy where I had heavy bleeding and went to A&E to check it out. Low HCG detected so the onsite gynae deduced it to be a miscarriage, the second one was a missed miscarriage where the heartbeat stopped at Week 10 so did D&C to remove it. I did a mini confinement (ordered confinement food for 2 weeks) and went to TCM to tiao my body for the 2nd miscarriage.

i wanted to go for additional tests after the 2nd miscarriage but my gynae said that no need for it as it is most likely to be a chromosomal issue so the only way is to move forward and try again

Hence, i didnt proceed with the testing and focus on healing my body for the next pregnancy. I visited the TCM every fortnightly, took the med religiously and ate my supplements (Swisse preconception) while my husband ate the supplements (from LAC men supplement) to help improve the sperm quality. We did this for 3 months and the TCM doc finally gave us the green light to try and we conceived successfully on our first try.

We went back to the gynae and he prescribed duphaston and aspirin for me and i ate these till Week 30. Coupled with the fortnightly visit to the TCM (a lot of rules like no drinking of cold drinks/herbal tea, no fruits, no salad, must eat rice and meat), i gave birth to my double rainbow baby last Oct. :)

So please persevere on and dont give up! Would require lots of discipline but it is all worth it once the little one is out.

Baby dust to you and Clksy! ❤❤❤

Hi hi!

Thanks for sharing! I also went TCM and the practitioner said the same thing , more or less. She said don't eat salad and avoid eating flour based products like bread , noodle all these. Eat more meat , vegetables and rice. She also gave some powder to clean the womb after miscarriage.

Aiyo but how to don't eat salad and fruits. What is the reason? I thought fruit and salad is healthy.

Cl, I also didn't follow thru becuz the powder so bitter. But I think after seeing Lovely post, I think maybe I will now finish up all the medicine. Also going to remind my husband eat the supplement for sperm quality, he also another one don't follow instructions.
Hi Lovelyloves!

Congratulations to you!! So happy for you.
thank you for the encouragement & baby dust.
was wondering which TCM u went to? I used to go TCM but i am not as disciplined as you haha. I stopped halfway & never go anymore. But supplements wise i have been constantly taking.

Thanks dear! :) the TCM that i visited is Dr Su from Fu Nan Traditional Medicine at Bukit Batok. Here’s the add:
Hi Lovelyloves!

Congratulations to you!! So happy for you.
thank you for the encouragement & baby dust.
was wondering which TCM u went to? I used to go TCM but i am not as disciplined as you haha. I stopped halfway & never go anymore. But supplements wise i have been constantly taking.

Thanks dear!

I visited Dr Su from Fu Nan Traditional Medicine at Bukit Batok, here’s the address:
Blk 152 Bukit Batok West Ave 6 St.11 #01-266.
Tel : 6896 1618

For their opening hours, it changes from time to time so can call in to ask. The waiting time can be up to 3 hours on a busy day so need to be prepared to wait. :)

She is quite direct with her comments so for example if your body is ‘cold’ and needs a lot of help, she will tell u directly and prescribe the meds accordingly!

Hope it helps!
Hi hi!

Thanks for sharing! I also went TCM and the practitioner said the same thing , more or less. She said don't eat salad and avoid eating flour based products like bread , noodle all these. Eat more meat , vegetables and rice. She also gave some powder to clean the womb after miscarriage.

Aiyo but how to don't eat salad and fruits. What is the reason? I thought fruit and salad is healthy.

Cl, I also didn't follow thru becuz the powder so bitter. But I think after seeing Lovely post, I think maybe I will now finish up all the medicine. Also going to remind my husband eat the supplement for sperm quality, he also another one don't follow instructions.

Hi Peanut Butter, she said cant eat salad and fruits cos they are considered as ‘cold’ food and it may cause diarrhea which may lead to miscarriage. She shared that cases like mine are better or luckier than ppl who can’t even conceive so our issue is sustaining the pregnancy so her med will help to ‘an tai’ in a way and nourish our body. After hearing this, I took the med religiously! So I saw her for a year (every fortnightly) to prep my body and sustain the pregnancy. She will tweak the med to suit the current state of our body.

Oh, she will also advise when your body is ready to conceive so if you try before your body is not ready, the pregnancy will not be sustainable. Hence, her guidance on this really helped me cos I wanted to keep trying to increase the chances so I did not try. I waited for her green light and really conceived on the first try and successfully brought the baby to term. :)

hope this helps!! :)
Hi all,

Im hoping to get some advice or support here as I have experienced recurrent miscarriage (twice).

For my first loss, it was a blighted ovum and I lost it at 6 weeks. I started bleeding fairly early in the pregnancy, about 3 weeks into it, started spotting then turned to heavy bleed and eventual loss in the next 3 weeks.

About 4 months later , I was pregnant again. This time, I didn't dare expect much and kept worrying if I would experience a miscarriage again. I delayed seeing a doctor until what I thought was about 8 weeks. Barely few days before my first scheduled appointment with the doctor, I started spotting. Went to A&E and the scan showed nothing except a yolk sac and a gestational sac dating 5 weeks only. I was left disappointed with the expectation to miscarry again. At my second scan 2 weeks later , still no fetus found. At the 3rd scan, they finally found the fetus but it was too small for the gestation date and had no heartbeat, which ended in miscarriage.

I know everybody is different and what works for some may not work for others. But I would at least like to find out as much as possible how to have a successful pregnancy if I ever am lucky enough.

For my first and second pregnancy, the doctors only prescribe me duphaston. Nothing else. I read some forums that the doctors prescribe jabs for some that experience bleeding during pregnancy. Does this jabs actually help ? Am wondering why wasn't I prescribed jabs both time.

I also insisted on carrying out karyotyping test as this is my 2nd time miscarrying. The doctor actually said they don't normally do this unless is 3rd or more miscarriage. I don't understand this, why would anyone want to go through another miscarriage before finding out what is wrong. Im also going for blood tests. The doctor did say that all these tests , which are not cheap, may yield inconclusive results. but for me , is more of an assurance.

At the same time , I'm seeing TCM after 2nd miscarriage. The first time around , I didn't bother going and went back to work as per usual, didn't do any tcm or rest at home. Since it happened a second time , I decided to rest 1 week at home and also do tcm.

Just wondering what else can be done for others that experienced the same thing and if they had successful pregnancy after 2 miscarriages.

Suffering recurrent miscarriages take a toll on the mind , body and wallet. Im sick of going to repeat scanning, A&E only to know in the back of my mind that miscarriage is inevitable. Each visit cost money and time..spend so much money and end up with nothing. I also personally feel that repeated miscarriage is not good for the body, it's so scary going through each day , knowing the the bleeding will eventually be heavier day by day and having to keep guessing when is the day it will happen. It's not a good feeling but that other hand , once it finally happens and is over , I actually feel relief. I'm lucky that both times ,the tissue passed out naturally, although for the second one I had to take abortion pill as there was still a little.bit left inside.

I don't feel as sad as other people to the point I can't concentrate on work all these. I just revert back to normal life the day after. But i do admit ,I feel jealous at others announcing their first, second or third pregnancy and seeing pregnant mothers. I know is not their fault and try to feel happy for them. Happy that they never have to experience what I experienced.

But i really wish to avoid having another miscarriage became there is only so much one can take. I'm just afraid that I will never be a mother.

If anyone has experienced same issue as me or any advice , it will be much appreciated :). Thank you!

Hey peanut butter,
Like you I’ve had 2 miscarriages over the span of 4 months too. First one with a D&c and the second one is spontaneous I just suddenly had heavy bleeding at week 7 and passed out all preg tissues.

I’m considering whether to follow through with TCM too I’m quite bad with the meds and it is costly. Tho my hubby feels there’s nothing wrong with my body maybe no need TCM since we both lead healthy lifestyle.

I have one living child who is almost 5. But I wished for another child since 2022. Would u seek TCM too? I’m sleeping on it and considering when to try again.
Hey peanut butter,
Like you I’ve had 2 miscarriages over the span of 4 months too. First one with a D&c and the second one is spontaneous I just suddenly had heavy bleeding at week 7 and passed out all preg tissues.

I’m considering whether to follow through with TCM too I’m quite bad with the meds and it is costly. Tho my hubby feels there’s nothing wrong with my body maybe no need TCM since we both lead healthy lifestyle.

I have one living child who is almost 5. But I wished for another child since 2022. Would u seek TCM too? I’m sleeping on it and considering when to try again.

my eldest is 5. been trying for #2 but i had 3 miscarriages over 1.5 years.
after the 2nd one i tried tcm but frankly i wasted a lot of money coz i really hate taking the meds so i took maybe 50% of what was prescribed and i refuse acupuncture haha. stopped going after the 3rd miscarriage. anyway my husband (and usually me too as well) also doesnt believe in tcm so no point straining our finances that way
i did recurrent miscarriage blood tests after the 3rd miscarriage. everything normal, except vit D low-normal so i supplemented with extra Vit D together with usual prenatal vitamin.
currently pregnant 2nd trimester. i dont believe in heaty/cooling foods but mine is probably a minority opinion. fingers crossed.
Hi all
I just had my 4th miscarriage through a pgs tested embryo. Feeling very sad now. My first 2 miscarriage was from a natural conception in a span of 6 months. First was a blighted ovum at week 6, it came out naturally a week after. Second miscarriage had low HB rate at week 6 and miscarriage on its own with bad cramps at near to week 7 when HB stops but embryo grew. I had 2 IVFs and 2 SO IUI back then already while conceiving naturally. Third miscarriage was from my ivf tranafer where I transferred 2 blast and 1 implanted, but lost it at very early week 5, as I had super bad stomach pain (not at the uterus). They only saw a week 5 gestational sac and my hcg was declining. Spent quite a lot of $$ on all these miscarriages and test. After my 2nd and 3rd miscarriage I did a series of test- karotyping on both me and my hubs and we appeared normal, a lot of test on blood stickiness etc and all came back normal. Hence doc say it might be a chance thing and chromosome thing which she recommended me (kkh) to go NUH for pgs ivf cycle, which I did this year. So I went for my 3rd and last subsidized ivf co fund cycle and out of 20 eggs extracted, only 2 blast made it for Pgs testing and out of the 2 blast I had one euploid embryo my only normal embryo, which I hope it can stick which it did. So I got preggy this round but the first initial hcg was low (192) hence doc asked me to go back for another hcg test and it doubles up well (1500+) in just 4 days, so that’s a good sign, however hopes dashed when I started spotting days after and I went ane and they discover the sac is not say in a right positive near down to the cervix it could be it implanted at a wrong position or it is on its way out. The next day the spotting became heavy bleeding which was intense
continue.. . The next day the spotting became heavy bleeding which was intense and scary cos every one hour my pad is full and I had like super big golf ball shaped clogs which I visited ane again, and they mentioned they saw a sac and Yolk sac but it’s moving down the cervix canal le I was still worried it was a cervical ectopic pregnancy. But ane says unlikely. Next day I went back to NUH to do my scan to confirm the miscarriage and the sac is gone went to see my doc and he mentioned bleeding is tapering. As to why Pgs embryo fails he says he has no answer as all the test I did was normal and suggest maybe I shd go for surrogacy as my body cannot seemed to carry a pregnancy. I’m really very sad and dunno what to do at this point as I really want a child and I’m already 35… hsd my first pregnancy at 33, and the fertility journey starts at 32 with various test, ivf, iui cycles and 4 miscarriages. It really feel like I’m emotionally and physically drained. I see ppl conceiving very easily and the pregnancy continues even after previous miscarriage (most ppl had one time miscarriage and went on well) I always ask myself and ask god why me why I have 4 miscarriage this is 1% of the people and I’m so suay. Hai. Appreciate if anyone have similar occurrences with me and can advice me on next steps? I am still thinking of going to prof choolani to complete a full test or repeat all the test and do a fresh ivf with a private doc. But all these will incur alot of cost, body strains and time to do. I am working now and it’s tough to manage.
Hi ladies

I just had my third miscarriage in 1.5 years, going for D&C tomorrow. They always say recurrent miscarriage affect 1% of population and unfortunately is the 1%. My first two miscarriage no heartbeat detected but my third one was different. Heartbeat detected at Wk9 8 April and suddenly, no heartbeat detected on 11 April within 3 days! It hit me badly as though God playing a trick on me by giving me hope and taking it away from me.

Felt frustrated because I did TCM diligently and basically followed all mid wife's tales but to no avail. Utterly devastated and couldnt stop crying.

Just wondering if anyone has IVF experience in KKH? Will consider IVF route next but not sure to continue with KKH as private patient or change hospital. Any tips from any ladies with IVF experience? Or any good IVF clinics to consider? Thanks!
Hi ladies

I just had my third miscarriage in 1.5 years, going for D&C tomorrow. They always say recurrent miscarriage affect 1% of population and unfortunately is the 1%. My first two miscarriage no heartbeat detected but my third one was different. Heartbeat detected at Wk9 8 April and suddenly, no heartbeat detected on 11 April within 3 days! It hit me badly as though God playing a trick on me by giving me hope and taking it away from me.

Felt frustrated because I did TCM diligently and basically followed all mid wife's tales but to no avail. Utterly devastated and couldnt stop crying.

Just wondering if anyone has IVF experience in KKH? Will consider IVF route next but not sure to continue with KKH as private patient or change hospital. Any tips from any ladies with IVF experience? Or any good IVF clinics to consider? Thanks!
im with kkh as private. its ok but some of the testing are handled by nurses and student doctors. If you have the cash, you can also google private doc, there are a few mentioned in this forum
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A factor for Recurrent miscarriage is PPROM, if you don't know about it. Find the intro to test strips on or It's in most case severe...
my eldest is 5. been trying for #2 but i had 3 miscarriages over 1.5 years.
after the 2nd one i tried tcm but frankly i wasted a lot of money coz i really hate taking the meds so i took maybe 50% of what was prescribed and i refuse acupuncture haha. stopped going after the 3rd miscarriage. anyway my husband (and usually me too as well) also doesnt believe in tcm so no point straining our finances that way
i did recurrent miscarriage blood tests after the 3rd miscarriage. everything normal, except vit D low-normal so i supplemented with extra Vit D together with usual prenatal vitamin.
currently pregnant 2nd trimester. i dont believe in heaty/cooling foods but mine is probably a minority opinion. fingers crossed.
hi Thanks for sharing. 3 must be really hard to bear. did u always try again after? how do u find courage to? i decided not to go for tcm since i feel i wasn't going to see through it and was afraid it will add stress to me. i'm due for a follow up next week..
Hi ladies

I just had my third miscarriage in 1.5 years, going for D&C tomorrow. They always say recurrent miscarriage affect 1% of population and unfortunately is the 1%. My first two miscarriage no heartbeat detected but my third one was different. Heartbeat detected at Wk9 8 April and suddenly, no heartbeat detected on 11 April within 3 days! It hit me badly as though God playing a trick on me by giving me hope and taking it away from me.

Felt frustrated because I did TCM diligently and basically followed all mid wife's tales but to no avail. Utterly devastated and couldnt stop crying.

Just wondering if anyone has IVF experience in KKH? Will consider IVF route next but not sure to continue with KKH as private patient or change hospital. Any tips from any ladies with IVF experience? Or any good IVF clinics to consider? Thanks!
so sorry to hear. can i ask if they did any miscarriage profile test for you to find out what's wrong?
Hey Peanut Butter,

First, hugs. You're def not alone. I had my first miscarriage recently and I felt like I was hit by a truck. I can't even imagine how you felt. One thing I did was feeling my emotion fully rather than ignoring or suppressing it. When you feel jealous on other moms, acknowledge that you're jealous and be jealous. Process your raw emotions and let it go. I find myself much peaceful when I process my emotions rather than thinking like "I shouldn't be sad, I shouldn't be jealous, I'm ok."
Be vulnerable with your husband as well. When I see my husband reacting to my depression and vulnerability it makes me think like damn he'd be a great dad to our kids if he can handle this. and I become hopeful that one day it'll come true.

Just remember that everything is temporary, not permanent. This stage of your life shall pass ! we got this future moms xoxo
Hi guys I had 4th miscarriage and no live birth yet. Went to see doc choolani and to my surprised each time he didn’t order a test for me and want me to see him again only when my period is here. I had my 4th miscarriage on 29 March and period didn’t come yet. Not sure why he cannot order first and when my period come I just go and take. He insisted to see me after my period first before ordering those test… anybody have any experiences with choolani and if he’s working style is like this? I felt like I’ve wasted 2x consult with him with nothing in return.
Hi guys I had 4th miscarriage and no live birth yet. Went to see doc choolani and to my surprised each time he didn’t order a test for me and want me to see him again only when my period is here. I had my 4th miscarriage on 29 March and period didn’t come yet. Not sure why he cannot order first and when my period come I just go and take. He insisted to see me after my period first before ordering those test… anybody have any experiences with choolani and if he’s working style is like this? I felt like I’ve wasted 2x consult with him with nothing in return.

u should ask him we are not doctor no one can answer u
Hi, had a 2nd recurrent miscarriage and I can only get an appt with Dr Choolani in Sep 23 and Dr Sheila Vasoo is not accepting pregnancy related cases. Totally at a lost now, 3 pregnancies in 1yr and all resulted in losses :(. Was tested positive for ANA. I want to do all the genetic like karotyping and antibody tests, do you know how I can do the karotyping test and any doc you have seen?
Hi. Did anyone get the tests done by Dr Choolani? May I know which tests can be ordered without waiting for period to come? The clinic told me he only sees me first visit after I have period back after mc, and then some tests should be done at day3-5 of period, i.e I have to wait for another cycle. He is fully booked and since my period not come yet they don't give any appointment. I feel quite frustrated about the waiting time :(
Hi. Did anyone get the tests done by Dr Choolani? May I know which tests can be ordered without waiting for period to come? The clinic told me he only sees me first visit after I have period back after mc, and then some tests should be done at day3-5 of period, i.e I have to wait for another cycle. He is fully booked and since my period not come yet they don't give any appointment. I feel quite frustrated about the waiting time :(
This happens to me he wasted my time for 3 consults without providing me with a plan or ordering test for me. So I gave up and seek for private doc help.
i guess your concern is money? ask him if he can lower or waive it if its a short consultation.
No it’s not about the money but about him not planning for a treatment each time I see him. And there’s a lot of delays like he cannot plan a protocol till I am having my period.
May I know which tests did your private doctor order? Do they need to see your period first?
A whole series of hormones test and no need to see period.I think for choolani they had my case as one of the incident where after my mc they gave me an appt I ended up seeing him for nothing cos my period didn’t come yet and they charged me consult fee without any protocol or BT ordered. So your case they learnt from it and only give u appt when ur period comes. Cos that’s his style of working.
sharing my experience. i just had my 5th early miscarriage in 2 years. The miscarriage gets earlier and earlier. this time only lasted 4 weeks plus. Tested positive on tues and on fri i had stomach cramps, went to poo and blood came out. my gynae is from SGH. he didn't offer any test. all he said was it should be due to my age...42... i went to do a series of blood test without referral at sgh rheumatology department. spent about 1k, only result out of range was ANA but the dr say high ANA was not conclusive of anything. now i am considering if i should seek 2nd opinion at Mt A. wasted alot of money and disappointment.

went to tcm last week. dr was so young. She asked me alot of questions about my health, symptoms etc..then just told me my qi xu. thats all. i think tcm is rubbish.
sharing my experience. i just had my 5th early miscarriage in 2 years. The miscarriage gets earlier and earlier. this time only lasted 4 weeks plus. Tested positive on tues and on fri i had stomach cramps, went to poo and blood came out. my gynae is from SGH. he didn't offer any test. all he said was it should be due to my age...42... i went to do a series of blood test without referral at sgh rheumatology department. spent about 1k, only result out of range was ANA but the dr say high ANA was not conclusive of anything. now i am considering if i should seek 2nd opinion at Mt A. wasted alot of money and disappointment.

went to tcm last week. dr was so young. She asked me alot of questions about my health, symptoms etc..then just told me my qi xu. thats all. i think tcm is rubbish.
Im So sorry to read about your losses. Me too went for the panel tests and don’t seem
To have any conclusion . I’ll hear from the doc tomorrow but based on what I read so far it seems ok. I feel v discouraged and down too. N feel it’s gg to take me a long time to get preg again. N this keep asking us to try again is super painful.
Started the ivf journey in 2024. The thing about going into ivf, I thought I stand a good chance of conceiving and getting my first baby. How happy we felt when we had a positive hcg. Then our second bloods didn’t double. Went for a scan and can’t find the sac. Turns out I had an ectopic pregnancy for my first round of ivf. Which wasted a lot of time and money, I think what’s worst was how it affect us emotionally and mentally.

Few months later we started on our FET. This time our first two blood test seems good, first scan we saw our little black bean, second scan there wasn’t any heart beat when it should. Miscarriage. Given meds to bleed it out. The cramps were so bad. I start to question why things happen to me, will I ever be a mother. What’s worst was People around me start to get pregnant and it’s so hard to watch them; when it is all I ever wanted. Currently on a pause on ivf till next year. How sad when you can’t feel happy simply by just seeing a positive pregnancy test. All ur worries start to come, im afraid of failing again.
Started the ivf journey in 2024. The thing about going into ivf, I thought I stand a good chance of conceiving and getting my first baby. How happy we felt when we had a positive hcg. Then our second bloods didn’t double. Went for a scan and can’t find the sac. Turns out I had an ectopic pregnancy for my first round of ivf. Which wasted a lot of time and money, I think what’s worst was how it affect us emotionally and mentally.

Few months later we started on our FET. This time our first two blood test seems good, first scan we saw our little black bean, second scan there wasn’t any heart beat when it should. Miscarriage. Given meds to bleed it out. The cramps were so bad. I start to question why things happen to me, will I ever be a mother. What’s worst was People around me start to get pregnant and it’s so hard to watch them; when it is all I ever wanted. Currently on a pause on ivf till next year. How sad when you can’t feel happy simply by just seeing a positive pregnancy test. All ur worries start to come, im afraid of failing again.
Hi Ling1901, your feelings, concern are valid. I had 3 miscarriages, though not via IVF, I understand how a positive pregnancy test could actually bring fear to us. I got jealous of my friends who were pregnant, it just seem so much easier for them. In fact, they did a test on the fetus for third miscarriage and nothing was found. It got me really frustrated. My husband and my blood tests results were normal.

For my case, I was under KKH private and after my 3rd miscarriage, they referred me to their RPL clinic and Dr Liu Shuling was my gyane. I was fearful throughout my fourth pregnancy because I was haunted by my past 3 miscarriage and any cramps got me worried. I was still bleeding and was prescribed utrogestan for first 16 weeks via vaginal insert. My rainbow baby was born in May 2024.

It is not easy for friends or family to understand the stress and anxiety on us. Some of them would even discourage us from trying again but out of goodwill as they saw our disappointment again and again. To go through this journey, one really need a strong heart and being sad or crying yourself to bed is normal. I wish you all the best and stay strong!
Started the ivf journey in 2024. The thing about going into ivf, I thought I stand a good chance of conceiving and getting my first baby. How happy we felt when we had a positive hcg. Then our second bloods didn’t double. Went for a scan and can’t find the sac. Turns out I had an ectopic pregnancy for my first round of ivf. Which wasted a lot of time and money, I think what’s worst was how it affect us emotionally and mentally.

Few months later we started on our FET. This time our first two blood test seems good, first scan we saw our little black bean, second scan there wasn’t any heart beat when it should. Miscarriage. Given meds to bleed it out. The cramps were so bad. I start to question why things happen to me, will I ever be a mother. What’s worst was People around me start to get pregnant and it’s so hard to watch them; when it is all I ever wanted. Currently on a pause on ivf till next year. How sad when you can’t feel happy simply by just seeing a positive pregnancy test. All ur worries start to come, im afraid of failing again.
Hi Ling1901, your feelings, concern are valid. I had 3 miscarriages, though not via IVF, I understand how a positive pregnancy test could actually bring fear to us. I got jealous of my friends who were pregnant, it just seem so much easier for them. In fact, they did a test on the fetus for third miscarriage and nothing was found. It got me really frustrated. My husband and my blood tests results were normal.

For my case, I was under KKH private and after my 3rd miscarriage, they referred me to their RPL clinic and Dr Liu Shuling was my gyane. I was fearful throughout my fourth pregnancy because I was haunted by my past 3 miscarriage and any cramps got me worried. I was still bleeding and was prescribed utrogestan for first 16 weeks via vaginal insert. My rainbow baby was born in May 2024.

It is not easy for friends or family to understand the stress and anxiety on us. Some of them would even discourage us from trying again but out of goodwill as they saw our disappointment again and again. To go through this journey, one really need a strong heart and being sad or crying yourself to bed is normal. I wish you all the best and stay strong!
Thank you
Hi Ling1901, your feelings, concern are valid. I had 3 miscarriages, though not via IVF, I understand how a positive pregnancy test could actually bring fear to us. I got jealous of my friends who were pregnant, it just seem so much easier for them. In fact, they did a test on the fetus for third miscarriage and nothing was found. It got me really frustrated. My husband and my blood tests results were normal.

For my case, I was under KKH private and after my 3rd miscarriage, they referred me to their RPL clinic and Dr Liu Shuling was my gyane. I was fearful throughout my fourth pregnancy because I was haunted by my past 3 miscarriage and any cramps got me worried. I was still bleeding and was prescribed utrogestan for first 16 weeks via vaginal insert. My rainbow baby was born in May 2024.

It is not easy for friends or family to understand the stress and anxiety on us. Some of them would even discourage us from trying again but out of goodwill as they saw our disappointment again and again. To go through this journey, one really need a strong heart and being sad or crying yourself to bed is normal. I wish you all the best and stay strong!

Hi Ling1901, your feelings, concern are valid. I had 3 miscarriages, though not via IVF, I understand how a positive pregnancy test could actually bring fear to us. I got jealous of my friends who were pregnant, it just seem so much easier for them. In fact, they did a test on the fetus for third miscarriage and nothing was found. It got me really frustrated. My husband and my blood tests results were normal.

For my case, I was under KKH private and after my 3rd miscarriage, they referred me to their RPL clinic and Dr Liu Shuling was my gyane. I was fearful throughout my fourth pregnancy because I was haunted by my past 3 miscarriage and any cramps got me worried. I was still bleeding and was prescribed utrogestan for first 16 weeks via vaginal insert. My rainbow baby was born in May 2024.

It is not easy for friends or family to understand the stress and anxiety on us. Some of them would even discourage us from trying again but out of goodwill as they saw our disappointment again and again. To go through this journey, one really need a strong heart and being sad or crying yourself to bed is normal. I wish you all the best and stay strong!
Yea I can’t stop rewinding back to all that I’ve been through this year. I think I’ve cried the most this year in my whole life. I hope I will receive good news soon. Now even preparing for the next FET mid next year brings me flashbacks too.

Truly humbled by this experience and I’ve also understood the meaning - life is unfair.
Oh well Gonna be strong if I want this baby to happen
