Hey hey hey... Actually being in my shell looking at post for a month, and thought of registerin now cos this thread look like having World War wor. Peace la all mummies..
Just like what SinKor and CLY have mentioned, it's just a misunderstanding lor. afcai have also apologised to you liao right, Pauline?
Anyway like many have mentioned, it's really not easy to organise a 'spree' la, needs alot of times and cooperate from buyers (people who ordered). Especially when it comes to 'time' and collecting, i think the most basic courteous things for buyers is to double confirm the time/date to collect and not out of sudden being MIA lor. (K whatever excuse it is, surely there's a way out to contact the seller) Phone in service can check email/forum pm mah, right? PC spolit, still got hp lor.
And yep, indeed sending the diapers to doorsteps is rather a better services already lor, all afcai expecting was a confirm time/date for the delivery wor, no harms to reply her whatever she asked mah. It's not like she's threatening/demanding, "hey get the payment over now/reply me now if not the diapers will be sold to others".
And all afcai did was to send Pauline several smses at late nights, some may be pissed off la.. But since she already apologised more den once, i'm sure it can ease from anger liao wor Pauline.
Lastly, no point hanging on this 'shooting' topic la... If not just go underground PMing lor, both can argues till weeks or months also can.
All are mature adults already, let bygones be bygones and get on happy forum-ing ba!