How to treat severe constipation in children.


New Member
Hi, does anybody know what type of medi to treat severe consipation in children. I tried to find Ex Lax or Parachoc, but they are hard to find here. Does any mummys here have children with constipation. And how do you treat it.

What has your child been drinking/eating? Try diluting the milk (if you're using formula milk) or giving fruits/juice like Spinko suggested.

How 'severe' is the constipation? My kid had constipation for 2 days when teething and then after had diarrhoea a few times. Happens with every new tooth.
My Bb used to have constipation for days after she was introduced cereal...but after giving her probiotics, she is regular again. We started with neobiotics available at guardian..1day 1pkt...then now I give her childlife colostrum with far so good.
if u've not found the solution yet, then try asafoetida (available in any indian store or neighbouhood minimarts sometimes) . its natural and very safe even for infants. whenever my 3 months baby doesn't poop for couple of days or cries due to flatulence, i either apply a pinch of asafoetida mixed with 1 tbsp warm water, around his navel or if too bad constipation just give same amount mixed with few tbsp formula milk. its bitter so the child will not drink it willfully but force it with a spoon and he'll be alright in a while.
