Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

sorrie to say that if u are not guilty then dun need to keep on telling ppls and not scare of ppls smearing yr name. where did I smear yr name?

dun call ppls bad name (with a**)?
hi gals, afcai & pauline.

Come on we are mature adults.
One already apologise & the other already accepted it. Tink shld put it to an end.

Whatever is passed is already passed, not point to rake it up again. Let's compromise: Forgive & Forget ok???

Cool down & move on, afterall we are neighbours.
Its one of the unpleasant encounters in life. So...let it go. Cheers.
Hi Sinkor,

Yes I remember u.

I stay in CCK.

Tell u, I really very suay.

Send my cheque to my supplier. Someone stolen the cheque, cancel my supplier name and forge my signature. The cheque CLEARED!.

Thing goes like this:
Payment to my supplier in Jan 08. My Bank Jan Statement show the cheque was cleared 5 days after I send my cheque to my supplier by post. Somewhere in Apr 08 my supplier called me regards to outstanding payment. After checking with my supplier, ding dong here and there and the bank, I requested an image from the bank which took 1 month to receive. To my horror, the name was cancelled to an unknown name and signature being forges. How can this happen. Bank don't even suspect when whole name being cancel. It's so easy for foreigner (according to the police the name don't look local) to cheat in Singapore leh.... already reported police last Friday, I think the chances of catching the culprit is very slim now. pple would have gone home long ago ......

so suay, so suay .....
Frankly speaking, as a mummy. We are really free only in the middle of the night when the children sleep. So don't really blame you lah, Afcai for sms on the middle of the night.

But don't you all slient the hp at night? My HP is ON 24 hr a day, 7 days a week (unless no battery, he .. he..). So anyone can call/sms me in the middle of the night but I will not anwser or reply. will only check HP in the morning. I find SMS is good cos can get that person attention without the need to response immediately.

What do u all think .....
Hi Layhoon,
Thanks for the fast response.
No,i dun stay on ground floor.
My sis also interested can give us 1,2 days ?
Btw which blk are you in?
hi afcai, Sandy, CLY

ya, just let it go! Ppl who deal with u know what kind of person u are so just forget abt it! I kanna scold by 1 mummy also, shout at me in vulgar language so yrs is small case lah, haha... in future, dun deal with those mummies u know got problem lor!

Can understand that we are only free at nite when babies are sleeping but some mummies dun cos some got maids or helpers to help them, so just let it go....
HOw much is the cheque??? come ur cheque mail to the wrong address huh??? I think the person can be found one....dun worry!

oh ya....i on my hp 24hrs in ringing mode.... bcos i am a DEEP SLEEPER (indirectly is sleep like pig lah)...even have sms or call i also cant hear leh! keke....

Hi Layhoon,

JJS and Mayuki is for small frame size leh

if u happen have BIG size spree, keep me informed ;P
Hey hey hey... Actually being in my shell looking at post for a month, and thought of registerin now cos this thread look like having World War wor. Peace la all mummies..

Just like what SinKor and CLY have mentioned, it's just a misunderstanding lor. afcai have also apologised to you liao right, Pauline?

Anyway like many have mentioned, it's really not easy to organise a 'spree' la, needs alot of times and cooperate from buyers (people who ordered). Especially when it comes to 'time' and collecting, i think the most basic courteous things for buyers is to double confirm the time/date to collect and not out of sudden being MIA lor. (K whatever excuse it is, surely there's a way out to contact the seller) Phone in service can check email/forum pm mah, right? PC spolit, still got hp lor.

And yep, indeed sending the diapers to doorsteps is rather a better services already lor, all afcai expecting was a confirm time/date for the delivery wor, no harms to reply her whatever she asked mah. It's not like she's threatening/demanding, "hey get the payment over now/reply me now if not the diapers will be sold to others".

And all afcai did was to send Pauline several smses at late nights, some may be pissed off la.. But since she already apologised more den once, i'm sure it can ease from anger liao wor Pauline.

Lastly, no point hanging on this 'shooting' topic la... If not just go underground PMing lor, both can argues till weeks or months also can.

All are mature adults already, let bygones be bygones and get on happy forum-ing ba!
Hi all, just found this thread. Also live in CCK. I'm interested to organize a spree at but might see first if anyone is interested. So let me know if you are. I also have some unused items to let go, but will post later with pictures
wow, u got a very bad experience. tot sing post is safe in sg....errr.....just need to rattle my teeth then. then if bank send credit card thru post etc....there's 'chances' of it getting misuse too. but how they know that u got a cheque in the envelope? normally, when one post out the letter, the person handling is either the postman or the internal staff for that company u wrote the cheque to mah (unless u mentioned ppls stole fr mailbox but how come they know u got the cheque then?) chance of the ppls identify shd be them. ai-yo, did u ask the bank for refund then cos it is not yr fault?

Randyc/charlotte/sandy/CLY/yui/other mummies,
thks for the reply. hope to close case too.

yui/charlotte- she dun seem to be really accept the apologies leh...(refer bck to what she post fr what I read, can't she just tell me not to send sms so late in future rather than using those loan shark, no brain, ass word....see oredi make me boil. tell me that I added in comment but that's the fact not comment).

the main reason is why I wanted to send sms is that she dun even reply my pm that's why the only way is to send sms (but still not every sms she reply when ask, it's so frustrating) better than phone ring, right....if late reply better than no reply which I mentioned. hai...anyway, I learnt a lesson that cannot send sms at night leh, will take note of it.

wow u good deep sleeper wor. my hubby who also slp like rot (so far never woke up at night for my gar feed wor) and talk to him like a wood...haii....
I think we all can stop saying about that liao la, afcai. Just skip it... No point explain further since the air is cleared liao wor.

yeah. thks. hmm..never seen (or maybe seldom) see u post here b4 leh. are u staying at bb, cck or??
yaya....all over and just forgive and forget! :D

CLY....800+++is alot leh!!! y u didnt fund transfer instead of mail cheque.... ya...i also wonder how to steal the cheque?? or is ur supplier cancel it my himself/herself and write in other people name and claim another 800+ from u again huh??? ;P just my stupid guessing lah
Sinkor, Afcai,
I'm sending a cross cheque ley, must bank into account, cannot take cash ley. That person no brain lay, still forge my signature and amended the cheque.
sigh .... anyway have made police report. waiting for them to get back after their investigation. They should be able to track that person down if still in singapore. no point guessing where that person got the cheque now, he stupidly commited a crime liao. Now holding the payment till the investigateion finish loh.
sigh ............................
u online (active) again. didn't u u here for 'ages' liao? how are u??

also thks u for the toilet seat too(given 'thousand' yr ago)? use it for my gar for her toilet training but the hole still too big for her bum (might fall off anytime, that's why she scared of sitting on it).

true gd (not stupid lah) qns ask.but if the cheque is amended, sure bank will be alert and call to check mah(encounter bank call to verify when I did amend the co name in the cheque)?
but hor, how did tat person know yr signature?? hmm...maybe bank can invegitate where is yr cheque been bank to which a/c? hope the police will solve the problem. so scary...

so u not gg to pay another time right?
I sign the cheque meant for payment to my supplier. He cancel and forge my signature on the amendment. Get it?

Will wait till the outcome of the investigation then see how .....

Think Singapore is very lax in the security now, wrong passport also can travel....
oic. hmmm how can the supplier cancel yr cheque and forge yr signature then? hmm...he shd ask u to issue another new one if amendment is needed mah.

hehe, though seldom chat online, but did keep track with it. Cos the earliest i chk them is already pass midnite liao. Sometimes its already pass 2a.m. The rest of my time all devoted to my kidz. I tink u can addon a small potty top on it, those flat type ard $2+. Then BB wont be fall.

Jia You.
It's not the supplier lah, Afcai.
It's somebody, my supplier and I, don't know. Supplier did not rec payment and check with me. after confirm that they did not rec, I get the bank to send me an image of the cheque. From there then I realise somebody had amended the cheque and forge my signature. Get it?
Hi Lynn

Sure! Let me know by tom noon can?

Hi Sinkor

U have to look out for orangebear spree then. they have a good selection of plus size clothes.
yup, my uncle gave a small toilet seat to me and it just fit her bum. thks....think she still not ready for toilet train yet.

wow...u so 'early' then slp wor....

oic...pai seh. thks for the info.:p
hi afcai, i lived at bb.
only registered my acct recently, didnt post cos i was just browsing through the infos needed for bb.

just tht of saying my two cents worth when i saw the 'war' gg on. cheerios.
Hi Layhoon,

I've sent a private msg to you with regards to the order.Pls open your email and revert back to me. Thanks.
Hurry,grab grabs, NTUC is having diapers(mammy poko,pet pet, NTUC diaper, pampers, dryers, huggies & pull up, nepia & fitit) and bb products (fm: only isomil, enfapro 2 & promil, karimome goat milk. other bb essential like: drapolene cream, bath accesssories, wipes, laundary power, pigeon bottles etc) sales till 16/7.

Long time din visit this thread. Din know so many happenings...

CLY, sorry to hear abt your incident. Nowadays really a lot of people trying means and ways to do something illegal.

Last Wed, my dad's car got broke into and CashCard was stolen. Dunno how the thief wind down the car window till half way down. Worse is my dad just bought the new CashCard a week plus and now there is a free 6 months insurance for CashCard which my dad did not activate it. So cannot file for claim even though he had made a police report.
Hi Mary,
so did u enrol yr son to PCF for next yr intake? wanted to enrol my gar but she is not yet 30mth at the pt of entry.
Hi afcai,

Got the form but not yet submit. Will submit the form and fees by this week. Is cheaper to enrol into PCF. Private ones are too expensive.

Currently, my boy is in playgroup with Little Learners. Perhaps you can consider having your gal in playgroup and I supposed PCF also have those 2 hours pre-nursery.
Hi CCK Mummies

Just asking where you put your bb when he/she is 4yo next year? I dun know where to put my boy. He is with AppleTree Playgroup this year..they are increasing the price... so would like to check ard first.
Hi Sandy,

My girl is now already at The learning Ladder - woodland branch (opposite Ten Mile Junction).

As for the Eclair, if you are buying alot which can reach their min. purchase, Then you can order yourself, no need to go thru BP.

Woodlands too far for me lei... me at CCK... troublesome for my MIL to pick him up if need be...

What is their min purchase huh?
Hi mummies, i stay in CCK dun mind i join hor?

Hi Sandy,
Min orders from amosco is $100. Price are as follows as of Apr when i called:
Eclairs 1 carton = 12 tray Per tray 12pcs $43.87
Swiss roll 1 carton = 4 boxes 1 box 42pcs $78.11
Hi Sandy, Ten Mile Junction is opposite Bt Panjang.

I'm also staying in CCK.

For Singpost... their services dropped, as I made arrangement with them to redelivery my parcel, but the postman didn't knock my door. Just throw the notice and left. He did that for 3 times and I made complaint to the HQ.

As for the cheque, if the person's intention is to do it, no matter how, he will forge and practice very carefully. This is very common overseas. That's why they even registered mail when sending the cheque, to ensure no one got it in between.

Just my 2 cents tots!
Hi all,

long time never post here le coz so busy with work....

CLY, so sorry to hear about your bad experience! Aiyo, quite scary that this kind of thing happen. Actually hubby has long been telling me that for cheques and credit cards he finds that Singaporeans and the banks are just too lax over it. For example, my hubby does not have the habit of signing on the back of his credit card, so a couple of times when he first used his credit card, the cashier actually just pointed out to him that his card was unsigned and asked him to sign on the spot. I mean, what if someone had picked up this card and was using it fraudulently?

Thanks for the tip about NTUC offer. Hubby and I went down to BPP to grab Nepia last night, coz just nice my girl's diapers running out le, heeheehee.

Singpost - personally my experience with the postie at my mum's area is quite good. I even got a parcel which bp organizer had written the address wrongly, coz the postie recognized my name, so he came up to deliver it, wakakakakakakakakkaka.

But still in 1.5 years they lost 2 of my parcels (or rather, bulky items in big envelopes). One was never recovered, the other one miraculously turned up after a month, though the envelope was a bit torn (dunnoe what happened to it during that one month).
Hi Meow *wave*

wow... how to finish 12 tray and to hit 100 means must buy at least 3trays... to finish..

Hi Slyvia.. you here also... reply you liao huh... still far for me leh.. not so convenient if I need to pick up my boy.

The postman in my area used to be good, like what you said, even rem my name. Even when I am outside and he passed by, he will greet me and ask where I am going,etc.

But now.. I think change of deliveryman or Singpost outsourced the services. This new guy don't knock door, just throw delivery advice and left.

Sandy, read ur msg liao. I have replied too. Kekeke!!

Yes.. it is a must to sign behind the credit card, that's for them to verify. Most didn't even bother to check now. There was once I signed another signature, the bank didn't come back to me too.

Do you know in Japan, you don't have to sign the receipt to acknowledge and verify. Once machine go thru, the deal is confirmed without a signature.
