hi, i am also considering if to have a 2nd one. i know how much joy a kid can bring us and both myself and my husband loves our 1st baby. He is now 22 mths. But becos he is a colicky and needy baby, both of us are really tired out taking care of him. Thou now he is already in cc, but new issue arises as he is diagnosed with sensitive respirary system, meaning that he will also be getting colds, flus and virus infection more often due to the environment. We have really spent alot on his medical bills since we sent him to cc, but no choice.
We also feel that giving him a sibling is good, but there are really alot of "what if"s in our head. we are very afraid that the 2nd one will be like him, colicky. Parents with colic babies will know what i mean...it seems like every waking hour is crying hour for him. We didnt manage to rest at night too. Even till now, our sleeping hours are at most 5-6 hours. So thou we hope to have a 2nd one, we are very concern if we can manage it, money wise and physically. Perhaps money wise, we still can work out, just spent less, bt physically and mentally, i really don't know if i can handle. As i nearly went into depression for my 1st bb. Deep inside my heart, i really hope to have a 2nd one...