Hi mum to be out there, I'm 36 this year. currently at my week 9 pregnancy. Since im a high risk mum I will consider to take Harmony Blood Test at TMC. anyone can tell what the cost of this test??
ok. am sorry to hear about this.Thanks for all your info. I will consider to take this blood as I lost my very first baby during week 15plus. I failed my oscar test. I had a painful wait till week 15 plus for genetic scan at prof ananda. The result concluded that my bb brain has filled with fluid. Therefore, harmony test is the only option to know bb is ok as early as week 10.
Hi gals,
Your blood drawn at which week? As according to prof ananda at camden, he advised to take ard week 14 to 15 when the maternal blood pick up more of bb DNA cells. So the results will be more promising.
prof ananda did nt scan for me at week 11 due to the first bb has brain deformed. ( birth defect) He did mention to me I can exclude this prob at week 11 for scanning bb brain skull and nasal bone. I was so relieved that my previous prob has been excluded. Bb is normal. So I can skip oscar test now.
My next targetted scan will be at week 14 or 15 for genetic scan to check bb organs. If not ok, then I need to proceed harmony test. The last targetted scan is 3d detailed scan at week 21 to 22.
Hi there, I took the test in mid Dec and it cost me 1.8k from TMC. According to my gynae, it's 99% accurate and can even tell you the gender of the baby as it tests the genetic material from the baby. Should they not be able to have enough material to test, they can redo it again but there will be no refunds.
As far as I understand, this test assesses the risks of triosomies 21, 18 and 13 (much like oscar test) but not for all fetal abnormalities.
Hope this helps. Take care and don't worry too much!
which doctor/clinic @ TMC did you go.
Got quoted @ $2.3k - $3K excluding consultation $100 - $200 at Dr Yeap Min Li (TMC)
Hi there, sorry for late reply as I don't check the forum often. I did mine at ACJ Women's clinic, with Dr Jocelyn Wong. Just took a closer look at the invoice and it's actually $1926 after GST.
Hi all, i just did my Harmony test so it is a torturous wait. Totally no mood for CNY.
Those that have done and received results, can share if the results are a definite yes/no/inconclusive result?
Mumtobe0813- I saw your postings on other threads. You are so strong to go through your experiences. I also visited Dr Ananda and though it was encouraging, i still did the harmony test with him for peace of mind. Did you do the harmony test too?
KKH offers Harmony tests now, was told it is $1,200
Mumtobe0813- Wow we just a few days apart in our EDD! I am 14 weeks 5 days today. Are you in the Aug 2014 mummies group? I am in the July 2014 mummies group as my EDD is 27 July.
For your info, the harmony test at Dr Ananda costs $1900. I didnt check out many places to compare the prices. I just knew that Gleneagles (where i see my gyae) costs $2100 and some hospitals cost $2400. So when i was making a decision at Dr Ananda's clinic, we just went ahead. Saves time to check with other places too. But since you know KKH is cheap, you can make alternative plans (if you want the test, otherwise just ignore)
Hope you have good results at Dr Ananda and my harmony test results will be fine!
Hi nitrodrops,
The offer applies on walk in preggie? ? Or we need doc reference letter? Cos my gynae is from tmc
Hi mumtobe0813,
Oh we are in the same group! I joined their facebook group but not very active too. I lost my first pregnancy through a miscarriage last year, so hopefully this time it will be ok.
I did an OSCAR test first but they failed to see bb's nasal bone. So even though i passed the blood test and NT, i m categorised as higher risk. So i went to Dr Ananda to do the genetic scan. All the organs are ok but he commented the nasal bone is a little short. So even though he told us everything should be fine till 22nd week detailed scan, we still prefer to have peace of mind by doing the harmony test. So you can say it is our own suggestion/preference.
Nothing to do with age, but my personal preference would still be to do the harmony test. As even if the organs are fine, there could still be a chance of DS babies that they happen to have perfect functioning organs. So I would still like to test the DNA chromosomes via harmony test.
Hi mumtobe0813, how is your scan with Dr Ananda? Is everything ok?
Hi mumtobe0813 can I know if u got ur results on the spot with Prof ananda? How long was the scan and consultation? What length of nasal bone is considered normal? I'm having an appt with him this coming Monday and I'm really nervous. ..
Hi mumtobe0813 I belong to the early 30s age group. by the time my edd, i will be 30 yrs and 23 months. I'm not sure what scan am I going with prof ananda, I just called his clinic after getting my oscar result of 1:438 because I want a second opinion. my NT measurement is 2.8mm was the main concern. My baby has nasal bone measuring 2.6mm. the assistant told me to go for the 14 week scan, which I guess is genetic scan? my appt is coming monday.. i'm really praying everything will be fine..
Yes but u see... my baby nt measurement is almost twice of urs. 2.8vs 1.5. Sigh.
Hi a_mummy,
Thanks for your concern. My bb scan is normal. No markers found in every organ. After hearing prof Ananda consultation, hubby and I decided not to take harmony test. As this blood test is mainly to test down syndrome ONLY. Like autism problem cannot be detected. According to him, there is no reason for a bb to have down syndrome if the scan shown that normal facial feature eg. Normal length and angle of nasal bone. Distance of eyes ok. Usually down syndrome kid has facial defects also. Anyway he still leave the decision on us.
Anyway, how's abt u?? U got your results?
Hi mumtobe0813 I belong to the early 30s age group. by the time my edd, i will be 30 yrs and 23 months. I'm not sure what scan am I going with prof ananda, I just called his clinic after getting my oscar result of 1:438 because I want a second opinion. my NT measurement is 2.8mm was the main concern. My baby has nasal bone measuring 2.6mm. the assistant told me to go for the 14 week scan, which I guess is genetic scan? my appt is coming monday.. i'm really praying everything will be fine..
Hi mumtobe0813, I am very happy for you that you will have a healthy baby after the last experience. My harmony test results came back ok! It was a long torturous wait. For my case, all the organs scan by Prof Ananda was ok but he recorded "abnormal short nasal bone", so we just decided to be kiasu haha. That sense of relief when i got the results was so great and i can FINALLY enjoy the rest of the pregnancy.
Are you having a boy or girl? I am having a girl, which was a nice surprise cos we kept thinking that we are having a boy (genes are stronger for boys for our families).
Hi a_mummy,
Congratulations! What a great news received from u! Now I understand why u need to take harmony test. I think there is a need for u to do esp as parents we won't feel good when bb test report written any parts of body as abnormal. Anyway what a relief yaaa..happy for u too!! So r u doing week 21 detailed scan with prof ananda. For me I will do week 21 detailed scan with prof ananda. As I feel more comfortable with his high precision machine.
Gender of my bb? During my genetic scan, Prof ananda chatted with me on bb gender. I told him I will choose bb health as first priority. He prompted me again if i were to choose gender. Which I prefer. I told him a gal. He paused me with an OPSSSS while he was doing scan. I got shocked by his ops!! Actually he told me he saw 'something' sticking out. Hahahah. A_mummy u know what I meant right. Haha.
Hi mumtobe0813,
I gathered that my bb has my short mini nose haha.. Yes i will be doing the week 21 detailed scan with Dr Ananda. My gyae normally outsource the detailed scan anyway, so i might as well do it with a familiar doc.
Dr Ananda is very cheeky haha. We didnt notice what part he was scanning and he said so remember to ask your daughter to take the school bus and not send her to school yourself next time (to let your children be independent etc). I was so blur and i asked him but i dont have any daughter, this is our first child.. haha. Then it registered that he meant the one in my tummy, cos we were so sure it would be a boy haha. My in laws are very excited cos they do not have any gal in the family for 2 generations haha.
Are you going for any baby fairs? It is so mind boggling that i duno where to start.. there s so many fairs and so many items and so many people!
I just did the genetic scan with Prof ananda today. He found no abnormalities with my baby and the NT he measured was 2.4 which he said was normal. My risk has reduced from 1:438 to 1:1019. So we decided not to proceed any further test. And also he told me my baby is a girl!
Hi mommies, so for your NT scan and detailed scan, instead of going with your usual provider at your obgyn's, you go to Prof Ananda instead? He only does scans?
Hi happysadsillymad,
U r right! I did all my scans with dr ananda. Week 11 nt scan (for me, he checked my baby neck fluid thickness and also his brain in order to exclude any brain deformed) week 14 genetic scan ( to see bb organs ) and I did my week 21 detailed scan with dr ananda. I feel more comfortable with all his scans as he will give u alot of assurance on bb health.
Thks mumtobe0813 for yr reply!
At which scan will he chk for baby features too? Wk 14 or wk 11? Can u kindly share the costs for the scan? Did u hv to relay ur scan results to yr usual obgyn? May I know who yr usual obgyn is?