Hi ladies
I just did my very first IVF in Mar with Dr Loh at Thomson after ttc for about 2 yrs plus.
Just want to share my experience to you all who first time trying ivf, I am sure u r terrified, worry and not sure what to expect just like I did.
I started jabing on 1st day of mens since it was full flow. First 4 days, I only had a single jab each night. The following 6 days, I got double jab each night. By the time trigger for egg retrieval, I only have about 14 eggs. The jab is not painful at all. Or perhaps I am lucky to have a fat tummy and no side effects, just slight bloatness like having mens

I was extremely nervous for the egg retrieval. But don’t worry, u won’t know anything once u get in ot. The moment when u wake up, u find urself in the resting bed. The whole process only takes about 10-15 mins. While waiting for me to recover, my husband went to collect his sperm. I had very bad cramp and bloated for 2 days, couldn’t walk straight at times. My condition was better by 3rd day and ready for the ET. Drink ginger tea with dry longan! It helps the bloatness and calm ur stomach.
Total I retrieved 21 eggs, only 10 matured and 6 eggs get to fertilised. But in the end, only 4 embryos survived. So I transfered 2 and frozen 2 embryos. I did embryo transfer (ET) on day 2 and now waiting for preg blood test next week. My husband got the chance to went in ot with me for the ET to see the embryos and observe whole 5-10 mins process. It was painless. So don’t worry ladies
I feel like riding rollercoaster with my emotion through the whole process. But to me, the worst part is 2ww which is I am in now. Trying to manage my expectation and anxiety until the blood test result is out
The cost of the whole process is about $16k which includes $6k for all the medicine n consultations, $5k for egg retrieval and $5k for ET. Unlike public hospitals, u can get up to 75% subsidy, we only can claim from our Medisave $6k.