Hi snnowy =)
oh..i had a fren in the medical line who asked if i wanted to watch the video of a ceaserean. luckily i said no..heheheh..
actually i also dunno why, but at week 30 my doc already inform me i need ceaserean. at that time my aunt even said maybe my gynae wanna psycho me to ceaserean cos it'll cost more as she said its too early for baby to turn.
but somehow at week 32, week 34 check, all shows baby never turn..tmr i'll be going for week 36 check, i've feeling baby also haven turn cos my tummy is very high up. so maybe my gynae is experienced, can tell baby won't turn.
my gynae says my amniotic fluid is low so quite impossible for baby to turn. some more baby cross legged so confirm cannot try natural.
i read online that its possible for experienced gynaes to try and turn baby 'manually' but my gynae has never suggested that. at week 32 she already told me to choose date between 5-12 april.
that time she said week 37-38 is best choice cos baby's lungs will be mature and before that my baby is only 1.8kg she say too small got to stay ICU if come out below 2kg. then when i chose 11-4 she say 'so late ah? why you dun choose 5,6, 7 or 8 april?' im guessing might be cos 11-4 is a sunday and she's not so keen to work on that day cos in the end she told me if i insist on 11-4, the sunday surcharge will be $1k (i think she trying to make me change my mind)
but my mom in law and mom all say since the date has been chosen just stick with it...so i no choice lor...dun wanna displease my mom in law also cos she paid for the geomacer to choose the date.
wah, your gynae very 'daring'! your date so close to your edd! i think my gynae will faint if i ask her to do that. she is those everything must plan nice nice one.
oh! your bb birthday is guan yin dan..very very good date! lucky your gynae choose that day =) it is very auspicious date.
wow..your girls are only 15 months apart...not easy..you take care of them yourself? did you breastfeed your elder gal? is it true if you breastfeed won't get pregnant or not true? i intend to stop at 1 cos my hubby has 2 sons from previous marriage, not easy to support so many kids.
yup, i have employed a confinment nanny..i decide to employ one after i realise i need ceaserean cos i heard its really hard to move around after the op so will really need help. my mom in law tells me to just rest on the bed and leave everything to the nanny too, even told me to place baby cot in nanny's room so baby won't disturb us at night. but im not sure if i'll feel comfortable doing that.
that time during my first tri i was quite sick and was hospitalised twice i was very emotional and told my gynae im not ready to be a mom but she told me she has 4 kids and everything is common sense. as a mother, we will have natursl maternal instinct and eveything will come to us naturally. i hope so!
glennia said she rejected painkillers on 2nd day but cannot take it by 3rd day i think she took painkillers and it is much better..she told me to take the painkillers, will help a lot. no problem with breastfeeding just that baby will be a bit sleepy.
i think the rest of the mummies are all busy with their babies...anmaria was the 1st to give birth then shahreny then glennia. now left only me, still free to log on =) you wanna add us on facebook?
you can add me on
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