I'm been engaging Mdm wati since I'm 6 months pregnant and still using her till now though I'm going to due in 2 weeks time.
Personally I find her v friendly, experienced and her skills are great. You can reach her at 9663 3491 and said u r recommended by Irene from bedok. however this month her schedule is v packed if she can't make it she will get her back up to do for u. I tried once her back up v skillful too but I'm used to Mdm wati so I'm using her whenever she can make it..
Good luck n hope u like her service and have a great pregnancy babe
Thanks for the recommendation. Is it safer to wait till 6 months before getting a pre natal massage? I've been reading up and seems that it's better for me to wait. Will call her up in 2 months when I get to 6 months.
Hope your delivery goes well and good luck with being a new mummy
hi nina my massage lady is jenny whice i foudn her trough this forum. i has been read her few good feed back from them so i decided to enggage her for my pre and post natal, she was done great massage for me and i just done with her and i will engage her for my relaxing massage.i thinks this is good recomended for you and for other mumy whos looking for pre and post natal or relaxing massage.call her at 83305461, good luck for all
morning, i am agree with marlianasahab, i been doing massage with jenny too,she was freindly person and very patient, i would like to be her regular client too.
Hi, where is jenny shop located. Is she malay and how long experience she had? I did not see any review about her before in the forum only by both of you posting here as few of our facebook group mummies also talk about your posting about jenny.Never see her name here before.
Just had a massage by Jenny yesterday and she is great! Very friendly and warm too. She's not fussy about the time and will stay as long as it takes to complete the massage - depending on body size and problem areas.
Yup zodiacstar, I am actually engaging her for postnatal now as I delivered earlier than expected. I find her postnatal good too. She's able to spot problems just by touching certain parts of the body.
Hi Nina
Its great to hear that everythin is going well for you
I have made a booking with Jenny already.really hope it will be good and will help with my problem of prolapse from my first birth. How long is the massage? What do we need to provide for the massage? Thanks for sharing
Hi Zodiacstar, the massage lasts about 1hr 15 mins to 1hr 30mins. What I like is that she is really not fussy about the time and will stay as long as required for that session, depending on what discomforts you might have.
Don't need to prepare anything except your own towel
When's your first session with Jenny? Did you book her for pre or postnatal?
Please becareful when engaging freelance masseuse for pre-natal. There are sensitive points that we're not allowed to massage with force. Best to make sure that they are properly certified and experienced in this line.
I'm so addicted to pre-natal massages! It really helps lessen the pain of water retention in my feet and my backache. In fact, I don't really get backache anymore.
I've shared my contacts in some other thread as well. I've tried both Mdm Ida @ 94361463 and Mdm Emma @ 91822373 for my prenatal massages and thoroughly enjoyed each sessions. I'm seeing either of them once or twice a month now. Both very popular so do book ur appt early.
Personally, I find Mdm Ida is gentler than Mdm Emma. So depends on individual lah. Some people like stronger pressure point kind of massages while others prefer d more relaxing type Maybe it's bcos I'm ticklish and scared of pain so I prefer Mdm Ida. Anyway, they both charge the same price.
Price for pre-natal (1hr) is $50 per session and there's no transport fees.
Nina / zodiacstar - How is Jenny's post-natal massage? Does she do the binding well? I had another post-natal massage lady for my first pregnancy and she was quite good, but she is getting old and i found the binding very uncomfortable
Her post-natal massage is great! I have completed 10 days and am thinking of going for another 5 days in a week or so. The massage really helped with my backache and water retention! It was gone after 3 days of massage.
The binding takes a while to get used to because it's tight but I'm sure that's how it's supposed to be. Good results after the binding and I really enjoyed the massage!
When are you due? I think it's best if you try her for a pre natal massage first and engage her for post natal only if you feel comfortable with her and her massage style
jenny called to re-schedule my massage on the day of the appointment... and the next day, she said her MIL passed away so cannot come again. i am quite disappointed. is she usually very responsible and keeps the appointments?
i really need pre-natal massage again. sigh. have been sleeping badly. only had one seesion in a salon so far. it was ok, not great.
Yup she was always responsible for all the pre and post natal sessions I had with her. Don't think there's anything she can do about her MIL passing away... I think it's good enough a reason for not showing up.
It's unfortunate that she couldn't keep her appointments with you. Good luck finding another one! I know how awful these pregnancy aches can be
Hi mummies,
I'm looking for pre-natal massage now & post natal massage for Sept.
Any recommendations? Prefer to come to home & have own massage bed, if possible.
Is Jenny still "the One" to call? Can anyone share on her charges/package?
Thank you in advance!
We cater pre and post massages for mummies.
for mummies, we will travel to ur home.
therapist from spa experience.
pre natal charges $50/60mins
3 sessions $130
post natal packages wz traditional malay binding
5 days $300
7 days $400
10 days $550
wz a complimentary baby massage
for more info: facebook Nora Kea
contact sms / wadsapp : 85187739