Hi, wondering if any parents have engaged online tuition for their kids? What are the good and bad points you have encountered. I'm exploring for my nephew as he doesn't really like tuition centre environment.
Just to share. I recently joined an online education group in Facebook and get to know there's going to be an online tutoring service starting in Feb. Will explore for my nephew. If you are keen to explore for your kids, join the mailing list for the time being while waiting for the service to launch in Feb - http://onlinelearning.launchrock.com/
Call me cynical but I don't think anything can replace the presence of a real human teacher. Often times children learn best when they establish a human relationship with their teachers. Just my two cents worth.
I still believe for convenience sake online tutoring may be worth a try though!
Hi, I stumbled upon the website www.mathsprob.com and they provide online tuition for Maths in a fun and informal way. Maybe suitable for kids who dislike the subject and they may end up liking it and a the same time improving themselves. The rates stated are not exp too...
personally don't really encourage parents to do online classes for their children. nothing beats the physical interaction of a human being rather than a machine. Even though now is the digital age, i think it does more harm than good letting your kid come close to the computer every now and then. especially if your kid is at that receptive age where everything they do they copy. anyway you can try this site called http://tuitionfinder.sg if you're looking to engage tutors. according to my friend they match tutors according to your kid's needs, so have less trouble with the tutors and higher chances that you'll keep the tutor for long term.
I have read this article pros and cons of tuition, might be of interest to you.
Tried searching for tutors before and i would say acetutors and smiltutor are pretty reliable.