Auntie is my lucky find on a forum I googled. Every mealtime is a wow moment because she comes up with many interesting dishes so I won't get bored with eating the same thing everyday. I've also noticed that she continues to learn new dishes whenever she has some downtime. What I like about her is she's super efficient in what she does and pre-empt your needs. She really knows what she's doing and this is coming from a fourth time mum. She has an efficient packing system, cleans well, and most importantly takes care of mum and baby well. She gives good advice on what to eat and drink and what I personally like is she plays nice music for baby to listen to, which calms the baby (music preference is personal but I happen to like all the songs she plays). She really puts her heart in taking care of the baby and mummy. All in all I really think I'm quite lucky to have found her. She makes the whole confinement a breeze. Strongly recommended! She can be contacted at +65 8393 2609
Auntie 是我在網上機緣巧合下找到的. 當了第四次的媽媽而言,她是我的救星. Auntie煮飯好吃,每天都不一樣的菜色,還會在休息的時間上網繼續學新的菜色. 有經驗的Auntie,有自己的打掃/收拾方式,寶寶用品的擺設方式,照顧寶寶跟媽媽的方式,讓我很放心的好好養身. 我喜歡她每天播的音樂,讓寶寶可以一邊聽音樂一邊睡覺,感覺很安穩. 而且很多東西我都不用說,Auntie 都會提前幫忙準備好,食材很藥材的備用也會事前通知.
坐月子是媽媽調整身體的時候也是最虛弱的時候,Auntie 是真的用心在照顧寶寶跟媽媽,所以我跟寶寶是真的幸運找了她,強推薦! 聯絡方式 +65 8393 2609
Auntie 是我在網上機緣巧合下找到的. 當了第四次的媽媽而言,她是我的救星. Auntie煮飯好吃,每天都不一樣的菜色,還會在休息的時間上網繼續學新的菜色. 有經驗的Auntie,有自己的打掃/收拾方式,寶寶用品的擺設方式,照顧寶寶跟媽媽的方式,讓我很放心的好好養身. 我喜歡她每天播的音樂,讓寶寶可以一邊聽音樂一邊睡覺,感覺很安穩. 而且很多東西我都不用說,Auntie 都會提前幫忙準備好,食材很藥材的備用也會事前通知.
坐月子是媽媽調整身體的時候也是最虛弱的時候,Auntie 是真的用心在照顧寶寶跟媽媽,所以我跟寶寶是真的幸運找了她,強推薦! 聯絡方式 +65 8393 2609