I just found out I'm preggie but during the tww I've been eating food which i suppose I should not eat so am extremely worry it will affect my bb. Does anyone know when will bb starts to intake food? What food to eat & avoid? Can some mummies here please share your experience/advice? Thanks alot.
Food that I ate during the tww:
1) Fish slice soup from hawker
2) Slice papaya
3) Chocolate & chocolate cakes
4) Yole frozen yogurt
5) Spicy like chilli & curry sauce food
6) Red grouper steamboat
7) Salmon
Food that I ate during the tww:
1) Fish slice soup from hawker
2) Slice papaya
3) Chocolate & chocolate cakes
4) Yole frozen yogurt
5) Spicy like chilli & curry sauce food
6) Red grouper steamboat
7) Salmon