Maid VS BabySitter


New Member
I need your advice. Currently, my sister in law's maid is babysitting my daughter. It is a distance away from my house. Its a bit tiring to fetch her to and fro & I cant be late to fetch her. My hubbie suggest to get a maid to help me out on this. But, there isnt anyone at home. I have a teenage step son. Without a maid, he is more independent and discipline. With a maid, he will be "king". I have witness this each time he is back after a long stay at his mum's place as his mum has a maid on her on. My daughter is the first priority for the maid to concentrate with. I have enrolled my daughter for a nursery class near my current nanny's place. But, my sister in law said I have to pay for the maid's salary. This is ridiculous. Am just too stress thinking about this. Hubbie leave this to me. His concern is to have a maid to clean the house. How about the welfare of my daughter?? Please advice. I have been looking for a babysitter near my house in order so that I will not be so rushing to fetch my girl.

Please drop your views.
Before you hire a maid, read this

and FDW's employer

If your sis-in-law is supervising your maid, yes ... pay her and maid. But if the maid is doing housework more than taking care of your baby, negotiate like 50% each.

Having a king step son who not only able to supervise maid, also makes you pay only once. Food, housework are just for your house.

Rope in your hubby to 'educate' your step son - play the role of supervisor, protect his sibling from maid abuse. He can continue to be king but maid must listen to your instructions, do tasks you've highlighted.

Can install CCTV ....
"If you are not happy, you can send me back to agency." or If you are not happy, you can get me transfer". These are two of the common phrases which employers hear from maids easily.

Simple to them. Employers' nightmares!
They argued they are human beings, deserved this deserved that at employer's expense. If we let them go due to their 'threats', poor attitude or working incapability (mindset is not to be a domestic helper), who suffered the most? Employers! By pretending unable to work, don't know how to carry out a task correctly after few trainings, weak or saying above, their wish are forced to be granted = sent back to agent. <font color="ff0000">How to hire and pay for a domestic helper when you're the one slogging at home &amp; work or forever at the losing end?</font>

We suffer time loss to find new replacement, re-train, take annual leave, pay additional costs imposed by agency and MOM.

MOM collects levy comfortably, agency continues to count money + no responsibilities, maid granted the luxury to rest at agency while employer pays for daily lodging and food (waiting for transfer), etc. Is this how Singaporean employers should be treated?

We paid levy, paid agency fee and insurance but what protection do we get? Anybody or organisation bothers to know the quality of maid nowadays is not worth the high pay? It is really high pay, compared to Hongkong because employers are paying levy, salary, agency fee, binded by repatriation clause (air-ticket) + security bond terms (runaway means $2500 to $5000 gone), in-house food &amp; lodging, etc.

A lot of local cleaners or housekeepers do not receive take home pay of $400-500 per month but maids do! Maids don't need to pay for food, transport, housing loan, CPF, education &amp; medical in Spore, etc. So is take home pay of $400-500 per month really low?? Taking into consideration, their demands are so high these days... more off days, chat on mobile frequently, no hanging of bamboo laundry, can't wash windows or car, shorter working hours (mine has 9-10 hrs rest), etc.

<font color="0000ff">Seriously, if you've a better choice, don't hire maid. The reason why we are suffering is because there's a high demand for maids in Spore. No matter how harsh, how unfair the terms are set, as long as the demand for FDWs didn't gone down sharply, our voices won't be heard.</font>

<font color="ff0000">I wrote to MP, even PM but they don't care! Grassroots came to visit my house and vanished (no follow-up). CEL kept giving suggestions that are non-feasible. Gov, CEL or MOM only read key words, not content of your message/problems so they kept giving wrong or impossible suggestion. 说风凉话 These people are not in my/our shoes or have no time to look at our root cause properly.</font> 事不关己 I suppose, we're small flies, not worth the effort and attention. So what I'm a locally born citizen. I don't have any strong backup to voice on my behalf nor am I or my hubby in an industry or position that commands power.

Highlighted my situation and reluctance to hire a maid..... I have a special needs child, no childcare or daycare centre setup for her or willing to accept her. Really forced to hire a maid so that I can work. If continue to stay home, we're unable to bear the costs of Sg high living standards. Get financial assistance .... you think so easy to ask govt for money? You able to withstand the coldness of your social worker, insensitivity, continuous financial assessment (means testing) and help (S$) that is insufficient.... having a special needs child or disability is costly in Spore!

I don't want maid but I don't have a choice. I've stayed home for many years, a financial drainage, used future money .... I have to work but government not compassionate or willing to help.

Advice: If you've a better choice (most of you should be better than me), especially if you or friend has encountered errant/princess maid, don't try to get yourself in messy business, no fun, stressful, nightmares, money wasted vs quality hired. The new era maids are not here to lighten your loads. If you want a big baby to take care or money nowhere to spend, they fit well!
