Morning Mummies =)
<font color="ff6000">Afcai</font>
Not to say freedom. My MIL is ok so long not living together but i pity my hb lah ... guess he hv no choice since he's being the youngest ... Anyway, i hv given hope on my MIL but so long, she don't treat my mum as high-class maid is ok.
She won't lift a finger but just sit down there. That time, my mum, my maid and I hv a hard time since my hb was away for 3.5mths overseas.
We all rather endure than hving my MIL here. Even i pity my maid when she is here. I remember there is a 1-2 mornings, my mum hv some appt and i cannot take leave either. So, ask my MIL lor. Then, when next day, my mum is back, my maid so happy wor. When my mum asked her how was yday, she gave my mum that 无奈 look. We intended to break the news to her on the coming holiday that my MIL will be coming to stay. She is a very good girl and I seriously hope she can continue with me for another yr or two. I can really leave my 2nd boy with her for a few hrs and I can do some marketing with my hb and my elder boy.
My elder boy don't do anything extraordinary to catch my attention. He quite a good boy, sometimes even to help to throw his bro's diapers.
Then now, the younger boy will help throw his bro diapers too. Can be quite cute. But again, my elder boy was only 13mths old when didi is born. He usually the 1st one to response when his didi is crying and after knowing his didi is being attended, he went back to his own activities or sleep back. But if no one attended to him, he gave us a strange look but we will told him didi naughty and that to leave him alone for a momen first.
My younger boy also don't smile alot but if he is very tired, he will go straight to his bedroom and waiting for me to carry to his cot ... lol
To him, 8.30pm is consider late to sleep liao ...
What diapers size is your boy currently using?
I probably can get you some good quality diapers but can only confirm with u beginning next week. Will sms u again =)
<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
How much was the Kindermusik trial session?! Then how much the lessons cost and how many lessons was there?
I thot may only enrol my boy when he turn 3 or 4 yrs old.