Question on co-fund for IVF


New Member
Hi recently I had a failed fresh transfer.

I understand the costing for fresh transfer and the co fund for first fresh cycle is 7.5k and as a result I only paid less than 1k in cash

however the second cycle is likely to be frozen cycle and the funding is only 2.2k. Does it means I would be expecting a sky high bill or naturally the frozen transfer has a lower cost hence the lower funding?

Hi sorry not sure i can answer ur question but i really wan to know did u go for iui first? Coz im planning if my iui failed im tempting to go for ivf next.
Hi I went straight to IVF . It is best to seek doc advice on this . They would assess the condition of the couple and recommend accordingly
Hi recently I had a failed fresh transfer.

I understand the costing for fresh transfer and the co fund for first fresh cycle is 7.5k and as a result I only paid less than 1k in cash

however the second cycle is likely to be frozen cycle and the funding is only 2.2k. Does it means I would be expecting a sky high bill or naturally the frozen transfer has a lower cost hence the lower funding?
Yes the cost of a frozen cycle is lower without the first half of a fresh cycle (everything ER and earlier), though you may require some meds and monitoring before FET. Sorry can't help you on how much cash expected though.
Hi recently I had a failed fresh transfer.

I understand the costing for fresh transfer and the co fund for first fresh cycle is 7.5k and as a result I only paid less than 1k in cash

however the second cycle is likely to be frozen cycle and the funding is only 2.2k. Does it means I would be expecting a sky high bill or naturally the frozen transfer has a lower cost hence the lower funding?
Hello! Frozen cycle is lower in cost. I did 3 rounds of frozen cycles and didn't recall paying much except few hundreds for the medication!
