Jan 2018 Mummies to be

Hi, I find lying down or sleeping is the best. But unfortunately, I'm working full time. I wear mask on public transports to avoid sudden nauseating smells like cigarette smoke, perfume, or metallic smells from people's bad breath in the morning. Eat anything that you can eat, don't worry too much about eating healthy. I found chiffon cakes like pandan cake helps. Plain water makes me sick, so I only take very small sips, like 3 sips each time. Instead I drank soy milk more. Pre-natal vitamins take with food. If you are sensitive to smell, you can try smelling medicated or peppermint oil. Gynae can prescribe you anti-nausea medication. I requested for non-drowsy one, so he prescribed ondansentron. But I only take when the nausea is unbearable. Jiayou, we just have to ride through it!
Thanks! Pandan cake works for me too!!!
i'm having morning sickness & tummy feels bloated too.
Me too! I don't have such issues during #1 time. My hub says I should appreciate #1 more lolx. Pregnancy was a breeze! And I ate a lot. True enough, he loves to eat. A tamjiak boy.

This pregnancy is totally opposite! Nauseous and bloated stomach daily. Gynae says it's a good sign cos baby is healthy.. Alamak
Hi all, just had my first gynae checkup. Dr Clifton Chan was very informative about what to expect, what I can eat, etc. Although the clinic may seem old but everyone there is so friendly. Next appt is 2 weeks later.

I am 6w3d now, saw the gestational sac with the yolk. Saw my bb's heart flickering and heard bb's heartbeat. Dr even told me which side of my ovaries the egg came from...Wow! Looking forward to my next appt.
Hi all, just had my first gynae checkup. Dr Clifton Chan was very informative about what to expect, what I can eat, etc. Although the clinic may seem old but everyone there is so friendly. Next appt is 2 weeks later.

I am 6w3d now, saw the gestational sac with the yolk. Saw my bb's heart flickering and heard bb's heartbeat. Dr even told me which side of my ovaries the egg came from...Wow! Looking forward to my next appt.

Congrats! It must be a magical moment for u
Just returned from polyclinic to get referral letter to KKH. OMG! I waited from 9am till 1pm. Now i thinking twice of gg there for my check-ups.

Yeah it's a long wait for government clinics ... ifnot wrong if it's kkh delivery under subsidized it could be housemen stitching you de
hello mummies! i was doing my routine gynae checkup for a cyst problem - den they found a gestational sac of 4mm. so i went to grab a clearblue test and it tells me i am 2 to 3 weeks preggers! :D i have schedule a appt mid of June to have a scan. waiting is the hardest thing to do. :X 2nd time mummy here - 1st time was emergency csect in private hosp single room...so my bill was scary. wondering what hosp/gynae to go for #2.. Congrats all! :) cant find a FB group yet for 2018 de...
Hi everyone, im a first time mummy too. 6 weeks now and my nausea is so bad! I have been lying in bed the whole day for the past 3 days. Anyone has any suggestions to make the nausea better?

same here ! do not even have strength for anything.
my doc prescribed me Maxolon (caused very serious side effect for me, turned out i am allergic to it; angry that he did not mention the serious side effects) and Dimenate (cause drowsiness but doesnt really help). In the end I requested for Zofran (Ondansetron) but have been trying to endure without medication due to phobia of maxolon allergies.

I find that eating meiji plain crackers helps; no matter how much we dont feel like eating.
snack every 1-2hours, doesn't fully heal your stomach but keeps vomiting at bay.

What worked for me was taking 1-2 Gaviscon before bed!
Hello mummies to be! I think my edd shld be Jan 18 too.. just tested positive two days ago and it wasnt very expected! but we are still quite excited about it.. will be my no.2 and its tough as no.1 still clingy to me. Hope everything goes well for everyone here! Any fb or whatsapp group so far?
Anyone experiencing slight cramps lower abdomen .. backaches... currently week 5w3d. Not spotting thou.. meeting my gynae tomorrow. Can't wait..
When will u experience nausea?
I hadnt had that for my 1st pregnancy and silly me, i secretly not mind having it this round becos I want take MC and zzz at home. Hehehe
Hi Everyone,

Our EDD is in early Jan.. Currently 6 weeks..

Just went for our 1st scan yesterday.. saw the baby & saw heartbeat..

we went for our first scan at KKH yesterday and we waited for about 4hours to get the stuffs done (scan + consultation + make appointment).. It's really a lot of waiting so we are thinking of going for private next time.. Any recommendation near North area?
Hi everyone, first time mom here, currently at 7 weeks!
suffering from very bad, all day morning sickness, anyone having it too?
Me too suffering Super bad morning sickness since week 4 till now still throw out Everyday and was admitted to hospital two week ago due to dehydrated... until still suffering even took medicine from doc still no use...
Hi ladies!

Congrats to all of you! :)

Super new here and I want to share out my feeling. 3 positive and late for 5 days. But no other feeling or symptoms that make me believe that I'm expecting. No bleeding or spotting. According to my first day of last AF, I'm actually 6 weeks along and Dr schedule first scan next Wed.

So uncertain and worry that it might as chemical pregnancy :(


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Me too suffering Super bad morning sickness since week 4 till now still throw out Everyday and was admitted to hospital two week ago due to dehydrated... until still suffering even took medicine from doc still no use...

i started at week 4 too. Yea medicine doesn't help at all. My doctor wanted to hospitalized me too, but i refused as I can't rest well in unfamiliar places anyways. Guess we just have to grit our teeth and pull through:(, hopefully it ends very very soon *fingers crossed
How many weeks are u at?

Hi ladies!

Congrats to all of you! :)

Super new here and I want to share out my feeling. 3 positive and late for 5 days. But no other feeling or symptoms that make me believe that I'm expecting. No bleeding or spotting. According to my first day of last AF, I'm actually 6 weeks along and Dr schedule first scan next Wed.

So uncertain and worry that it might as chemical pregnancy :(

Hello! Don't fret! I did not have any bleeding or spotting with mine too. Some people's morning sickness or symptoms do not start until many weeks later. So enjoy your non vomiting, gagging at all kinds of food, starving dehydrated fatigue body while it last ! Or maybe you're one of the lucky ones with no symptoms. My bestie had no MS or anything and still had a healthy baby girl. Hopefully it's good news for you. Good luck! :)
Hi ladies!

Congrats to all of you! :)

Super new here and I want to share out my feeling. 3 positive and late for 5 days. But no other feeling or symptoms that make me believe that I'm expecting. No bleeding or spotting. According to my first day of last AF, I'm actually 6 weeks along and Dr schedule first scan next Wed.

So uncertain and worry that it might as chemical pregnancy :(

It's normal not to have any symptoms! I was 11w pregnant when I got to know I have #1! Cos my menses was always irregular so I didn't suspect anything. Got a v big shock.

This time round, surprisingly I had some symptoms like bloatedness, nauseous! Am 6w 6days now!
Thank you both for the assurance! Now I have wait patiently (it's so difficult!) for the scan for the absolute proof!

Wasn't even expecting this pregnancy! Caught us in total surprise as we're newlywed, haven't even celebrate our wedding anniversary yet!
Thank you both for the assurance! Now I have wait patiently (it's so difficult!) for the scan for the absolute proof!

Wasn't even expecting this pregnancy! Caught us in total surprise as we're newlywed, haven't even celebrate our wedding anniversary yet!

I got pregnant within 2 months after marriage. #1 is my wedding anniversary. You are not alone :)
do we wanna set up a FB group so more people can add into the group? :)

i had spotting these few days so was placed on mc and utrogestan for 5 days. my main worry was having to tell my boss about it..because its too early to confirm the pregnancy but yet having to explain why i was given such a long break. Sigh, woes of a working mum!
do we wanna set up a FB group so more people can add into the group? :)

i had spotting these few days so was placed on mc and utrogestan for 5 days. my main worry was having to tell my boss about it..because its too early to confirm the pregnancy but yet having to explain why i was given such a long break. Sigh, woes of a working mum!

For me i would tell the boss just in case. At least he / she understands you better and wont need to assign any tasks not suitable
You got to rest more and walk less
do we wanna set up a FB group so more people can add into the group? :)

i had spotting these few days so was placed on mc and utrogestan for 5 days. my main worry was having to tell my boss about it..because its too early to confirm the pregnancy but yet having to explain why i was given such a long break. Sigh, woes of a working mum!

Sometimes is no choice, need to tell your boss. As long as u are not annoucing your pregnancy to the whole world, it should be ok. Even if u dont say, others would have guess it if u are absence for too long.
I told my bosses when I was about 5weeks+. Had to let them know cos sometimes our work requires physical activity.

My EDD is 8.1.2018. Wonder if anyone here has the same EDD. I am now 6w6d along.
Hi to all mummies!

I'm new here and 1st pregnancy! Currently 6 weeks 5days.. I was tested positive after i missed period for 3 days on 28april and went to dr.adrain woodworths for confirmation. But he didnt perform blood test nor urine test.. He straight away scan my tummy.. =.= he said still very early.come back next week. And it cost $200++ plus pre-natal pills n folic acid, without getting the scan paper back.. I find him really very very disappointing cos i was so worried as this is my 1st pregnancy,1st visit. N consultation 3mins..

So i went back e week after, he scanned again, said got gestation sac,but too early. Come back next week. Leaving me thinking what is wrong. And spend another $170..

3rd time.. This time, he scanned again! Lol! Say hmmm..cannot see heartbeat, lets do blood test..didnt assure me..jus tell me if hcg level goes up, bb is healthy, if hcg level drop means bb not so healthy.. -.-"" wah.. I super worried guys.. Cost $218..no scan paper returned.

So i consulted my friend n she recommend me to go hougang family clinic n check. The doc did a transvirginal scan and there!!!heart beat!! Measuring 6 wks 1 day!! Assuring me and say bb in gd position.

I will never go back to doc adrain again..

My edd 6th Jan!!
Good morning all :) Just found out I'm pregnant from blood test at gp doctor yesterday. Did blood test because the urine test at clinic is negative. My hubby and I are finally starting to accept the fact that we have our first baby. Feel super unreal. But also super happy. About 4 weeks. Still feeling very good.

Hope all of you pregnant mama are feeling good today!
Hi to all mummies!

I'm new here and 1st pregnancy! Currently 6 weeks 5days.. I was tested positive after i missed period for 3 days on 28april and went to dr.adrain woodworths for confirmation. But he didnt perform blood test nor urine test.. He straight away scan my tummy.. =.= he said still very early.come back next week. And it cost $200++ plus pre-natal pills n folic acid, without getting the scan paper back.. I find him really very very disappointing cos i was so worried as this is my 1st pregnancy,1st visit. N consultation 3mins..

So i went back e week after, he scanned again, said got gestation sac,but too early. Come back next week. Leaving me thinking what is wrong. And spend another $170..

3rd time.. This time, he scanned again! Lol! Say hmmm..cannot see heartbeat, lets do blood test..didnt assure me..jus tell me if hcg level goes up, bb is healthy, if hcg level drop means bb not so healthy.. -.-"" wah.. I super worried guys.. Cost $218..no scan paper returned.

So i consulted my friend n she recommend me to go hougang family clinic n check. The doc did a transvirginal scan and there!!!heart beat!! Measuring 6 wks 1 day!! Assuring me and say bb in gd position.

I will never go back to doc adrain again..

My edd 6th Jan!!

oh dear! my last scan was 2 to 3 weeks so it was still a gestational sac. so my gynae told me to come back 2 to 3 weeks later..else nothing to see.

my spotting is still ongoing. having a #1 who dosent understand why u are not carrying them or finds it normal climbing on you etc...it's hard to rest per se. tsk!
Mind sharing how come dec bb tend to lose out in some way?

its more evident when they are in school, by right a Dec baby would have been "younger" in development compared to someone say 6 mths older even tho same class. :D but im a dec baby so i dont think it mattered once u r older.
Ladies....i have a bad feeling....i may have chem pregnancy because my test lines didnt get darker as days go by :(

Don worry too much abt it..i guess the lines doesnt tell us much about the progress of our bb.. Do u have bleeding or cramps? That is e symptom of chem preg. U will feel better once you see a gyane showing u ur gestation sac.

Stay strong!!!
oh dear! my last scan was 2 to 3 weeks so it was still a gestational sac. so my gynae told me to come back 2 to 3 weeks later..else nothing to see.

my spotting is still ongoing. having a #1 who dosent understand why u are not carrying them or finds it normal climbing on you etc...it's hard to rest per se. tsk!
I m still looking around for a gynae.. I may go to Dr. Tho CK who is near my area.. Hmmm.. Or doc john yam? Any recommendation?
Do you have bleeding or spotting?

Don worry too much abt it..i guess the lines doesnt tell us much about the progress of our bb.. Do u have bleeding or cramps? That is e symptom of chem preg. U will feel better once you see a gyane showing u ur gestation sac.

Stay strong!!!

No bleeding or painful cramps yet. I'm seeing my gynae to do a beta test later. Thanks for your well wishes.
Hi to all mummies!

I'm new here and 1st pregnancy! Currently 6 weeks 5days.. I was tested positive after i missed period for 3 days on 28april and went to dr.adrain woodworths for confirmation. But he didnt perform blood test nor urine test.. He straight away scan my tummy.. =.= he said still very early.come back next week. And it cost $200++ plus pre-natal pills n folic acid, without getting the scan paper back.. I find him really very very disappointing cos i was so worried as this is my 1st pregnancy,1st visit. N consultation 3mins..

So i went back e week after, he scanned again, said got gestation sac,but too early. Come back next week. Leaving me thinking what is wrong. And spend another $170..

3rd time.. This time, he scanned again! Lol! Say hmmm..cannot see heartbeat, lets do blood test..didnt assure me..jus tell me if hcg level goes up, bb is healthy, if hcg level drop means bb not so healthy.. -.-"" wah.. I super worried guys.. Cost $218..no scan paper returned.

So i consulted my friend n she recommend me to go hougang family clinic n check. The doc did a transvirginal scan and there!!!heart beat!! Measuring 6 wks 1 day!! Assuring me and say bb in gd position.

I will never go back to doc adrain again..

My edd 6th Jan!!

Yeah I have friends who complained about him. He is a chop chop see chop chop finish gynae he doesnt give much reassurances so if this is your #1 he may not be suitable
its more evident when they are in school, by right a Dec baby would have been "younger" in development compared to someone say 6 mths older even tho same class. :D but im a dec baby so i dont think it mattered once u r older.

Same my #3 is a november baby i think next year when she goes playgroup she seems smaller than her peers
