Looking for Transfer Maid



I am looking for transfer maid who has experience looking after young children/babies; someone who has good attitude and likes kids. If you have any or know of anyone who has a maid to let go, please pm me with contact information.

Appreciate it lots!

Hi I hv a myanmar maid with perfect English to letgo. Obedient girl, took good care of my bb ..but she isquite slow anda lil clumsy, bbroke cups, clothes pegs, juicerhandle, mop handle... but on the whole is a good reliable maid with no communication issues unlike those new myanmar maids.honest nnever stealany money so big plus point. $420 with no off days. But she hopes to hv 2 off days per month. No more loan left so just start paying her directly full salary
I have a filipino maid waiting to be tfrd. let me know if you are interested. Recommend for family with young kids, my contact 97311194
Hi mommies

Thanks for letting me know. I just got maid from agency. Am keeping my fingers crossed that it'll turn out well. :)
Hi I hv a myanmar maid with perfect English to letgo. Obedient girl, took good care of my bb ..but she isquite slow anda lil clumsy, bbroke cups, clothes pegs, juicerhandle, mop handle... but on the whole is a good reliable maid with no communication issues unlike those new myanmar maids.honest nnever stealany money so big plus point. $420 with no off days. But she hopes to hv 2 off days per month. No more loan left so just start paying her directly full salary
Hello, I would like to know if your maid is still available for transfer?
Letting go my Indo maid, 23 yo .
Reason is I don't need her anymore as my son already go to full day cc.
The pros : She can do house chores, cleaning and washing, can bath and feed children. No bad attitude, obedient and polite, doesn't use mobile phone very much
The cons : She can't cook. A bit slow and need supervision to do her work
Her salary is $500 with one day off.
Pls message me at 96494753 if you are interested
Thanks, mummies.
I have found a new helper. Waiting for her arrival...
Hopefully all turns out well. :)

Thread closed.
Dear all,
Looking for maid to look after my 2 kids(3,4 yr old) and do house chores.
Plz let me if any.
Msg at 94886490
Thk u
hi im looking for a maid to start in November. Take care of children and assist with newborn and housework. please pm me if any mummy is letting go their helper. Thanks!
