Oh Dr anitha where is she from, which hospital?I yesterday night have seen a new tcmHi Debunu,
Dun loose hope.. I'm also in ur shoe.. praying very hard but I have not try IUI. I'm thinking of seeking a good gynae. Heard Dr Anitha Kale is good.
I'm thinking of meeting her.
Anyway how old are u?
I'm 32 years old this year. Biological clock ticking so fast. I have been trying for 4.5 years.Hi Debunu,
Dun loose hope.. I'm also in ur shoe.. praying very hard but I have not try IUI. I'm thinking of seeking a good gynae. Heard Dr Anitha Kale is good.
I'm thinking of meeting her.
Anyway how old are u?
Oh I didn't know there is difference between soiui n iuiDont be sad. You did soiui or iui? Maybe you can try soiui? Think the chances of preg are slightly higher? Should be 12% to 15%.
So iui is with medication injection..once ovulation kit positif prepare for sperm injection..once inject Den wait till positif pregnant from blood test..Hi All,
I'm new to this. 'This' meaning using a forum and all. Was advised by friends to post my queries here as there are many who have experiences. Appreciate all your advice.
I'm turning 36 and we been trying to conceive for 2 years. I went for the basic check-up at KKH and mine and the husband's results are OK. However , was referred to Dr Sahdana for further checkup. Was on clomid for 3 cycle but still nothing...
I thinking of taking the next step.
Qn 1 : what's the diff between IUI and SO IUI?
Qn 2: which hospital and doctor is good with fertility treatment?
Qn 3: anyone has had Dr Sahdana from KKH before? Is she good ?
Thank you.
Oh ic Thank YouSo iui is with medication injection..once ovulation kit positif prepare for sperm injection..once inject Den wait till positif pregnant from blood test..
Kkh Dr Tan heng hao & Dr sandhana...
Just done my 2nd iui on saturday and i am having flu and fever since yesterday. It could be i caught a chill on sat as the one doing for me is a consultant instead of senior consultant Dr chew at NUH. Anyway i was very angry that the consultant took a long time like 15mins and cannot even insert the tube that Dr chew had to take over. Dr chew said my cervical is not straight so its quite challenging. But what e heck! I was cold and chill for a good 25mins with my legs up. Although my husbamd got a good count of 26million sperm i think they wld have died staying outside so long. Anyway i dont think this iui will be successful as i am sick and i took flu med cause the flu was really bad. Now i am worried about the effect of clarinase! Haiz!
Hi All,
I'm new to this. 'This' meaning using a forum and all. Was advised by friends to post my queries here as there are many who have experiences. Appreciate all your advice.
I'm turning 36 and we been trying to conceive for 2 years. I went for the basic check-up at KKH and mine and the husband's results are OK. However , was referred to Dr Sahdana for further checkup. Was on clomid for 3 cycle but still nothing...
I thinking of taking the next step.
Qn 1 : what's the diff between IUI and SO IUI?
Qn 2: which hospital and doctor is good with fertility treatment?
Qn 3: anyone has had Dr Sahdana from KKH before? Is she good ?
Thank you.
Can I check what is the size of the egg follicles when u girls did the iui?
Thanks for the assurance. I just found out the doctor who did for me is a training resident only. Gosh i was informed that Dr chew was performing only before the start then i noticed its the resident doing and i was not even informed who he is. After the procedure, Dr chew made it seems like i am hopeless or something saying very challenging so i asked him what is the next step if not successful, is it IVF. He just said Ivf also difficult. I heard already v sian dont want ask liao. The nurse with me is more reassuring she just said can try for few round of iui first.Hey don't worry.. the sperm are in the test tube thing and only pumped into the catheter when the catheter is inserted into us... so they will still survive.
Oh it's great that Dr Chew was there to save the day.. he is my doctor too and I feel very safe with him.
Try to relax and rest more to get well.. good luck and I hope you succeed this round![]()
Thanks for the assurance. I just found out the doctor who did for me is a training resident only. Gosh i was informed that Dr chew was performing only before the start then i noticed its the resident doing and i was not even informed who he is. After the procedure, Dr chew made it seems like i am hopeless or something saying very challenging so i asked him what is the next step if not successful, is it IVF. He just said Ivf also difficult. I heard already v sian dont want ask liao. The nurse with me is more reassuring she just said can try for few round of iui first.
I think for my case is a harder to reach uterus cause he said my cervical is not straight. It may result in difficulties in egg extraction? How did your egg extraction go? U only tried IUI twice and move on to IVF? Are you a subsidized patient?Actually Dr Chew told me similar thing during my first IUI with him. I also had a harder-to-reach left ovary and he said IVF chances will be Lower for me, as extraction will be difficult. He encouraged us to do IUI first but I failed twice.
Now I'm in midst of IVF cycle already. Hope can bfp this round.
Don't worry, I think as Doctors they have to tell us worse case scenario to mentally prepare us. Just be firm in what you want but remain open to instructions.
Did you go by Polyclinic referral route, that's why the resident did for you?
I think for my case is a harder to reach uterus cause he said my cervical is not straight. It may result in difficulties in egg extraction? How did your egg extraction go? U only tried IUI twice and move on to IVF? Are you a subsidized patient?
Yah i am a subsidized patient but they should had introduced which doctor was doing for me properly. My first iui was done by Dr chew. I heard that nuh only do single embroyo transfer as they do not want multiple pregnancy. I asked about so iui they said they have it but if more than 2 follicles have to cancel. But it kinda defeat the purpose of so iui.
I am thinking of moving on to soiui at RH if it fails this round.
Then next day do iui?
Which gynae did u see?was yours successful? Mine always so small then did the trigger shot then iui was done next day. I failed twice in iuiThe day that gynae scan u and if u hit the 18mm mark, you will have the trigger shot and iui will be done 36 hours later.
Thanks for your reply. My bladder was very full for the past 2 round of iui. I shall suggest to the doc for my next round. Dr chew did not suggest it was due to full bladder but kept shaking head. He kinda hurriedly said to the nurse ok next patient can come in for iui without explaining much to me.About the embryo transfer, that's not true. The maximum for embryo transfer is 2 embies. Both my Ivf I transferred two and my first Ivf I got pregnant successfully with one of the embies.
I saw the resident in the room with Dr Chew on Saturday too but he didn't attend to me.
I have difficulty in finding the way to my uterus too after birth but after finding out that empty bladder works for me, my recent iui and second ivf transfer has been super smooth. Otherwise if I'm on full bladder it's very difficult for Dr Chew to find his way up to my uterus.
Thanks for your reply. My bladder was very full for the past 2 round of iui. I shall suggest to the doc for my next round. Dr chew did not suggest it was due to full bladder but kept shaking head. He kinda hurriedly said to the nurse ok next patient can come in for iui without explaining much to me.
You are lucky you didnt get the resident to attend to you. Maybe cause i am a subsidized patient. I didnt have high expectation but i just want some basic courtesy to at least introduce the name of e doc who was performing the iui and not just starting e procedure without telling me actually is another doc doing.
Which gynae did u see?was yours successful? Mine always so small then did the trigger shot then iui was done next day. I failed twice in iui
Sad to the max
Thanks for your advise. The answer i get from him is usually very short one and he said its the way i am born that cause my uterus to be not straight , never mentioned about the bladder. The reason i choose NUH is just because its near my work place and i can get govt subsidise. If i go in as a private patient the price is not much different from private hospital.I'm a private patient and have been with Dr Chew for 6 years already. He's a very nice doctor, you can actually ask him what you want to know and he will explain to you in layman terms. Maybe you can feedback to the nurses that at least you could have been informed abt the resident performing the iui for you. I'm sure the nurses will be glad to listen to your feedback.
Most iuis and Ivf embryo transfer requires full bladder cos it will be easier for the gynae to find his way up and also can see from the scan more clearer. However for mine it's better to be empty cos otherwise my bladder will push my uterus up even further and will be difficult to reach. Perhaps next time you can ask Dr Chew if he want to try on an empty bladder for your next round of iui.
Thanks for your advise. The answer i get from him is usually very short one and he said its the way i am born that cause my uterus to be not straight , never mentioned about the bladder. The reason i choose NUH is just because its near my work place and i can get govt subsidise. If i go in as a private patient the price is not much different from private hospital.
Think its better to go in as private patient better treatment maybe.I already feedback to nuh side on the matters i faced.
U also went for iui last sat? Me too but i dont think mine will succeed cause i am down with fever, cold and bad cough a day after the unsmooth iui. Sadz! preparing for next step at RH.
Usually how long is all your iui process? I heard some just take 10mins each iui session.
I think for my case is a harder to reach uterus cause he said my cervical is not straight. It may result in difficulties in egg extraction? How did your egg extraction go? U only tried IUI twice and move on to IVF? Are you a subsidized patient?
Yah i am a subsidized patient but they should had introduced which doctor was doing for me properly. My first iui was done by Dr chew. I heard that nuh only do single embroyo transfer as they do not want multiple pregnancy. I asked about so iui they said they have it but if more than 2 follicles have to cancel. But it kinda defeat the purpose of so iui.
I am thinking of moving on to soiui at RH if it fails this round.
About the embryo transfer, that's not true. The maximum for embryo transfer is 2 embies. Both my Ivf I transferred two and my first Ivf I got pregnant successfully with one of the embies.
I saw the resident in the room with Dr Chew on Saturday too but he didn't attend to me.
I have difficulty in finding the way to my uterus too after birth but after finding out that empty bladder works for me, my recent iui and second ivf transfer has been super smooth. Otherwise if I'm on full bladder it's very difficult for Dr Chew to find his way up to my uterus.
Hey that sounds like me, I could be reading my story! I have a high left ovary / tube. Empty bladder works for me too. My first IUI was difficult because I went in with full bladder. The second IUI was smooth because my bladder was half-filled and Dr Chew concluded that empty bladder is better for me.
Thanks for the assurance. I just found out the doctor who did for me is a training resident only. Gosh i was informed that Dr chew was performing only before the start then i noticed its the resident doing and i was not even informed who he is. After the procedure, Dr chew made it seems like i am hopeless or something saying very challenging so i asked him what is the next step if not successful, is it IVF. He just said Ivf also difficult. I heard already v sian dont want ask liao. The nurse with me is more reassuring she just said can try for few round of iui first.
Yup you are right that there is government funding for IVF in public hospital. But IUI not much diff as a private patient in govt or private hospital. If i can be treated more humanely as private patient i will do soActually there is a difference between private patient in govt linked hospital vs private hospitals. If you're a private patient in a govt linked hospital, if you wish to go for IVF you can use the subsidies and medisave. But if you're a private patient at the private hospital, you cannot use the benefits and need to fork out cash. This is what I understand.
Oh I didn't do my iui on Saturday, mine was Monday. Saturday was there to scan the size of the egg and collect my trigger shot.
Don't think about the cough & cold is a hindrance for you to get a positive result. Cos right now it's the season of flu, even I just recovered myself. Cheer up and just don't think about it ya. Jiayou!
Yah i was totally surprised to see an unfamilar doc coming over to do the procedure when i was lying on the procedure bed. I felt very uncomfortable with 3 persons staring and struggling with the proceduer for more than 20mins not knowing whats wrong. I had asked twice at the counter who is the doc performing iui and they said doctor chew. I wanted to ask the resident to leave the room when i saw him in the room but i am scared cause i got snapped by some doctors before when i asked somethingWhen i did IUI and IVF at NUH too i saw two other doctors with Dr Chew, and i always always requested to be only attended by Dr Chew and i requested that i want to be alone in the room with Dr Chew and Nurse and no one else as i dont compromise on my privacy. So i did tell the nurse and she understood perfectly.
Ya they usually dont introduce the other two doctors and during scan i noticed they like to crowd ard the scan area as if im a exhibition item. So after first time wen i was not informed and caught by surprise, i totally on guard on my subsequent scans. No free exhibitions pls. ..
Yah i was totally surprised to see an unfamilar doc coming over to do the procedure when i was lying on the procedure bed. I felt very uncomfortable with 3 persons staring and struggling with the proceduer for more than 20mins not knowing whats wrong. I had asked twice at the counter who is the doc performing iui and they said doctor chew. I wanted to ask the resident to leave the room when i saw him in the room but i am scared cause i got snapped by some doctors before when i asked something. Maybe i should be more brave but maybe i cant choose doc too cause i am subsidized.
Yup understand that they need some where to learn but basic courtesy to inform me or at least tell me the name of the doc before starting what.I guess the resident docs also need some place to do on-the-job training, so they are probably allowed with patients on subsidy route. They have to learn somewhere right? But yeah I can understand how awkward it feels to have so many people around in our vulnerable state!
I wonder if it's a common practice for all govt hospitals.
Yup understand that they need some where to learn but basic courtesy to inform me or at least tell me the name of the doc before starting what.
How come ex? Nuh is government hospital. I am very shy to see male doctors. I used to see at sgh coz all female doctors but at sgh I failed 2 rounds of iui n I lose hope le in going sgh actually.Debanu,
Anitha is from nuh. She is good but ex. But I heard Dr Henry from Bishan is good thinking of seeing him real soon..
How come ex? Nuh is government hospital. I am very shy to see male doctors. I used to see at sgh coz all female doctors but at sgh I failed 2 rounds of iui n I lose hope le in going sgh actually.
Yup I believe luck plays an important partJts: went tmc and approached sf loh.. iui failed. So iui jackpot first attempt..
Imho.. procedures is based on numbers. Luck plays big
Panffy. Good luck. With loh, failed iui and successful so iui. Sought help in April 2015, bfp nov 2015. Birth Aug 2016.
Have faith, all the very best to u all
Hi everyone! I am more or less determined to try IUI now after almost 1 year of trying naturally. Will be going to Prof PC Wong in NUH. Would like to know if anyone has any experience with Prof PC Wong?
I suppose I won't be starting with IUI immediately after 1st visit because the gynae need to do some scanning first? I do not want to waste too much time waiting and hope to start soon. What is usually the 1st scan? Do you think I should try to arrange my 1st appointment as close as during my mid cycle so that he is able to scan if my egg is good or not before deciding my next step?
When i called, i was given my 1st appt as 21 Dec but my menses is suppose to come on 25 Dec. Wondering if my 1st appt would be productive or not
Hi. Strike under Loh in 1st attempt. Told to bd on the eve and same night of procedure. Told not to bd during 2ww