Hi!! I am a jw mummy too! Would like to ask if any mummy send their kid to pcf 515, or mmi of 519, or zoo phonics at street 52 mkt and wats the comments. Thanks!!
hi..... I heard west grove is GD. But my house near xingnan pri sch as im staying in 900+++... Dunno xingnan pri GD or not... btw Westwood pri opening in 2013 ...my kids currently in childcare in blk 641
<font color="aa00aa">Xingnan is popular with NTU staff & after changing principal few years ago, the standard has improved. Its Chinese standard is good. Westwood is having a soft launch on 19 June at Gek Poh Ville CC. Google for its website for more details.</font>
Hi, jurong west pri not bad in 2014 all morning session.
Little doggie where u staying? I'm staying in ST91.
WEST GROVE never hear any bad comments...
Anyone want to go WEST WOOD soft launch together at Gek Poh? ??
anyone can advise if it is normal for 3 years + boy to have fever (temp ard 37.8-38.4) for more than 7 days?
fever start on 4/6. have been to NUH A&E on 9/06 but boy temp was only 37.1 tat time.
done urine and blood test, all normal. So the doc say is viral fever and ask me to monitor at home unless fever went up to high again then go back. else went for the NUH clinic appt (which was given later as this sat).
today his temp was 37.8-38.4. he has no other symptoms. but he was recovering from flu earlier on and now i do see some green dry mucus inside his nose.
Just for info, my didi had persistent mid-hi to hi fever for 8 days last month too. Also a first that happened to my kids. He had diarrhoea from day 5 onwards and i got worried so started antibiotics which the doc gave me to standby only. He also spread to my gal on day 6. Gal also had diarrhoea on her day 4 of fever.
I guess it's the same viral fever that caught your boy. Not to worry just keep feeding med. Antibio had helped them both this time. I never give antibio to them before.
don't use NUH or KK A&E. All standard procedures
after a bad experience with NUH i have since decided to use Mt A A&E but gladly (touch wood) don't have a need yet. I goto Dr Simon Ng at Mt A he's quite well known for being reasonably priced and v experienced PD.