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Hi mummies, I am currently in my 7th month pregnancy. Last week, my gynae told me that I showed signs of pre-eclumpsia due to my blood pressure and water retention. I might be ordered bed rest as I am at risk of early delivery. Anyone can share their experience pls?

Hi, I can't offer any good advice but I hope that u have heed ur gynae's advice - bed rest. My sister lost a child due to this dread disease and finally got herself pregnant again after a while. In this subsequent pregnancy, she was extremely careful and work half the days each week from 2nd trimester onwards. Eventually, baby was born prematurely. The good thing is, baby turns out healthy after a lot of special care. I wish u all e best and a smooth delivery.
Hi, I hv experienced with my 1st girl, I hv to delivered premature at 32weeks, there was no signs, only last check up that my blood pressure went up. So my gynae took precatiouns by emergency c section, my girl was in nicu for 2 months cos her birth weight was only 1 kg. Now she is 21months, still under weight but happy healthy girl. As now am having the second one, am in 7th months pregnant now. Gynae gave me aspirin to maintain the blood pressure.. So far ok.. Ofcourse have to rest more..
I had pre-eclampsia for #1 but no issue with #2.
I went to A&E for some issue totally unrelated to pregnancy at 34 + 5 and bp measured 170/110 then. I was immediately wheeled to delivery suite. My bp managed to come down with meidcation but interestingly, my waterbag broke and I delivered my girl naturally. She's only 1.9kg at birth as she couldnt grow properly with the restricted blood flow in my tummy.
Now, she's a happy and healthy and heavy 3.5 yo preschooler.

My bp started climbing when I entered 2nd trimester but it hovers around 130~140/80~90 with medication.
Thanks for the sharing, mummies. I have been at home for about 2 weeks. fortunately bp is in the normal range but my gynae has warned me of early delivery. But my baby is still quite small. My last checkup at 32weeks, my baby girl was 1.7kg.
Hi Stephanie,

I also had pre-eclampsia. My bb was born at 28+ weeks last july at 1kg. My bp went up to 160-170. When I was admitted, it even went up to 200 so had to go for emergency c-section. Do monitor ur bp everyday. If u feel any split headache, pls call ur gynae immediately. It was a truly scary experience for me.

Also, pls check if your insurance covers pregnancy complications. And do note that the bills for premature bb is very high. If necessary, make arrangements to deliver at govt hospital and request for c-class to cut down bills.

Take care.
Thanks for the advice Kelly. So far my bp has been stabilised and I do hoped there are no complications. am due in mid-feb and I am now in my 36 weeks. am keeping my fingers crossed.

bp at 200 is really quite frightening and I think it's life-threatening too. Mummies are truly the bravest. How is your baby now? I heard pre-mature babies are difficult to take care.
Yupz. Bp 200 is life threatening. I was sedated throughout.

My bb is fine now, thank goodness. She weighs 7kg at 3.5 months corrected age. Thankfully she is not that difficult to take care. Mostly normal bb problems.

Good that u r at 36 weeks now. Should be fine. All the best!
thanks Kelly. I just delivered my baby girl last wed. exactly 36 weeks. though her weight is only 2.25kg, am relieved that she is fine. Am enjoying my motherhood now. Despite the sleepless night to take care of her, I still enjoy the process.
Hello!i was also diagnosed with pre eclampsia 2 years back at 34weeks,was told that this illness had stopped my baby from growing and just nice that time my gynae was going on holiday and was referred to another gynae.that gynae try to prolong the pregnancy and refused to deliver for me unless really critical.managed to drag till 37 weeks and my gynae is back to induce for me.before that,they wanted to ward me till birth to monitor but i refused due to the long stay.i have to sign the AWAL form to discharge.fortunately,i managed to give birth to my baby girl weighing 2.7kg.
about a month ago I was diagnosed with Pre Eclampia, in week 30. I was hospitalized for 2 weeks and delivered the baby with low birth weight of 1.160kg.
My baby is still in NICU now.. and Im still battling with protein in my urine.
any mommies with Pre eclampsia that can share her post partum exp?
Hi housewife agent

Don't feel sorry for yourself as pregnacy problems are common just that we are not the lucky one. Good thing is that u hv delivered ur Bb safely! Thumps up!!

I suffered fr pre-eclampsia when I was having my elder girl 3 yrs back. She was delivered via emergency c-sect by doctor on duty at KKh I was seeing Dr Eunice Chua at TMC then.

U are better than me my girl was delivered at week 32 n weighed only 1.4kg . She stayed at Kkh for a month plus . I chose to delivered at Kkh instead of tcm due to high bill as I knew my Bb will be delivered pre mature.

During the first two yrs Bb hv difficulty in drinking milk vomiting alot lucky no colic she sleeps I fed her bm for 4 mth

also we hv to bring her to Kkh for all sorts of cheekup eg blood test hip test hearing test visit Dietition to monitor her grow rehab centre to monitor her movement seek g doctor ad well

But yrs past n my girl is normal as per other her age
Hi Hellen,
I was diagnosed with severe PE two yrs ago when i was in 23 weeks + 6 days.
I was having sever gastric pain and was told that my BP shot up to more than 200. My gynae referred me to KKH immediately .... i was admitted and at 11am, was given the 1st steriod injection imeediately..... the conditions is very bad and the doctors advise me to take out the baby as soon as possible in order to save my life.... it was too complicated because during that time my platlets counts dropped alot and it was dangerous to go for C-sec, eventually they decided to give me IGVG to boost up the platlets counts and went for the c-sec to take my daughter out... she was 460grms. we decided to let her go.... my hb managed to see her and carry her for a while ....
We were so sad .... and afraid of having the 2nd one.... but we went ahead to take the risk and having our 2nd one - my baby boy was borned prematurely 4.5 mths ago. he was two mths pre-term... so far so good except for not sucking the milk well...
