Hi Carole,
Went the kids are older, still can bring milk powder
I noticed that our Changi Airport keep updating the new guidelines. Now they mentioned that baby food, meds etc will be subjected to extra checks at the security screening points. When I checked in Jul/Aug, they din mention about extra checks. However, do note that they always mentioned that you bring ENOUGH JUST FOR THE FLIGHT.
V. Exemptions for Medications, Baby Food and Special Dietary Items
<font color="0000ff">Q1.Are there any exemptions to the new restrictions on carriage of liquids, aerosols and gels in hand-carried luggage?</font>
Exemptions will be made for medications, baby food and special dietary items in liquids, aerosols and gels form. These items will be subjected to additional checks at the security screening point.
<font color="0000ff">Q2.What are the exemptions for medications in liquids, aerosols and gels form?</font>
Medications in liquids, aerosols and gels form, such as insulin, cough syrups and nasal sprays, will be exempted from the new restrictions. Such items should be taken in quantities that are sufficient for the flight.
A doctors letter or prescription, while not mandated, would be helpful in facilitating the security screening process.
If the medications are in containers with a maximum capacity of not more than 100ml, passengers are encouraged to place the containers in the 1-litre transparent re-sealable plastic bag. If this is not possible or if the medications are in containers larger than 100ml, the medications will be subjected to further checks at the security screening point. Passengers may also be asked to taste their medications.
<font color="0000ff">Q3.What are the exemptions for baby food in liquids, aerosols and gels form?</font>
Baby foods in liquids, aerosols and gels form, such as milk, juice and porridge, will be exempted from the restrictions, if there is a baby travelling with the adult passenger. Such items should be taken in quantities that are sufficient for the flight.
If the baby food is in containers with a maximum capacity of not more than 100ml, passengers are encouraged to place these containers in the 1-litre transparent re-sealable plastic bag. If this is not possible or if the baby food is in containers larger than 100ml, the baby food will be subjected to further checks at the security screening point. The baby must also be present at the security screening point. Passengers may also be asked to taste the baby food.
<font color="0000ff">Q4.Is there a restriction on the amount of baby milk powder that can be carried in hand-carried luggage?</font>
No. Milk powder is not considered a liquids, aerosols and gels item.
<font color="0000ff">Q5. Can I carry hot water in a flask to prepare baby food?</font>
Yes. Hot water will be allowed for carriage in a flask if there is a baby travelling with the adult passenger, even though hot water should be available from the airline onboard the flight. The hot water should be taken in quantities that are sufficient for the flight. It will also be subjected to further checks at the security screening point.
<font color="0000ff">Q6.What are the exemptions for special dietary items in liquids, aerosols and gels form?</font>
Exemptions will be made for special dietary items in liquids, aerosols and gels form for passengers with special dietary requirements. Such special dietary items are food without which the passengers health is threatened. They should be taken in quantities that are sufficient for the flight.
A doctors letter or prescription, while not mandated, would be helpful in facilitating the security screening process.
If the dietary items are in containers with a maximum capacity of not more than 100ml each, passengers are encouraged to place the containers in the 1-litre transparent re-sealable plastic bag. If this is not possible or if the special dietary items are in containers larger than 100ml, the items will be subjected to further checks at the security screening point. Passengers may also be asked to taste the special dietary items, if necessary.