Gynae review - TMC Dr Tan Kai Lit


New Member
Here to share my experience with Dr Tan Kai Lit from TMC.

Recently gave birth to my firstborn baby girl late Sep 2020. Read many good reviews of Dr Tan online and decided to go with him and I’m glad we did.

He is a very busy man with many patients and that is expected being the Head of the Fetal Assessment and Ultrasound Department, however he still takes his time to explain things to us new parents and never once displayed any signs of being tired from running to and fro TMC and his clinic in TPY. he always brings his cheerful and happy self for every visit.

He explains everything clearly to us and gives us all the viable options to take, so that we can make well informed decisions and know what to expect. We really appreciate this.

At week 36 of my pregnancy, I commented that I felt my baby has decrease fetal movements and he suggested to have me induced at week 37 as it was already a full term pregnancy and we should err to the side of caution as it would be easier to monitor the baby outside than inside the womb. We decided to heed his expert advise and got induced. As we were totally not prepared to deliver 3 weeks in advance, he was very reassuring and answered every last minute questions that we had as well as walk us through the process of how induction would take place.

At the delivery suite itself, he was still very calm and cheerful so as not to add any additional stress to me. He noted that my baby was in distressed and immediately informed our PD to be on standby at the delivery suite. Although we did not get what we wanted of delayed clamping and daddy cutting of the cord, we understood as our baby was in distressed and he kept apologizing to us although it wasn’t his fault and he was just being professional and made the decision that was best in the situation. My episiotomy was also cut diagonally as he wanted to preserve my anus as much as possible and kept reassuring me that it is intact and good.

Had my 6th week postnatal review yesterday and took pictures with Dr Tan and his friendly nurses and it was such an happy event during Covid-19. I’ll definitely go back to Dr Tan again for my second child and I highly recommend him!!
Hi there, mind to share how much roughly was it per consultation and also when giving birth? Can deduct from medisave or full cash?
Congratulations on your baby!

I also had my first baby this year. We decided to go the private route with Dr Regina Ng because we felt it safer to go to a more private clinic than a hospital where there will be many people. It's definitely good to hear such wonderful news despite the current pandemic. Stay safe and healthy! :)
