Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

Wah... Sylvia... I m really impressed by your knowledge lei... make me feel so *paisay* a mother of two keke...I didn't know that green bean is to detox... recently abit of breakout so hm... think mayb need to boil green beans soup to detox as well keke....

Hi Yui...

Still at my plc keke.... I am going to be a hardworking mum by taking all the pic and sold them off very angry want to proof to that mummy who bought from me that the conditions of the clothings are good ok...keke....
thks. Pharmacist did not tell me duphaston and dydrogesterone are heaty. thks for reminding, will drink more water.

wow...siao, the doc there so bo chap

ai-yo, did not know u also stay near gombak. I'm also but need to walk 15 mins to mrt cos my blk is the further fr mrt station. but with my situation like that, think will need double the timing. no lah, the polyclinic did a urine test (haa cheaper than preggie kit) and cfm preggie. so (&(*& NUH did again the test, still need to repeat, maybe they only want to make sure only. I dun have any gyne. last time, delivered at KKH, an a subsizy patient so get to see diff doc (if heng, then see same doc but dun think he remember me so still need to repeat my story) during antental visit.

hmm...dun think they are medicine student. when I was at the triage counter, the staff just did the test again.

hmm..mastitis ai-yo...not gd, why A&E doc anyhow give u the 4 type of medicine wor...

me choose restructed hosptial bec I dun need to fork out a single cash. me no gyne. yup, think can only see heartbeat after wk 8. yeah yeah, later got to take afternoon nap liao.


y not try the Thomson clinic at Bukit Gombak? Dr Wong is very patient n friendly there, u can try him out if u wan!
Dis one not becoz mum to be lah. I got projects in such area, so I make research, study and even learn fm my contacts. So if u need basic ones... like improve immune systems, etc... u can ask me. How to use normal food n others to have improve/ maintain in health-care/ medical/ skincare/alternative medicine, I can still advise.

Rem ur green bean soup.. hv to be clear too. Not those cloudy/ sticky type hor. Barley n green bean are at their best when just cook/boil. If very soft, they lost their real effect liao.

U can add gan pi if u r coughing, or ginger if u need to detox , but not sure if ur body can take the detox. Ginger can balance up in the body. Ku chao is another, but very bitter.

**** Preg mum or suspecting preg, dun eat green bean hor!!! The detox will treat it as foreign item in body and might ' detox' away.
if gg for delivery and checkup at TMC, so 'ma fan' leh. no bus gg there fr my plc. how to go there? nearest mrt shd be Novena right...but still need to walk a distance leh.

oic, for me, i boil my barley till soft scared but enu fragrance or not cook mah. last time, I even reuse use to boil the sec time 9only did once) until my col said cannot not gd to reuse to boil. tot like chrysanmath (sorry dunno how to spell) tea can use use mah.

yup, if go pte, then ask hubby to pay haaa...

oic thks for the knowledge wor....did not know green bean is so powerful. only know it is heaty. what's abt red bean??any idea/?

only for certain checkup n delivery got to go Thomson hospital but regular chk up just need to go to the clinic at Bt Gombak, its a bit ex for the charges but the service there is excellent! Nurses n doc are very attentive n helpful there, I find that the delivery charges as compare to others like KKH are almost the same, KKH also charges higher nw!!!
can u make it to my place? my ger take her nap that time. i tot yesterday u meant to come to my place... well anyway. if you do come to my house no need the stamps for exchange i'll just give them to you since you already come up here.

please let me know
okay will c u later at ur place ard 3pm to 4pm after fetching my kids. Wow lucky u chk mail if not...xiao liao. Small matter agreed exchange is exchange mah. Hehe pls pm me ur addy again?

dun waste time lah, i rather u spend time w ur kids & chat w friends here. sorry i suppose am the one to post up the pic...but respond slow perhaps the marketplace are really flooded now. CA2 exam ard the corner. My big gal P4 this yr..rather tense over it. No time to chat ard so much.

Are u preggie now??? Glance thru the thread. Needed any related stuffs. Pls do voice out hor!

hoho, regard the green, red bean. a mixture of cooking it is consider Ruan4 fei4. ( not too cooling or heaty)

Sorry dear gotta ur addy...coming over now...
HP is already flat when we messenging each other yesterday noon. Charger got short circuit i cant recharge batt. Extra hp batt dun noe gone where, must be my son hide it somewhere. Haiz, dramatic hor. Will buy a BN one later.
thks for the info. see how, I'm gathering some feedback with regard to NUH (there a thread mah). so far, ppls got postive feedback - of cos at class A wards.

yui, my very early stage of preggie. need to pass the roller coaster stage first. if kana boy (gd for me, I wanted a boy since I have a gar liao), then will need to search for boy clothes. if kana gar (disappointment but what's more impt is the health of bb), then can reuse my gar's clothes. thks. u got lobang for related stuff> anyway, thks for the toys that time. my gar is so fancy by the laptop and just sit there for hr. haa...

haa...very seldom ppls mixture red and green bean cook together leh.
good luck to you....if a boy, must pass some secrets formula to me ok? I also hope to have a boy for my 2nd ones hehe.....
thks. see that u are very busy esp in the morning.

thks for the wishes. think I just try my luck by following the lunar chinese calendar. do u know when doc ask u when is yr last menses? what will u say? cos I'm a bit confused, hubby told me I shd tell them last day of menses. then I only tell them my first day of mense leh. pondering...that 's why my edd that first preggie not accurate.
now cant stay outside le so i'm at the very deep place near reception
unless i do manning then i will be out to see the sun lor. As for last missed menses is the first day of your last menses
oic...thks. sometimes, my office also cannot receive reception too esp in the morning. got to go toilet and check if there is an msg. so normally, will off the hp or else waste battery as it kept on searching for network.
Halo........sorry for the late reply.

red bean is heaty, but good for increasing blood or stamina.

If u wanna 'pu', then boil black bean or find products fm Jap or taiwan - black bean milk or beancurd. Sometime like soya bean milk or the tofu we ate. This is very heaty though. Preg mum can replace this with soya bean or chicken essence.

Eh.. the green n red bean mixture is very dangerous coz.. will make body in a mess. But if cook like those cloudy hor.. then hv no effect liao lah. so is jus like eating food, without the minerals n nutrition.

The last menses date is ur 1st day of mense leh... I ask the gynae, he said is the 1st date as that's the 1st day of cycle.

What gynae predicted and the OB scan all stated the same date leh. so... hw cme is last day of last mense?

As for ju hua cha, u can cook liao... 2-3 times, but the flower petals must be still in tact. If 1st time, the petal all lan lan, then nt advisable to boil agn. Coz it will be chilling and lose the real cooling effect of it liao. That'll be bad for health.

For those in restaurant, makan place, they reused till no taste.. but those with weak body will feel very sick n giddy.. .coz too chilling. In long run, u might hv many health complications. That's y when I go, I will insist to have new ones, if nt I reject.

just my sharing.
Morning Mummies.

Afcai.... from my understanding with my gynae... if you bleed... not supposed to take essence cos it will regulate the blood flow and make it worse...

Sylvia... you really impressed me lei... how come you are so knowldgeable on 'Chinese herb' thingy huh?? I think you can b our idol for this info liao keke.. abit SLOW then know Afcai is preggy and somemore i met up with her ytd leh!!! haha....
Afcai, CONGRATS!!! If ah boy...give some tips hor!!! aiyo....i remember last few week i saw u and ask u are u preggy and u deny...and now BINGO! haha.....
take car n rest well...ok

the ur goon diaper n cooling gel r here...can pm with regards to collection..i'll be at home on saturday..
hello mummies

just wondering if ur letting go of any m size diapers? pls pm me for no of pcs, brand and pricing.

shd be the first day of yr menses, not the last day! do rest well n dun worry abt anything so long the baby is healthy..... hope u get a baby boy this time!

can I go yr place on Monday nite? do let me know., thanks!
<font color="aa00aa">Sylvia</font>,
my mil boiled black bean soup + soft meat + winter melon once a month while my mum will boiled black bean + soft meat + chicken feet too. so yummy....did not know they are 'pu".

wow...u got so much knowledge in the food nutrients wor...thks for sharing.

re: last menses date. that seems not so accurate mah. shd be maybe plus 1 more week. shd count last day mah, cos during menses period, not really have the high chance of getting preggie one mah.

<font color="aa00aa">sandy</font>,
thks for the sharing. when hubby told me shd be ok to consume essence of chicken. I told him better not for at least 1st trimster.

haa sandy has 2 idols - one for 'chinese herb' idol and one for gain iq idol. weee.... haa but u are still my idol for fast hand fast legs issue...etc...:p:p

<font color="aa00aa">sinkor</font>,
thks for the wishes. yeah yeah, last few weeks, I dun even know I'm preggie leh (cos need to wait for my jul menses came then know mah), only let my bloated tummy out accidentally. just happened I came bck fr my mil after dinner so usually tummy will bloat like balloon.

the NUH MO so 'sickening' told me that my bloated tummy cannot detect anything.

<font color="aa00aa">ryatie22</font>,
thks. today, we decided not gg to bring bck my gar liao cos cannot stress myself and somemore hubby is working tml and his co needed to pray for the lunar 7th mth. so not very gd to stay at hm alone with my gar with my unstable condition. will only fetch her tml afternoon after hubby finished his work etc...

<font color="aa00aa">Charlotte</font>
oic. dunno why they take the first day of the menses leh, seems not so accurate. it is only estimated. thks for the wishes. to Meow's wonderland again??
<font color="aa00aa">Hi mummies,</font>
any one buy fm fr here before (dunno if the fm or bb items include gst or not) bb items

<font color="aa00aa">Sandy,</font>
yeah.we have to learn a lot fr them.
any 1 can recommend which GP or PD is good??? cos i wanna bring my son to see doc for his rash... CCK central area or teck whye area
Mrs Loh,

I took my sons to see Dr Koey (pronouced as Dr Q). But he is practising at TMC and Bishan clinic.
Tel is 6259-5913 (TMC) and 6453-3933 (Bishan)
Sandy &amp; afcai,

Just my sharing lah.
Food is more important than supplements as u are eating them more than 3 meals per day. If u r what u eat, so if u noe what u eat, additional supplement pills wont be necessary. Anyway, usually most go into the toilet then to ur own body. Dunno which suppliers will cme n han tam me. :p

Anyway, immune system is the more critical one coz it has to be maintain in long run til old age.

Ya... Chinese love soup with black chick, black bean soup,etc all are meant for well being.

ryatie... Oh ya.. I nearly forgot abt my diaper. Ok. I pm u soon.

afcai, but the cycle start fm 1st day of menses leh.

me going to JB leh....wont be back very early. Let me think wed or thurs will be better. One of the night HB home very late. Can't remember which date. You got things to buy from JB? I'm going to search my clubhouse fairytale see if cheaper than BP

you wan come wonderland also can ah
haha.....I dun noe JB got what things cheap leh? anyway, ok will let u know which days I coming!

i know diaper is cheap even FM...but i will never buy FM from JB lah no matter how cheap. They consume it into their bodies unlike diapers which is external. Diapers yes....esp drypers....erm my diapers too many liao leh....maybe going to get XXL for my gal bah...she's too fat to fit into L

disc lor, original ones. Else diapers lor...
