Hi girls,
Planning for a winter trip to Southwest region and perth late June with another family friend, each family has 2 adults and 2 kids ages 7 -3.
Like to ask for opinions and recommendations on places of accomodation and eateries in our itinenery. Please advise
Day 1:
Arrive Perth late at night. Stay overnight along Great Eastern Highway. Just need a place to sleep so looking for budget hotel, any recommendations?
Day 2:
Late breakfast then move out to Mandurah Foreshore to feed seagulls. (1 hour drive)
Move out to Busselton (2 hours drive). Visit Busselton Jetty and Nautical Lady Entertainment.
Last stop at margaret river, check in. Any good nice ones?
Day 3:
Visit places of interest like
1) MR Choc Factory
2) MR Olive Soap factory
3) MR Nuts & Cereal
4) Candy Cow
5) Simmos Ice Creamery
6) MR Dairy Factory
7) MR Fudge Factory
8) Berry Farm Brewery
Day 4:
Move out early to Yallingup Shed for 11am show (40mins drive)
Free & Easy to finish whatever we couldnt finish the day before.
Day 5:
Move out from MR to Augusta Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse (40 mins drive)
Move out to Pemberton Farm Chalets (1 hr 33mins)
Do some grocery shopping, stay for the night.
Day 6:
Farm activities in morning and afternoon
Hang around
Day 7:
Farm activities again in morning
Check out and leave for Valley of the Giants tree top walk (1 hour 44mins drive)
Back to Perth - Wonder should I take the route via MR & Busselton or the other way which will pass some towns we did not see?
Day 8:
Perth Attractions:-
Kings Park
Cottesloe beach
Whiteman Park
Go to Fremantle and have dinner there. My friend is leaving tonight.
Day 9:
Finish up whatever we couldnt finish the day before in Perth and leave for airport for flight at 9pm.
Do you think the above is do-able? Or should I spend one day less in MR or farm and stay in Perth longer. Is there any other attractions you think I left out or that I included which you may think I can give it a miss? Attractions in perth city itself, anything?
Thanks for any valuable advise!! Accomodations recommendations appreciated.