Sue Dazey
Juz nw I sampai ard 9.10am..although they asked me to be there at 7.30am..
But the queue for bloodtest very short so by 9.30am i dabis...they say between 1-4pm will call me
But ard 12.20pm tadi they already called me so maybe the lab test is ard 2.5-3hrs...
Knowing KKIVF, after 12pm aru dorang free sket so most prob after 12pm they will call you even though u dtg siang...
If ur HCG is between 0-5, then u r nt pregnant...if bigger than 5, ada chance you are pregnant but they will ask to come again to re-take blood test to ensure the number doubles..if the number doubles within 48-72 hours, then the embryo is growing and not stagnant...
Ni yang buat I nervous...mudah2an insya' Allah my number will double...Aamiiin...
By the time bloodtest, dorang tak continue HL anymore...actually I ni takde HL pun since they do ET for me on 29 Aug 2013...been up and about at work...penat jugak tapi I tawakkal je pada Allah swt...
InsyaAllah! Yakin dan tawakkal. Praying for u too Rashal.
Ice helps? I thought kene keep it dry. Takpe I will try that later.
Alhamdulillah rashes seems better today... Swell has gone down a bit and I can walk a bit more. InsyaAllah by tomorrow hopefully ot gets much better.