Hi all, am here to report that my 2nd fresh cycle has failed again. I've transferred 2 5-days embbies but non stick. For this and last fresh cycle, i have no implantations at all even thou my lining is good. So i guess it could be abnormal chromosome issues? Was quite disappointed when i started to bleed before my BT. Have cried my heart out and grieve for awhile. Am back to work this Tuesday and feeling better.
My hubby was telling me, for our next fresh, don't go for acupuncture la.. Just take things easy. I have been going for acupuncture diligently before i start ivf. Maybe we failed 2 times so he also feel discourage. I'm also taking COQ10 and prenatal vitamins. Probably need to consider to take DHEA for the next cycle.. Will check with Dr Tan when i go for the review.
@mesara stay strong and hope thru the help of Dr Choolani, u will soon be able to have ur take home bb next yr! i actually envied that you manage to bfp thrice.. cos i nvr had once before.
@Vk85, sorry to hear your lost. Rest well and hope you get better soon gal.