10pm too late liao.weekday got to work lah.... can come over on sat instead ard . bring my gar along loh. yeah, I have yr no (provided u did not change). ok, will msg u on sat noon before I come. forgotten u live which floor, memory fail wor...
thks in advance.
so early today huh?? (actually, yui is earlier than u).
dunno leh, 2 of the mummies (live in bb) place their delivery on sat loh last few mth and last yr respectively.
if got to collect, will be collecting on sun cos hubby not in on sat morning. unless afternoon. where u go and redempt yr tent?
can help me to collect.thks. are u collecting on sat? if so, I can pass the eclair to moomoo loh when I go in laws hse on sat late afternoon.