Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

Hi mummies,

Very very long time no login liao.

May I ask anyone put your child to the Star thot PG at Blk 386 goodview garden?

I have regsiter my boy starting next Monday. But so far I have not ask for review yet.

Anyone can share?
Dear mummies,
Any CCK/Teck Whye mummies have just finish an empty children formula milk can (must not be from Abbott) that you want to throw away? Can give to me? There is an invitation by Abbott to exchange an empty children milk can to a 400g Gain IQ tin.
Pls pm me.
Thanks alot!
Hi Sandy,
Sure, glad to share!

Last evening got a mailer from Abbott that invites exchange for empty children milk can (must not be from Abbott though) to a 400g Gain IQ tin, plus they will give a $5 discount voucher (for next purchase of Gain IQ) upon the exchange. The exchange is to be done in Cold Storage on the 2 days stated in the mailer.
Must bring the mailer, child's BC (as the terms is kid must be between 10 mths to 24 mths), your IC (with the same address on the mailer) and the empty can.
My kid is on Gain IQ, so need to find other brands of milk tin for the exchange...
Think maybe becos I joined the Abbott Family Rewards recently, thus got the mailer.
Sandy, think you can call to find out more.
Hihi Sandy

I am keen to get the Eclairs too! Can I know how many are there in a tray? And what's the revised price? Thanks!
Hmm, looks like the mailers quite random and different...
So any kind mummies have empty milk can not from Abbott? I just need 1.

Many thanks!
Btw, change topic abit... need some advise from experienced mummies:
- When is a good time to toilet-train a toddler? How to go abt it?

Thanks for the prompt response. I would like to order 4 trays. Pls let me know how to transfer $$$ and place of collection. Thanks!


I toilet trained my boys when they were three going to four. quite a lot of problems. Until now, the younger boy (5 years old going to be 6)is still wetting his bed like once a week. My girl is 22 months, but she has shown a lot of interest in potty - maybe trying to mimic her brothers. Keeps wanting to go toilet and sits on the potty. Quite a few succesful attempts at Poo Poo and Shee Shee in the potty, but I still have not really started toilet training. Just let her play and have fun to get used to the idea first.
I gather girls are faster than boys (or is it cos she is the younger child?), but again it's really depending on the child....
Hi Mummies

I have pm to those who have replied me ya... please proceed with the payment if you are still keen cos need to confirm order by today for delivery on this weekend ya.

Thank you.
lol.... reallly.... paisay huh Lay Hoon... I only remember Lay *oon keke.... so I thought same person lol... thanks Joo... Sori Lay Hoon..

Hey mummies... can you pls confirm whether you want the eclair cos need to plc order today lei... so far only Lay Hoon reply...
Hi Cheryl

Ok... noted... the rest lei?? hurry hurry 3pm liao...confirm with me first... can do transfer later la... I trust you mummies but dun play me out huh...keke...
hi mummies,

So long did not join this thread liao, i staying at gdviewgdn.

hi snowyin,

My girl nw 13month, and my MIL have train her to use potter. We need to ask her wants poo poo, she will show me poo poo face, den we quickly bring potter to let her poo, she really know how to use. but sometime lazy, she won't show out, so she poo on her diaper. hehe....
afcai : I am living with my IL now. We are at Blk 170, Bukit Batok West Ave 8. Any mummy living nearby??

Gals : Any lobang to buy flats near Blk 170? Intend to buy a flat near my MIl who is looking care my son now. Or any good, realiable agent to recommend? Thanks inadvance
Moomoo... didn't receive your pm lei... the rest of mummies... pls give me a clear light to proceed with the order or not huh??? I dun want order liao, came then mummies back out... hb will sure face black black again...
layhoon & esther,
thanks for ur advise. seems like toilet training really depends on the child's willingness. I wanted to toilet-train my gal now, but pple ard me said that 19mths still "too early" (early meh?!), so this makes me very confused whether to start or not. Partially also I'm FTWM, so I have to rely on my mom to help, but she said wait till she knows how to speak... sigh...
I was so happy the other day when she suddenly said "Mummy. Poo." and then i smell her poo odour... almost can't believe my ears cos she was not toilet-trained at all before, but she said tat only after poo lor... ha!
Sandy, funny leh.... Tired to PM you twice leh..
But its ok, i will order here. Can? I need 2 trays. Please PM the amount and acc no. to transfer
Wayne's mummy,
think, someone posted the feedback on startot sometimes back few mth ago. u can check out the archive posting (dunno which date) or do a search.

I'm bck here. I'm still interested in 6 trays. Will ttf u the 6 trays of $$ tonight

thks for the info. i'm also in the Abbott family Rewards but did not receive any mailer.err.. I just register my sil's particular on online on sun only to request for gain iq sample. will check out if she got the invitation or not.

I have a 400g tin of nan 1 which i kept for long time t let my gar roll , kick and play. but can meet at gdview gnd or clementi.

re:toilet-train a toddler. it's depend on yr toddler. like my toddler gar, kept on standing up when I train her. my mum always told me not time yet. other ppls started as young as 10mth. my mum only shows my gar to go toilet. but my gar only stand outside the toilet (told her cannot go in alone) and pat pat her diaper.
Hi mommies,

Clearing my house toys for gals & boys for 2yrs and above. Anyone interested pls self collect at my blk 394. 1st come 1st serve. Must clear by Thursday.

recently just manage to rent out my room. Get to know this agent, though she did not earn a single cent thru renting out my room cos i manage to closed the deal b4 her. But very nice lady whom provides me alots of tips. Btw her son is specialise in selling/buying. If u are keen, pm me for the nos.
Hi afcai,
Thanks leh, paiseh to "snatch" ur gal's toy for the exchange like tat... Anyway, still have a few more days, so I'll look ard colleagues, frens and neighbours... ha!
wah, I remember that ur gal is abt the same month as my ger too (saw u in Dec-06 thread before), so was kinda wondering if my ger's development is slow or wat...
moomoo... pm you my a/c details liao...

I have just placed the orders for the eclair n delivery will be this Friday so mummies pls start collecting from me Sat onwards hor..

moomoo... I will have to pass your thing to Afcai when she come over to collect cos no fridge in office so can't meet mummies elsewhere ya..
no hurry. thks. Have ttf $22.20 liao. do checked yr a/c.

my gar still had the gain iq 400g tin. she like the gain iq bear bear veri much but not nan (just cast aside now).

yup, I'm involved there. which date did yr gar born?

u not working this fri?? sat what time are u available for collection? in the afternoon? pls pm me or sms me yr address loh. see if sinkor want to help me to collect leh....thks if not, I asked hubby to collect.

what toys u have?? can come on
Sandy, huh??? make payment liao huh?? i didnt rec any PM from you leh.... my order is 10 trays... Can u pm me ur account no and amount to trf u, please. Thanks!!

oh toys like barbie doll,battery operated aeroplane...u wanna pop over & have a look?
I wont be ard both thurs & fri nite, be back ard 10pm. U can come over in the noon or sat? Msg me u got my no rite!
Morning Mummies

lol... we r back in this thread again ya... Afcai...receive your sms hehe....haven't checked will check this evening...

They said no delivery on Sat lei... so coincidentally will b on leave tml so I arrange lo.

Mummies coming over to collect on Sat, will be home in the morning b4 10.30am after that go jalang jalang.... oh ya got to redeem the tent hehe.... then come back... play safe come over in the evening la... will be back by then...

Sinkor.... ya... make payment first hor... dun want so much cash with me will tend to spend hehe.... hv pm you my a/c liao... you helping Afcai to collect? Can collect for Moomoo as well cos she is also at BB?
10pm too late liao.weekday got to work lah.... can come over on sat instead ard . bring my gar along loh. yeah, I have yr no (provided u did not change). ok, will msg u on sat noon before I come. forgotten u live which floor, memory fail wor...

thks in advance.

so early today huh?? (actually, yui is earlier than u).
dunno leh, 2 of the mummies (live in bb) place their delivery on sat loh last few mth and last yr respectively.

if got to collect, will be collecting on sun cos hubby not in on sat morning. unless afternoon. where u go and redempt yr tent?

can help me to collect.thks. are u collecting on sat? if so, I can pass the eclair to moomoo loh when I go in laws hse on sat late afternoon.
Hmmm, afcai,

I went to searh but not much comment. Never mind, I let Wayne try and see if there are good.

Quite looking forward to send him to school on coming Monday. I think I am more excited than him.

Regarding toilet toilet, my boy dun want to sit on toilet bowl, he will struggle to come down and dun want to poo.

After he come down, he will then poo happily i the diaper, made my mum so angry. I guess still need some time to trai him.

u didnt tell me how much but i manage to stroll up here to find that $3.70 per later will trf $37 to you...
So if the eclairs available for collection tmr, can i collect at around 6-615pm after work?? Can i have the address?

Hi Afcai,

If i can collect tmr, will collects urs and moomoo too since u can pass to moomoo..... shall see how first. no matter wat, i sure will collect for u as u stay beside block nia...keke
Hi Sinkor...

Oh paisay...keke.... cos I post up liao so didn't realise.... have pm you my a/c liao...

hm... not too sure what time the delivery lei tml cos I told them after 3pm better... me bringing my 2bbs out jalang jalang...hb clearing leave so m I keke....

Afcai... collect the tent at tagore lo.. only plc ma??

Cheryl... sure since u r my neighbour hehe....
wayne's mummy,
take it easy...he's not ready gal did the same to me then. But now she's toilet train already..i ask her if she wants to dirty her panty and she dont so it take some time for her to adapt...but she till now still dun hold her bladder well...go means must go now, can't wait
Wayne's mummy,
where did u send yr boy to sch. haa of cos, mummy ourself will be very anxious. haa..think toilet training is not time yet. need a lot of effort, patient etc to do that. haa....yr mum get angry, then scold yr boy loh said, poo poo must do on the toilet bowl but diaper, big boy liao....

thks and appreciate yr help. muacks....:p. if collect fr u tml, then I will need to collect ard 0830pm- 9pm cos I am bringing my princess bck mah.

yeah loh, ask ppls to ttf to u did not pm us the amt....just joking. thks for organising the eclairs. haa can't wait to taste it....laur naur liao....

where tagore? do u know small packets of pull up (4 pieces type) can be used to redempt?

where are u? I have pm u my contact.

snowyin, pai seh lah, MTB thread free to post loh. so yr gar older than my gar for 3 days.

Meow/Wayne's mummy,
my mum told me that toilet training cannot force one leh. if not, the kid will have phobia.

share by one of the mum on toilet train:
I force him to sit. still rmb the 1st time he sit on the potty. he cry like nobody else. he tried to stand i tok to him nicely until i cnt tahan. u use cane to force him to force him to sit. he cry even worse.. haha... as time goes by.. i explain to him that u need to pee n poo inside the potty already. u big boy already. he juz juz 18mths old. he shook his head. he dun wan.. i coax him.. tellin him that he will be a good boy if he obey wat i said.. slowly he tried n succeed.
