Need Advice: Good Kindergarten / Playgroup Near Jurong Point

Hi Mummies,

I need to find a playgroup / kindergarten near Jurong Point for my little girl. Anyone has any recommendation? Did a search and only found these playgroup which are within walking distance. Any comments?

- Apple Tree @ Blk 667D
- Little Learners @ Blk 691
- PCF Pioneer @ Blk 662C

I hope to get a nursery / kindergarten class for her too after that. So far I only know of the few PCF Pioneer centres. Other than these, are there any good kindergartens that accept 30 mth old kids?

If come to no choice, I may consider a childcare for her but would prefer not. Tried to applied for childcare but seems all affordable ones have long waiting queues :(

Appreciate your help.
Hi my girl is currently in Centre of New Life Kindergarten. It's behind gek poh cc. you may want to call up to check if you can visit the kindergarten. I think the classes for 2-3 yr old are full. If u like maybe u can put her on waitlist for next year's class.
