Mummies in Australia?

do u know if voren suppository is easily available in the pharmacy?
also... any prescription needed for higher content of steriod creams for eczema?

wah this thread is moving fast..

cos there's was a large submission b4 1st september mind was still pending..when u lodged urs?

heres' the update of the processing period, mine is under SKILLED migration visa, they received my application on 29 aug 07:

PROCESSING AND ALLOCATION INFORMATION - For the week of 18 March 2008 Applications lodged on or before the dates shown below have been allocatedto case officers for further processing. Applications Lodged Before 1 September 2007

Skilled Migration visas - All paper based applications for Class BN, BQ,BR, UX and UZ visasSubclasses 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 495 and 496: 5 April 2007

Applications Lodged After 1 September 2007 General Skilled Migration visas– Class VE, VF,VB and VC visasSubclasses: 175, 176, 475, 476, 885, 886, 887, 485, and 487
E-lodged: 1 November 2007
Paper lodged: 16 September 2007
sorry... wont be able to help u on that.. i not too sure about medicines & all... but i know for last time, i never see doctor(G.P.) before.. always just go to pharmacy and see the pharmacist to get medication...
<font face="tahoma"> Hi ladies,
how's everyone? it's been awhile since i come to this thread.

so fun to meet up in perth. i might be travelling to perth in May, if confirm will inform you gals.

heard the ppty market has slow down, is it true?</font>
Hi Ryatie,
hmmm..urs is still pending? sigh..thought might have some good news liao..

submitted mine on mid dec last think it will still be a while before we hear anything from them.. ;(

heehee.. pretty eager about it n have been sending the 'Process and Allocation' email request to them almost every wk once..yup..ours application is the same as urs..under 'skilled'..

But have u went for check up? heard it will probably take another 3 months for them to review before you finally get your approval..

<font face="tahoma"> Hi ladies

I can't access MSN during office hours. Hard to 'meet' you unless I login in the nights.
Hi Mummies,

Need some advice from you. I will be going to Sydney and Melbourne in end Apr and early May together with my 19 months gal. I have been checking on the weather and it shows that it is very cold (below 10 degrees). Is it really very cold now? What clothings do you suggest is sufficient for my gal? Also, will Sdyney be on sale for autumn/winter clothings for toddlers? It is very difficult to get here in Sg. So thot of getting a few here and the rest, I will buy it there. For your suggestions and views,pls.

Thanks in advance!
Mothercare is having a 50% sale on their winter clothing. You may want to take a look. There is this winter clothing place at Kaki Bukit which is also having sales.

The weather in sydney and melb around that time is not that cold yet.Only the nights can get really cold. You may want to layer, since it may get warm at noon if you put on too much. However, I feel that it is very windy in melb.

I am going to melb again in June. And this is what I will be bring for my 2+ daughter. One thicker windbreaker, 2 pullovers (in case one get wet) and some mix of long sleeve or short sleeve tops. Pants, get thicker ones like denium. For me, I bought some long sleeve tops and some long pants from song &amp; song, all less than 10. If you are lucky, you may find winter clothings from song n song for less than 20 dollars.
melb weather is crazy!! one min hot, another min can get very cold. so best is to wear layers... (take off &amp; put on).. can always bring extra thinner version pullover =)... at nite, can be cold as its approaching winter. melb coldest period is may/june/july...

u may be able to get cheap jackets from target/big w.. not too sure what is the pricing now though.. last time (1.5years back) i could get below $10 for winter wear for baby...

but i shopped for my son winter wear (was in shanghai in early jan) at giodano's (about $10+) &amp; winter time &amp; market (for cotton long sleeved tops &amp; pants) heez =) .. i bought those jackets that also can be used in sg weather, but wore like 4 layers in total... and the 5th layer is son tell me he is cold.. or 3 layer if he tells me he is hot...

hope this helps

wat kind of service provider r u using for
1) handphone
2) broadband

can we fix broadband ourselves? i have the router and such. i just need them to give me id and pwd + dialup number. how long must i wait then?
Hi Mngo,
I'm using Virgin Mobile for my hp. You can check out the plans at Mine is the Bean Counter.. one of the cheapest in Aus. I was using Optus previously, but switched over coz of the better value...

For broadband, I'm using Global Dial ... which also handles our overseas calls -- the one that is similar to calling cards. We set up an account with them, and make calls to Sg at 2cents a minute. I believe they can accede to your request...

Do check with the other ladies to compare plans. They might have better deals

I'm using Virgin prepaid for my mobile. As for broadband, our household is using iinet. But our plan is one of the business plan meant for huge amount of downloads and it costs over $150/ mth.


You wanna try out ising to call back singapore? It costs 1 cent per min.

so far i find vodafhone prepaid not bad.. connection wise &amp; rates not bad.. i used to use optus post paid but it was rather ex, so i switch to vodafone prepaid, was under the $49 capping thingy... (

as for calling card, i used to use APPLE (more ex but clearer connection) or GPS(i tink that e name)... $50 can use more than a mth for GPS.. forgot what is their rate...
<font face="tahoma"> mngo,
sorry for the late reply. i seldom login ... if i do, will be ard 10pm+++ after my baby sleeps

feel like going to perth in may then can meet you gals for tea and shopping!
from melbourne to perth :p

heee perth's fix liaoz.

So Hen/Sarah/Hopeac -> will be heading Perth.
i mistype.
i was actually telling hen/sarah and hopeac tat i will be headg perth.
when will u arrive? i'll arrive on 27th May.

Mummies... if your kids are in the day care in au, do they fall sick often?
Also... i have no idea if my boy's body can take Perth's winter? Just scared he will get flu or high fever.

Since going to GP needs appointment, how can we bring our tods to see doc if he/she runs a high fever on tat day??
Kids are very adaptable. So far, my elder girl been spending winter in AU for the past few years, she's not afraid of the cold. She loves the cold weather better than the hot humid weather here.

Always standby medication at home, if high fever, give panadol every 4hr. Unless it doesn't subside, then you give the Dr a call.
i'd not been here lately....seems there's alot of changes...

mngo u going to perth ...must be very bz packing now rite....

anyway i'm now expecting my No.3...i'm feeling tired n nausea..tis one unlike my no 1 n 2..diffreent feeling...but feeling nausea evry time...try to take remedy like taking honey..still dun feeling very lousy now.....

Congrats! Wow, nbr 3 liao. Can't imagine how to handle 3 kids at the same time. I got 2 n already can't tahan at times.

The nausea feeling will prob go away when u go into 2nd tri. Hang in there n take care, ok?
have not pack. dunno wat to pack. cos all items to bring are daily needs. so cannot pack until last min
can u msn me 2 websites cos i lost it
1) list of flea markets in perth
2) the organic milk website
Anyone knows if there are restriction in bringing in the prima pastes into Australia? Thinking of bringing some over.

You can get prima pastes in AU Asian groceries store. It's about $4.60 in Perth.

I had no problem bringing them in from SG last year. I think as long as they are made in Sg, chances of passing the custom is high. I brought the laska and chicken rice over last time. But after finding out that I can get all the flavours here, I can't be bothered to bring in from SG anymore.

My experience is that as long as the food items are clearly labelled and sealed properly, they will let you carry through. The ones that will fail is seeds and meat.

Like what Hidora mentioned, a lot of stuff can be found in Asian grocer.
Oh, fruits also cannot.

And most important: truthfully declare.

So far, I declare foodstuff and all went through. My friend frm HKG brought in chinese herbal stuff also went through.
vegetables, meat also cannot bring lor.
so is milk stuffs.

i remembered tat the red herbal "seedy" thingy also cannot bring. cant remember the name of tat
stuff, but heard is good for the eye one.

u refering to "gou qi zhi" or medlar seeds in English.

Milk powder can bring in lah. Other stuff that is milk based, or got milk, or wz creamer ones, subjective lor. Depends on the quarantine officer, some picky ones even wz labels also confisicate.
Wolfberry (Gou Qi) can be found in australia, so don't have to bring from Singapore. It's selling about $20 AUD/kg. But I never have any trouble bringing wolfberries from Sg, neither any of my frens and relatives.

Ya Kun kopi powder can bring in. But 3-in-1 with creamer or milk made in Malaysia cannot. So for those who like kopi powder, can bring in some Ya Kun.
thanks! Think there's just too much for us to bring. i brought 3 in 1 before. cos those creamer are non dairy.

oh can anyone tell me
1) where can we buy disposable underwear in perth?
2) which place offers cheaper eye brow shaping?
3) which other shop in northbridge can i buy meat products? i remembered andrea ever mention another shop.
3) perth - got any Zara or Mango? Cos i cant remember.

I think 3-in-1 is up to the custom officer whether they wanna let you pass or not. Cos ozziemummie's 3-in-1 non dairy kopi got confiscated when she came back last month. Some more the packaging got write big big non dairy. Anyway, instant coffee is easily available here, so may wanna save luggage space for other things.

For meat, we still prefer going to Wing Hong as their meat appears to be the freshest. Some other butchers in Northbridge, when you enter can smell very strong meat odour. Wing Hong is the only one that we don't find nauseating going inside.

There's Mango in Perth City. Open just a few months back. Don't remember seeing Zara around.
<font face="tahoma"> good morning ladies,
been MIA for awhile... I'm expecting my #2 now.

might not be going to Perth this May afterall coz still have bits of morning sickness though already coming 16 wk</font>
wow.. congrates.
better stay in sg...
unless u are thinknig of going at your 5 or 6 month.

when is yr PR expiring?
<font face="tahoma"> mngo,
thanks! mine expiring 2011, i "heng heng" managed to get extension last yr. </font>
