Paranoid over two weeks wait (TWW) food


I just found out I'm preggie but during the tww I've been eating food which i suppose I should not eat so am extremely worry it will affect my bb. Does anyone know when will bb starts to intake food? What food to eat & avoid? Can some mummies here please share your experience/advice? Thanks alot.

Food that I ate during the tww:

1) Fish slice soup from hawker
2) Slice papaya
3) Chocolate & chocolate cakes
4) Yole frozen yogurt
5) Spicy like chilli & curry sauce food
6) Red grouper steamboat
7) Salmon

I just found out I'm preggie but during the tww I've been eating food which i suppose I should not eat so am extremely worry it will affect my bb. Does anyone know when will bb starts to intake food? What food to eat & avoid? Can some mummies here please share your experience/advice? Thanks alot.

Food that I ate during the tww:

1) Fish slice soup from hawker
2) Slice papaya
3) Chocolate & chocolate cakes
4) Yole frozen yogurt
5) Spicy like chilli & curry sauce food
6) Red grouper steamboat
7) Salmon

Hi, Where do you get the info that those are food to be avoided? I'm not aware too... As I also ate them and till today I also eat them. Already in my 12weeks..
DoubleQ, congrats.. u almost gng to pass your 1st trimester. :)

Actually I wasn't sure myself if the food which i listed are safe to eat or not cos I ever read before high mercury fish, papaya and spicy food cannot eat, chocolate contains caffeine, yogurt is made of fermented milk, etc. so that's why I worry that it may affect bb. :(
DoubleQ, congrats.. u almost gng to pass your 1st trimester. :)

Actually I wasn't sure myself if the food which i listed are safe to eat or not cos I ever read before high mercury fish, papaya and spicy food cannot eat, chocolate contains caffeine, yogurt is made of fermented milk, etc. so that's why I worry that it may affect bb. :(

Ahh... but I still eat it... hehe! I Still eat them moderately.. not much.. Even spicy food till now.. Even my hub keep on warning me.. I ate sushi too which not suppose. Now I'm scared! haha! Hopefully nothing.

I don't know whether that will cause much effect to baby in early stage.. But as what I know do not eat those sharpy type like pineapples, coconuts, durian, raw/uncooked food, too spicy also no good.

Have u went for your 1st check?
I just found out I'm preggie but during the tww I've been eating food which i suppose I should not eat so am extremely worry it will affect my bb. Does anyone know when will bb starts to intake food? What food to eat & avoid? Can some mummies here please share your experience/advice? Thanks alot.

Food that I ate during the tww:

1) Fish slice soup from hawker
2) Slice papaya
3) Chocolate & chocolate cakes
4) Yole frozen yogurt
5) Spicy like chilli & curry sauce food
6) Red grouper steamboat
7) Salmon

It's perfectly fine to eat all these while you're pregnant. I even eat watermelon, which older generation will tell you is a no-no. You might just wanna avoid too hot, too spicy and sashimi.
Ahh... but I still eat it... hehe! I Still eat them moderately.. not much.. Even spicy food till now.. Even my hub keep on warning me.. I ate sushi too which not suppose. Now I'm scared! haha! Hopefully nothing.

I don't know whether that will cause much effect to baby in early stage.. But as what I know do not eat those sharpy type like pineapples, coconuts, durian, raw/uncooked food, too spicy also no good.

Have u went for your 1st check?

I guess I'm overly paranoid, kiasu and kiasi.. haha.. =D
By the way, how do too spicy food affect bb.. is it a myth or really have to avoid?

I'm seeing gynae in 2 weeks time. What to expect during the 1st visit?
It's perfectly fine to eat all these while you're pregnant. I even eat watermelon, which older generation will tell you is a no-no. You might just wanna avoid too hot, too spicy and sashimi.

GreenFairy, thk u for your advice. Dunno why I'm stress over the food that i eat.. always thinking it will affect the bb. Any idea why nid too avoid too spicy food.. is it becos of myth or it will affect bb?
Hi all, not to worry or stress too much on food.. just eat whatever you wish to eat..

Maybe can try to avoid too much of cold drinks, oranges, old ppl said baby will has phlegm.. too much of papaya and carrots (might cause jaundice?).. can eat but not over take as we still need the nutrient in it..

It’s really depends on personal, some ppl love spicy food during pregnancy but after delivered, they can’t really eat spicy food..

My colleague told me yest that her gynae told her can go for raw food but not too much so she taken some raw salmon during her pregnancy and everything is fine.. but to me, I don encourage to take raw food during pregnancy as we do not know if it is really fresh and free from bacteria..

You may want to take prenatal vitamins which is good for mummies...

Let me know if interested as I’m collating order to save shipping cost :)

My frien taken some other vitamins before and during pregnancy, and she got no morning sickness n her baby no jaundice too.. I’m happy for her but feel bad for myself y I didn’t know it earlier cox my baby got jaundice for a mth :(
I'm 23 weeks along and I'm still eating everything on your list. (except papaya because I've always hated the smell). I also frequently drink iced water, orange juice and watermelon. Coffee is a daily habit for me and it hasn't changed (except that I've cut from 4 cups to 2).
Just make sure whatever you eat is clean/fresh/handled properly. Don't eat if you feel uncomfortable. And also take folic acid during 1st trimester.
Ya I even drank alcohol during my 2WW because I didn't know I was pregnant. I think it's fine because the embryo is not receiving nutrients from you yet at such an early stage. I think the most important is to start taking prenatal vitamins (especially folic acid) to prevent severe birth defects.
